Busan Sky

The boy is mine

"aishh, why isn't that man answering" Chaerin yelled out loud, she has been trying to get a hold of Jiyong  for a while, but he hasn’t been picking up. "Where could that man be? What could he be doing?" she thought to herself as she dialled his number once again." Aigoo, where are you Jiyong-ah" she yells to herself. Then it suddenly hits her “SANDARA" that name kept ringing in her head, which gave her a big headache. That’s it where else could he be when he is not with her, Chaerin collapsed down on her bed with a sigh of disappointment. She was imagining about every possible thing they could be doing together, but what killed her the most was, that thought, included no clothes. She couldn't take it anymore; she jumped out of bed, quickly got ready, grabbed her car keys and drove off. Not knowing where she was going or who she wanted to talk to, but she knew, she had to do something to find Jiyong.

For a while she found herself driving further and further away. She couldn’t concentrate on driving at all; her head’s been filled with the thought of Jiyong with that . She knows she doesn’t have the right to chase or get jealous. She’s the other woman after all, but the thought of him with that made her stomach hurl and her blood boil. Without realising she came to a stop, it seems like she lost control of her own body, like it took her to Jiyong’s place on its own free will. She stayed in her car and looked around for a while, she felt like a total stalker; sneaking around his pace like this. All she needed were a pair of binoculars, big pair of glasses and a scarf around her head, she’ll be the perfect stereotype of a stalker then. Before deciding to step out of the car, she dug her hands in the pocket of her jeans and searched for her phone. He still hasn’t replied yet, she sent him another message; not caring what he’ll think, she was basically spamming him with all these messages. She probably called more than 10 times and she lost count of her text messages. Chaerin was frustrated, worried and sad at the same time. She heaved a huge sigh and walked closer to his front door. This was now or never. She didn’t care whether he was in there with her. All she knew was that she needed to see his face.



Without any hesitation she banged the door countless of times. Every time her wrist hit the door, she felt the anger growing, like a fire in her heart, burning intensely. With full strength she smashed the door with both her hands, she battered it as hard as she could, and she could almost see Dara’s face through every pound. She had that little hope that he will open the door and pull her into his arms like he used to, but she knew he wouldn’t. How could he just use her like this, she thought everything was great. He left her house and everything felt complete then. What happened?  



With her hands swelling and bruised from all the beating it received from the door, Chaerin finally gave up. She was a strong girl, stronger than most, but Jiyong has this special power that crushes all the strength she had in her. He’s the only one capable of doing that. She doesn’t fall for anyone easily but when she does, she falls hard. She falls so hard that if that person doesn’t catch her,  it would break her into pieces.  Tears slowly ran down her face, she tried so hard to hold it in but it hurt so bad. In the midst of tears, she still tried so hard to fight the pain. She managed to prevent the tears from falling, it was painful though. She felt her chest closing in and it was getting harder and harder to breath. There was a stinging pain in her heart.



Chaerin didn't know what she could do now, she didn't know where they were or what they were doing. She sat down on the stairs near his apartment door, with her head resting on her hands." Yah, Chaerin-ah, don’t cry. Don’t ever cry for him. Your tears are like a precious diamond, no one deserves it. Come on, be strong. You’re happier by yourself remember?' she mumbled as she tried so hard to encourage herself. She sat there looking at the ground, her beautiful eyes filled with anger, for a moment it seemed like fire was dancing around in her eyes. She wasn’t giving up without a fight. She would never cry, she had to win, she knows that she has to. She thought deeply, wondering what she would do next. Then it sprung up in her mind, “Omo, how stupid am I?!” She suddenly chuckled to herself as she realized that Jiyong gave her a key to his apartment. She ran over to her car, dug into her hand bag and found the keys.


With that excitement growing in her heart, she opened his door. She knew no one was there but she called out for him anyway; Jiyong was a heavy sleeper after all. “Jiyongie, Ji.” She said as she peered her head through every door of the rooms. She finally gave up as she realised he wasn’t home. He was certainly with her. She went in his kitchen and grabbed herself something to drink. She decided to stay there and clean his apartment for him. She enjoyed doing that, she felt like his wife. She knew it was something that would never do. She probably hasn’t seen a broom in her life anyway. 



Chaerin was exhausted after 2 hour and half of clearing Jiyong’s place. She swept, vacuumed, mopped, dusted, changed his sheets and even did his laundry for him. That was the least she could do for him. She tossed herself onto the couch to relax her body for a while. It was a habit of hers to cook or clean whenever she was feeling sad or angry. She liked to put those emotions to good use. She peered around in his cupboard and giggled a little. He was running out of things so she decided to head out to the nearby shop.


