♔ amusingmurderingmachine || One-shot Request

「rolling like a buffalo one shot request shop」| Busy - Finishing requests | Hiring Writers |

Misako was playing with her bestfriend, in the sandpit. They were throwing sand at eachother, then doubling over in a laughing fit seeing eachother covered with sand. It continued on like that for quite sometime when she saw her bestfriend get up. “I-i-i wanted to tell you s-something, Misako..” Misako merely blinked at him and nodded, urging for him to go on. Her bestfriend's head was lowered, his cheeks flushed red from embarrassment, “I-i-i like you, Misako, do you have same feelings for me?” Misako was only 5 years old, she had no real understanding of what it meant by liking or having feelings for someone. She awkwardly got up from her spot in the sandpit and looked at her bestfriend for a few seconds before walking away. Misako could only think of something like that, she had no idea how to react. She could hear him quietly crying, but her mind told her to keep walking. She had to use every ounce of her willpower to stop herself from running back and helping him.


Misako was now 19 years old, 2nd year of university. Ever since the incident when she was 5 years old she had started to talk less with boys, as time went by and she was in college she had started to avoid them. Misako only had around 10 friends, all of which were girls. When a guy ever tried to approach her she would just excuse herself from the conversation with the same excuse each time; 'Oh sorry, I have to meet up with a teacher' and every single time they would buy it. Misako was always in the corner of the room, trying not to be noticed, her days in college were always like that. She would quietly answer questions if she was asked or else she would sit quietly listening to the proffessor go on about the subject they were teaching.


She was getting through life like a breeze and she quite happy the way she was. She didn't like meeting boys, but it did not effect her in anyway.


Misako was in class, like usual, and was paying attention droan on about the different theories in science. She was jotting down everything she could remember. As she was writing, she realised the class had gone silent and everyone was looking at the young boy standing at the front of class. His hair short and brown, with his massive eyes and his perfect teethy smile. Misako couldn't help herself from letting her eyes wonder on his body and examine his oh-so-beautiful face. Misako, like any other girl, thought that he was quite handsome. I wonder if he's nice or not..Misako mentally face-palmed, she couldn't be thinking things like that. It wasn't even in her nature to like a boy, but something in that boy urged people to talk to him. Maybe it was his smile? Maybe his good looks? She didn't know what it was but something, just that something was urging her to go over to him and talk.


The proffessor's voice boomed through the classroom, telling everyone to quiet down even though it was already quite that you could hear a pin needle drop.


“Now, now students..Please give our new student a warm welcome. Do introduce yourself, child.”


The boy nodded his head excitedly, he showed off his perfect teeth and his eyes did a little twitch. Misako could hear the girls give out 'aww's around the classroom, already drawn into him.


“Hey guys! My name's Park Chanyeol, I love meeting new people and I love talking to everyone. Don't hesitate to talk to me!”


Chanyeol bowed, then waited for the teacher's instructions. The teacher, Ms. Son, smiled at chanyeol and told him to sit wherever he wanted. Chanyeol obeyed and looked around, finding a suitable spot for him to sit. His eyes finally set upon a desk with only one girl, sitting down by herself. Chanyeol happily pointed to the desk he thought was good and said 'that one that one'. No person would've thought that he was 19 years old, nor would they think that he was attending one of the most prestigious college in the whole of seoul. But as they say 'Never judge a book by its cover', everyone would have to wait for him to unveil his intelligence.


Ms. Son nodded her head, “Ah, you want to sit next to Misako? Well, that's good. She's going to finally have someone to sit next to!”' By now, Misako had stopped paying attention but when she heard her name, her ears perked up like a dog's trying to find the source of who called her name. She finally saw Ms. Son smiling at her, she didn't realise why the teacher was looking at her like that until she said, “I hope you enjoy sitting next to Misako, Chanyeol” Misako scrunched up her face in annoyance and glared at the teacher, but quickly averted her eyes before the teacher looked at her.


Chanyeol happily strided over to where she was sitting and looked down at her, Misako was already short enough but sitting down and having such a tall person stand next you was quite intimidating. He stuck out his hand, grinning happily. Misako just nodded her head in response and shifted further away from him. Chanyeol pouted at her, but sat down none the less. He was stealing glances at Misako the whole time in class, Misako had realised but decided to ignore it. He had furrowed his eyebrows, trying to figure out something he didn't quite know but knew it was somewhere in his head. She looks really familiar but I'm not sure who she is and how I know her..


Chanyeol had not paid any attention to the proffessor the whole class, he was too busy trying to figure out who Misako was. He was sure he knew her, but how he didn't know. Though Misako had only been sitting with Chanyeol for around 30 minutes, she had grown used to his random outbursts of clapping or laughing, though it was quite absurd. 

After another 10 minutes, when she finally thought that chanyeol had become some-what sane, he had yet another outburst but it was just alittle bit more enthusiastic than before. 


Misako weirdly eyed Chanyeol, but just shrugged it off. Chanyeol on the other hand was extremely proud of himself, he had finally thought he had found out who Misako was to him. He took out his wallet and stared at the picture, it was picture of him when he was 5 years old with his bestfriend. Chanyeol knew he had to take the chance or else he would never end up asking again. He stuffed his wallet in Misako's face,"Is that you misako?" Misako just stared wide-eyed at the picture. It was the picture of her bestfriend and her, and she had a copy. She looked back and forth from the picture and chanyeol. "T-t-t-that's y-you?" Chanyeol nodded his head excitedly and clapped his hands like a seal. "Y-you were the one that asked me if I liked you?" Chanyeol flushed red from embarrassment, this time his head lowered, "y-yes.." Misako couldn't believe it, she was meeting her childhood bestfriend after so many years and it was in her university. 


