Chapter 2

Just Classmates

See you tomorrow. That could mean anything right? No he’ll see me tomorrow, he’s going to see me every day this semester. Kyungsoo thought to himself. He didn’t want to think too much of that comment. He didn’t want to work himself up. That was always Kyungsoo’s problem. Whenever someone showed the slightest interest in him he would immediately cling to them. Not clingy in a possessive way, but more like he wouldn’t stop thinking about that person. The butterflies in his stomach were already forming and he could feel his stomach turning at the thought of Jongin. Why though? He liked girls. Though he couldn’t deny that Jongin was extremely attractive, he had never had feelings for another boy before. Maybe he just felt giddy because someone was actually paying attention to him. Whatever the case was, this new boy who Kyungsoo barely knew was already causing him to question his uality. Great.

The next few days were actually pretty normal. Every morning Kyungsoo would wake up, shower, do his hair, eat, and leave. His first class was honors calculus. It’s a bad habit and Kyungsoo is well aware of it, but the word “punctual” would be the worst way to describe him. Every day class started at 10:00am on the dot. And every single day, Kyungsoo always managed to be late. It’s just one of those unsolved mysteries that not even Kyungsoo could explain. Sure he may be a slow walker, but he just has a slight problem with time management.

Because he was always late, he was forced to sit in the back of the classroom. Normally, students flock to the back of the class on the first day. You can literally get away with doing almost anything when you sit in the back corner of the class. Texting, eating, hell even sleeping and the professors never call you out on it. Especially when you’re a quiet student like Kyungsoo, he could’ve easily gotten away with all that . Though Kyungsoo never did any of those things, he was well aware that almost everyone around him did. However, since the professor was soft spoken, it was mandatory to sit in the front.

His calculus professor was small, timid, and balding. His voice was always shaky like he was nervous. That or maybe it was because he was as old as Kyungsoo’s great-grandmother. His bright floral vacation shirts made its debut every day and each day was a different color. Sometimes he would go all crazy and wear a multi-colored shirt of bright reds, greens, blues, hell there was probably every obnoxious color on there. But nonetheless he was a good professor, even if Kyungsoo didn’t know his name.

The students were like drones and machines. No one talked. No one even moved during lecture. The only sound in the class besides the professor’s voice was pencil led burning aggressively against the students’ notebooks. However, there were two particular boys who had caught Kyungoo’s attention. They sat in front of him. Just like in his astronomy class, the desks were arranged so that each desk was a two seater. And to Kyungsoo’s surprise, someone was sitting next to him. Not that she chose to sit next to him, but it was really the only spot open in the room due to his tardiness. Kyungsoo snuck a glance at the girl next to him found that she was small, petite, and average looking. Her hair was long and silky and neatly parted off to the side. Though she had a bit of acne on her face, she seemed actually kind of pretty. Though she paid no attention to Kyungsoo just like every other girl he had ever encountered with.

Kyungsoo darted his eyes back to the two boys in front of him. They didn’t speak to each other, but they seemed alive compared to the rest of the people in the class. One boy was tall, like really tall. Kyungsoo had a hard time looking past the boy to see the board and often had to lean to the side to catch a glimpse of the professor. His hair was dark and went in all different directions. It was messy, but it was an attractive messy. It worked for him. He leaned back against his chair with his legs spread apart. Hee seemed pretty laid back and gave off that vibe of “I know how to do this why am I wasting my time.” Unlike everyone else, he didn’t take any notes and his paper was completely blank. Though Kyungsoo couldn’t actually see his paper, the boy hadn’t picked up his pencil once. However, the boy next to him was a different story. He was shorter and Kyungsoo noted he should try to sit behind him next time so he could see the damn white board. His back was hunched over his desk and looked as though he was taking rigorous notes. Oddly though, the boy didn’t even look at the board. He never lifted his head to even see what the professor was writing. Eventually, the boy put his pencil down and passed his notebook to the tall boy next to him, to which the taller boy let out a quiet chuckle before picking up his pencil.