She brought everything he might need; vegetables, eggs, meat and other necessity. She also arranged it neatly in his fridge and cupboard. She felt proud of herself then. All of a sudden his phone rang which caused Chaerin to panic. She didn’t know whether or not to pick it up so, she decided to let it be and just listen to the voice mail. She came over to his phone, to have a listen to the message. It was Seungri, he was a friend of Chaerin's as well but she had a feeling that if Seungri found out, he would become one of her foes. He was pretty close to Dara after all. She carried on listened to the message anyway. With the nerve in her heart, she pressed the button with heavy arms. She cringed, her eyes half way closed as if Seungri was right in front of her, scolding her

“Yo! Wassup hyung?! I know you’re probably gone now right? Was the flight this morning? Anyway, I hope you and Dara noona enjoy your time there. Don’t be too naughty, aye aye. And take care of her hyung. I would seriously smash you if you hurt her, I swear hyung. Don’t make her cry again. And you gotta hook me up with your good friend Chaerin, hahaha. But anyway have a good time in Busan. Saranghae hyung!!”

Chaerin chuckled at his comment. She knew he had the hots for her, from all the sticky stares he’s been giving her. Oh silly guy, if I had only met him first I would’ve liked him. He’s a great guy and not to mention, he’s very, hmm, what’s the word? Hot? But moreover she was overjoyed that she finally knew where they were.  Without any second thoughts, she called up her assistant to book a flight to Busan on her private jet. Amazing what fame, influence and money could provide.



With a snap of a finger, she was in a private plane in her Givenchy shirt wearing her Chanel glasses being pampered in her own private jet. Anyone would kill to be in her shoes; she crawled, climbed, ran and strived to be in this spot. She took off her sunglasses and peered through the window of the jet plane. When she was younger, Chaerin remembered looking up at the sky, and wondering how it would be like to be next to the clouds. She dreamt of soaring up high. She felt content and happy that she fulfilled her dream.  She liked to think that her love was like a sky. The season’s may change and happiness may slowly fade into memories but the sky will always be there, unchanging; always watching over everyone else. She checked her mobile phone once again hoping that he replies with at least one message. To her dismay, there was still nothing. It killed her, watching him become happy with someone else. It’s too late now, if only she had met him beforehand. But then again, Chaerin wouldn’t have dared to speak to him back then. She was in a low state. She lost her trust in the world and she forgot what love meant. She resented everyone; even her family. Her family, who exchanged their own, just for money. Her family, who left her to be broken and used. She never looked back ever since. She was afraid to love because she was afraid of getting hurt. But ironically here she was again; loving someone who she knows will hurt her. Chaerin watched the clouds some more as she gave off a bitter smile. That thin wispy cotton like cloud being blown in the high winds. She imagined she was flying, pushed away all her worries as she watched the clouds pass by.


Due to her deep exhaustion from her busy morning, Chaerin dozed off to sleep as she was receiving a massage from her personal masseuse in the plane. They have already landed in Busan when she woke up. Through her connections, she managed to find out which hotel Jiyong was staying at. She suddenly felt that sense of sadness that longed for him. It’s been a few days since she’s seen him after all. After she organized her room and all her things, Chaerin stepped out of her jet and walked along the corridors of the Busan airport. She wandered around for a while, walking around thinking to herself. She didn’t care about all the paparazzis following her around. She just kept her head down, with nothing else in her mind but Jiyong. She peered to crowd and wondered where he was. She thought of nothing more, she only thought of him; whether he was safe out there and what could he be doing. She walked with her feet aching; time had no meaning to her anymore. Her heart was broken and she didn’t have any time for anything else. She pushed back all her TV guestings, interviews, photo-shoots and other projects. She sees his face wherever she went, she hears his voice softly in the wind. Maybe she is one crazy woman, she shrugged that thought off of her head.

She went on like that for half an hour till she realized she had to finally check in. She was accommodated by the staff of the hotel personally since she was good friends with Hyorin, the owner of the hotel resort.  The vast blue ocean looked so beautiful and the fresh wind of Busan blew through her hair. It was all so beautiful. Busan was an enchanting place filled with its beautiful beaches and welcoming people but Chaerin couldn’t enjoy it all.