Chanyeol looked at Misako, about to ask something when he realised he shouldn't ask. "C-chanyeol...is that really you?" "Yes, that is me, Misako." Chanyeol let out a small laugh. After a few minutes the bell went, misako gathered all her things in her bag and started walking out. Before she could leave, chanyeol grabbed her arm and pulled Misako back. "Wait for me outside, please?" Maybe I should wait for him, I haven't met him for years.. Misako nodded and walked outside and stood by the door, waiting for chanyeol to walk out.


5 minutes later, Misako was still waiting at the door for Chanyeol to come out. She looked inside to see where he was, to see that he was being mobbed by the girl's in the class. Misako rolled her eyes, ready to leave because she was not wanting to wait any longer when chanyeol called out her name and ran up to her. "Hey, I told you to wait, didn't I?" "Well I was, for 5 minutes in fact but you hadn't come out and when I looked inside to see where you were, you were smiling and laughing with all those girls." After answering Chanyeol's question Misako started walking away again, but Chanyeol grabbed her by the waist, turned her around and pulled her into a hug. "Yah Misako, you aren't leaving me again..never again." Misako didn't try to resist, she had to admit over the years she had missed chanyeol. Quite Alot. She took in his scent and just rested her head on his chest. She remembered hugging him like this when they were younger, she had missed it because his hugs were different. They were special. "I-i won't..I promise..." 


She could feel Chanyeol grin, and she felt happy being with him. He rested his head on top of Misako's, "I missed you.." Misako looked up at Chanyeol, got on her tip toes and whispered in his ear, "I missed you too." 

Author's Note

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OH MA GAH. I Hope you like it! ^^ I hope it's fluffy enough for you. hurhur. If you don't like it, you can ask for another one any time 8D but yeah
LOL. Thanks for requesting! ^-^ But please next time could you please comment not pm me, thankyou!


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Name: jj_juppal18

Picture link for your profile:http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/35300000/Jooyeon-and-Nana-after-school-35311640-500-300.jpg

How many requests can you do a week?: Just 1 for now..

Genre: Yuri, Romance, Sad, Angst

Idols: EXO, After School Nana&Jooyeon, SNSD, BAP, Infinite

Introduction: Annyeonghaseyo, peeps...
Free to talk but I may reply late...
I do all requests except OCs....
Name: Jesska

Picture link for your profile: http://i1174.photobucket.com/albums/r611/alwaysme96/Fanfic2/ZicoGIF2_zpse7793dc3.gif

How many requests can you do a week?:

Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy,

Idols: B2ST's Doojoon and Junhyung.... BAP... EXO's Kris and Baekhyun, Infinite's Woohyun and Myungsoo, Block-B's Zico and UKwon... and many more >.<

Introduction: Hey everyone!!! Been in AFF for almost 3 Years now. I may not be the best, but I'm improving !b Always looking for new and different plots to write so request away!! <3
Name: Ling

Picture link for your profile: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_opyX3BZCio/Tn1ZcvEPNdI/AAAAAAAAHrI/NlQr6cE2-wA/s1600/minah138.jpg

How many requests can you do a week?: Hm, around 1-3~

Genre: All, but I'm better with fluff.

Idols: Every single idol out there, ㅋㅋ.

Introduction: I'm niceu and don't bite. (◉◞౪◟◉) Friendly. Introvert, but crajeeh fangull. Always free to talk, don't be shy to request from me! Oh, and I love peacock. °ω°
IloveInfinite7 #4
Chapter 1: Main Characters: Jung Daehyun(BAP)/PArk Hyunmi (OC)

Minor Characters: BAP

Plot: Their school has a singing competition for couples on Valentine Day and the participants have to be a pair to join. Daehyun and Hyunmi - two biggest queenka and kingka, has been enemies since they were still freshman, both want to win. But have to obey the rules so end up being a fake couple. When they have to act like lovers, Hyunmi started to have real feelings for him instead.

Ending: They being boyfriend and girlfriend!

Theme/Genre :Comedy, fluff

Which person do you want to write your story?:

Extras: Thankyou♥!
Main characters; Lee minhyuk and Min =w=
plot; Min and Minhyuk were bestfriends, He always liked Min ever since they met and became bestfriends,White day came and Minhyuk decided to confess to her..and yeah xDD
Ending; sfhsljags; I just want them together in the end~ xD
Theme/Genre; fluffy,comedy
Which person do you want to write the story? ..
extras; thank you in advance ;w;
I just want to notify you that ive changed my username from alexsmile101 to hansollover if you need this in anything :)
Chapter 6: IT'S SO PERFECT!
now please excuse me
i have some tears to shed
Chapter 5: i die. i just- i. FEELS. OCEAN OF FFFEEEELLLSSS. OMFG. THIS IS SO FLUFFY and cute and adorable I CANNOT. ugh. it's like a fluffy plush doll that was given to you. THANK YOU~!!!