What stumped Kyungsoo was that the shorter boy put his hand on the taller boy’s lap, rubbing his thumb here and there as if…as if they were couples.

Kyungsoo was in no way shape or form a homophobe, hell he was also stumped about his own uality. Friends do that right? Maybe girls do, but do friends show that kind of affection nowadays?

Kyungsoo continued to trail his thoughts during lecture. He watched the couple in front of him…that’s if they were a couple. Throughout class they would play thumb wars, poke each other at the sides, and they would even punch each other like they were boxing. It was surprising how the professor didn’t notice them screwing around for an hour and a half. The more Kyungsoo watched, the more he wanted a relationship like that. He wanted someone to screw around with. He wanted to just be care free for once and not have to keep to himself all the time.

“Alright that just about wraps it up in today’s lesson. Tomorrow we’re doing group work so don’t be late!” the professor says while erasing the whiteboard.

Kyungsoo just sat for a minute, watching everyone as they leave and pack up. He mostly wanted to wait for the room to clear out a bit, but he also wanted to not so stalkishly watch the two boys that sat in front of them. He just wanted to see how they acted outside of class…to see if they were a couple or if they were just really friendly with each other.

He didn’t even need to wait to get out of class though. The taller boy reached out for the other boy’s hand and interlocked their fingers as they packed up their bags.

“Yah you take so long to pack up. Hurry up.” The taller boy remarked. He started flailing his arm with the shorter boy’s hand still in his.

“If you stop doing that then maybe I’d pack up faster. I can only do so much with one hand.” The shorter boy complained.

“Oh that sounds dirty Baekhyun. You know you always have me if you ever nee-“

“Yah!” Baekhyun yelled as he threw a piece of trash in the taller boy’s face. “I don’t need help Chanyeol. If you don’t get your head out of the gutter, you’ll be the one needing help once I’m through with you.” Baekhyun responded.

“Ohhh I think I’ll take up your offer on that.” Chanyeol smirked as he leaned closer to Baekhyun, nudging him on the shoulder with his.

“You’re such a ert.”

“Only for you.” Chanyeol giggled. They both stood up once they were done packing and headed for the door, still holding hands. Baekhyun lagged behind a bit making sure his bag was closed all the way. Chanyeol impatiently tugged him hard and let go of his hand only to throw his arm around his shoulders, pulling the shorter boy closer to him.

I knew it. Kyungsoo smiled to himself.


Continuing the day, the next classes on his schedule were music theory, art, and astronomy. With mostly just GE classes, he figured that this semester would go smoothly. Easy classes, light homework, what more could he ask for?

Music theory and art were seriously a joke. Hell, a fish could pass this class with an A. The basics of these two classes were: Attend every class, pay attention, and try your best. As long as you were breathing and came to class, there’s no way anyone could fail these two classes.

Astronomy was a different story however. Sure, the same fish could take this class and receive an A just by breathing as well. But there was one problem that kept distracting Kyungsoo. His name was Jongin. Every day, Kyungsoo sat alone. And every day, Jongin would sit directly behind him. And every ing five minutes, Jongin would kick Kyungsoo’s chair. And it wasn’t one of those light kicks that you accidentally do when you want to stretch your legs. No, it was a full blown hard kick. It made Kyungsoo jump every time he felt his chair vibrate. Sometimes Kyungsoo would hear Jongin quietly laughing to himself. Other times when Jongin wasn’t kicking his chair, he would throw small pieces of trash on his desk. It was those little annoying pieces of paper that you rip off when you tear out a piece of notebook paper that Jongin would throw at him. By the end of class, sometimes Kyungsoo’s desk would be littered with trash. Whenever Jongin started doing either of these, Kyungsoo will turn around, glare, and ask to stop.

“Can you please stop?” Kyungsoo would ask politely. And each time he asked to stop, Jongin would always reply with some smart comment.

“My legs are too long I can’t help it.” After a minute Jongin would kick his chair…again.

“What? It’s Taemin not me. You really think I would bother you?”


“Your chair is too close to my desk.”


“I keep aiming for the trash and it lands on your desk it’s not my fault your desk is positioned in front of the bin.”

Kyungsoo was not one for confrontation. In fact he hated confrontation. He hates it when he has to speak up and be assertive. He doesn’t want to come off as an , so surely staying quiet and reserved is the best way to go right? Probably not, but that’s how Kyungsoo was. He would rather be picked on than speak up for himself. Finally one day during class, Jongin kept kicking Kyungsoo’s and this day marked his breaking point.

He turned around and glared. He opened his mouth to say something, but all that came out was hot air. He was paralyzed. What could he say to that beautiful face? He wanted to tell him to off, but he also wanted Jongin to like him.

Jongin just smirked like he knew he wanted him to stop tormenting him during class. His hands were tucked underneath his neck and it was almost as if he was doing…aegyo. He just looked cute and innocent and Kyungsoo took a moment to appreciate his face. How could I be mad at him? He’s a prick but he’s so damn cute.

Jongin tilted his head, still smiling. Kyungsoo shifted his eyes over to Taemin, who was acting like he didn’t even notice Kyungsoo’s eyes glaring at him. His eyes returned to Jongin and felt another damn kick to his chair. He mouthed the word stop. Jongin just shrugged his shoulders and continued smiling. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and faced forward in his chair. He waited for the next kick. Seconds ticked by. Seconds became minutes and there was nothing.

Did I actually get him to stop this time?

Kyungsoo for once was able to enjoy the video. It was on his favorite part of astronomy; black holes and quasars. It was pure fascination for Kyungsoo. The video captivated him and he was finally forgetting the prick that sat behind him. The class really only involved watching videos, but Kyungsoo didn’t care if there was lecture or not. The video itself was fascinating.

“What really happens when someone gets into a blackhole?” The narrator asked. Kyungsoo stared at the video and was curious about the topic and really hoped he wouldn’t get disturbed during this part.


It was Kyungsoo’s breaking point. Surely someone else noticed in the class that this flower boy was tormenting him.

He slammed his hands on the desk and stormed out of the class. He just needed some air and time to clear his thoughts. Kyungsoo rarely got mad. He’s only gotten mad twice in his life. Once when he caught his moms favorite apron on fire while cooking and another time where he couldn’t beat the ending to a video game. But this time, it was personal.

Outside the classroom and hallway, there was a balcony that over looked the city. It was peaceful and quiet and the sunset had a calming effect. Kyungsoo didn’t care if it was cold; he just wanted a minute to calm down. He opened the door and walked toward the edge of the balcony and leaned against the edge gazing out into the city.

“That god damn, it’s like he’s out to get me or something.” Kyungsoo mumbled to himself. He ran his fingers through his hair as he took a deep breath. He closed his eyes as he exhaled, feeling a little more at peace.

“What are you doing out here it’ freezing.” A voice called from behind. Kyungsoo turned around and it was him again. This time when Kyungsoo saw him, all his anger and frustration was suddenly gone and giddiness started to overcome him. Maybe it was because of the way Jongin’s hair glistened under the balcony light. Or maybe it was because he was wearing his black winter coat (which was Kyungsoo’s favorite.) Or maybe it was because of his smile. Or maybe it was just…everything.

“I…uhm… I came out for some air. You really pissed me off to be honest. I keep asking you to stop, why do you torment me during class? I haven’t even done anything to you.”

“I know.” Jongin smirked. He perched himself next to Kyungsoo and leaned his back against the railing. Kyungsoo squeezed the railings with his hands to keep himself calm.

“What do you mean you know? That doesn’t answer anything.”

“I think it’s fun to be honest. You’re really cute on how you pretend like I’m not doing anything. I was beginning to wonder if it even bothered you. I was actually kinda surprised when you stormed out earlier.” Jongin chuckled. His eyes were focused on Kyungsoo, which made him feel self-conscious.

He thinks I’m…cute?

“Look just…please. Stop. I actually like this class and you’re making it really hard for me.” Kyungsoo pleaded.


“….Good? I don’t even know you why-“ Kyungsoo begged, though cut off.

“So why don’t we get to know each other better?” Jongin said as he moved a bit closer while turning around, gazing at the city along with the other boy.

“Um, excuse me?” Kyungsoo said taken back a bit. He didn’t like to admit it, but his heart was pounding a hundred times faster than normal. He wanted to run around singing “I Got a Boy” while throwing confetti. It felt as though he had won the lottery or some . Even though Jongin is a boy, Kyungsoo already knew he could easily fall for him.

“You heard me. Let’s get to know each other better. Then maybe I’ll stop tormenting you during class.”

“What if I refuse?” Kyungsoo asked softly.

“If you refuse... then enjoy a semester of non-stop tormenting. I’m thinking of new ways to annoy you during class. Wanna hear them? I thought of this really good one the other night actually and it’s seriously hilarious.” Jongin said as he started laughing at his own thoughts.

“Fun for you maybe,” Kyungsoo retorted. “Fine, well what do you want to do then?”

“Have lunch with me tomorrow.” Jongin replied almost instantaneously.

Thump thump thump thump thump. Oh he wants to have lunch with me…? ME?

Kyungsoo tried to put his hand over his chest slyly, just to make sure his heart wasn’t going to beat out of his chest.

“Uhh okay sure. Where do you want to meet?” Kyungsoo responded awkwardly. His voice was a bit shaky and tried to control it as best as he could.

“Meet me in the cafeteria tomorrow at noon.” The taller boy said as he turned around, heading back to class. Kyungsoo just gazed at the boy as he walked towards the balcony door, admiring even the way he walked. “Oh and come alone.” He winked as he closed the door behind him.

Kyungsoo had to remember to blink and inhaled another deep breath trying to calm himself down again. He thought about that last comment. Come alone. Kyungsoo took a minute to think about that.

“Who the hell would I bring?” he mumbled to himself as he made his way back to class.




before anything, don't you all agree that's the cutest ing gif of kyungsoo ever??!!?11 seriously what a cute little  


here's a new chapter (obviously). Honestly, it looks like it's a lot on the word document, but when I actually go to post it, it looks like i didnt write much OTL. 

Anyway, I actually had a little fun writing this chapter. I kind of like making Kai seem like hes bratty or something. Kai is a special snowflake. 

On stage: s, hip s, lip biting/lip wipe, face, face, everything u want in a man in the bedroom

off stage but on camera: shy as hell. like seriously, i watched one of the radio shows they did and he like didnt say anything unless he was spoken to LOL. you cute lil you

off stage: id imagine he's a smart little tbh. he's prolly like a kyuhyun or a taemin or some like that. the evil maknae but not the maknae. 


anyway sorry about that little rant lol. i got really into writing the baekyeol part i seriously think they fit each other perfectly.

ok my eyes hurt and im gonna go to bed  sit on the computer for another 4 hours doing absolutely nothing even though i have a splitting headache. college vacay ftw.

oh and PLEASE COMMENT,  I love your comments even though I dont get that many huhruhruhr

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kwonkpopking #1
Chapter 6: I just read this now and I'm now sad af because the last time you updated was like 2 years ago and I know I don't have hope for another chapter any time soon
T-araFans #2
Chapter 6: SO That why Jongin came into Kyungsoo...
Nice update...
Pleaase update soon...
Waitforit #3
Chapter 6: Oh my god this is so funny. Jongin you lil' . How can you agree to make a bet with sehun?
resham98 #4
Chapter 6: I really loved it !!! Awesome writing :)
Please update soon :)
Chapter 6: psml I love this
T-araFans #6
Chapter 5: Jongin is really crazy...
Nice update...
Please update soon...
digindeeper #7
Chapter 5: i can't believe i just discovered this fic! i love it, and the baekyeol side pairing is absolutely perfect :D
wakoiau #8
Chapter 5: WT actual F!! JOngin !! hahahaahh
Chapter 5: Jongin you dumb hahahahaha you put kyung In trouble
12011401 #10
Chapter 5: jongin hahaha