When she reached her room, she was mesmerized by its elegance.  Her room was one of the best in this five star hotel, with its own bathroom and personal Jacuzzi, her room was a classical feminine room suited for her own style, with its red and gold colour motif. Every aspect of the room seemed to have been done carefully with each and every tiles covered with artistic, silver and gold lining on the marble. Her bed was fit for a queen, having its gold frame work that contrasted the deep red rose sheets covered with rose embroideries. The view outside of the window was also breathtaking, capturing not only the beautiful city of Busan but also the beautiful surroundings around it. Needless to say, it was perfect, just perfect; it had a functional layout and quiet location with views of the beautiful lights and the green surrounding. It was light, classic and functional. Chaerin suddenly felt that loneliness rush in her being. Yes, she was in a beautiful place and a perfect room but she was missing that one person that could bring that happiness she truly needed. She wasn’t superficial, being in a beautiful place was just  temporary happiness. The truth was she was never going to feel truly happy if Jiyong wasn’t there. She missed him so much.


When the night fell, Chaerin decided to go for a stroll just to unwind. There were a lot of tourists at the bay near the beach going for a walk. Everyone wearing beautiful bikinis, it may seem odd but Chaerin felt embarrassed to be walking around. She might be living a glamorous life of a celebrity and have posed in countless of magazines in her bikini but she still felt conscious to be walking around in public wearing it. She didn’t want to wear it but at the same time, she also didn’t want to seem rigid. She chose to wear a simple white pair of bikini with its vintage design, the classic Marilyn Monroe , high wasted bikini. The low plunging near the chest extenuated her cleavage which made the swim suit seem provocative. She felt her cheeks burn as she looked at herself from the bathroom mirror. To make it less revealing she put on a sarong. The sarong complimented her busty figure. She even wore the leigh flowers that the chambermaid of her suite brought over earlier. She was happy at what looked back at her from the mirror. The flowers were beautiful. She’s very much in love with flowers, with almost every kind of flowers.


She walked around the bay for a while, not minding all the glances she received from the entire male tourist; their eyes popped out of admiration. She felt her cheeks growing warm; she was never comfortable with all the attention. She portrayed confidence within herself but she never used it to show off. She went over the bar and ordered a fruit punch. She looked around at the sky and back again at the view of the beautiful resort. Even the buildings were made carefully, it was breath taking. Just as she was looking at the beautiful hotel buildings, something caught her attention from the balcony of one of the hotel top floor. She could’ve sworn she saw the right people, it wasn’t just a figure of her imagination.


Chaerin quickly hid behind one of the bush in front of that room. Her heart sank, she felt like collapsing then. She knew she had no right to be hurt, she knew it all too well but she couldn’t help it. Life was so unfair; life was so sad and lonely for Chaerin.  Most people would ask, what is it like being the other woman? How does it feel like? To Chaerin being the other woman made her feel empty because she doesn’t have Jiyong all to herself but she can’t move on either. It was like a limbo...a lonely Limbo. She never felt smug rather she felt guilt. She feels as if her life is passing her by...while she waits for...what? To be honest, the girlfriend will always figure out something’s up, and if push comes to shove...most "other" women will draw the short straw so to speak. If Jiyong was going to leave his girlfriend for her...he would have done it long ago. Reality bites sometimes but Chaerin knew she had the right and the power to change all that. When she wants something, she will never give up till it’s in her grasp.


Chaerin felt like her brown eyes were turning an even darker shade of brown as she stared at that girl. That disgustingly beautiful girl.  She looked from my stringy blond hair to her beautiful waves of brown locks. Her teeth clenched and if it had been possible, her eyes would have seared holes through her, no through both of them.  As much as it pained her to admit, they looked perfect in each other’s arms, with the light from the moon reflecting at their affection for each other. She couldn’t stand the sight of her with her bright smile and perfectly flawless face with the man she loved. She curled her fist into a ball filled with anger as tears stream down her face. She wanted to kill that , no for a fact she wanted to hurt them both for putting her through this pain. “Park Sandara, trust me this isn’t over, you’ll regret everything from today on. Tears for tears and blood for blood.Get ready to taste the bitter tears as I have.” Chaerin cursed as she stared into Dara’s eyes which were now locked on hers. Sandara's eyes were filled with awe, surprise, fear and anger ,since she had spotted Chaerin.



Pardon  any errors.

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Great Job Authornim 👍👍👍
I read many comments that they said they were hate this ff bcoz of the characters. C'mon can't you just focus on the story rather than just to the people who will be the couple at the end. You might be sad, but hate? I think it's too much.
ImSandara #3
Chapter 28: I thought it was daragon.... So sad...
babyda #4
Chapter 28: Ok, I'm not finish yet..but i want say something too..i love Skydragon coz i feel many sensation with this couple. Excite, intimate, lust, hot, eager emotions. They can be pure or bold couple. But, not Daragon (Dara juz to pure) to me. I hve no sense or feeling (no excitement) this couple. They juz like Noona & donseng/brother. Maybe, i'm not into Noona & young boy relationship. But, i can accept Darayang (feel them) they two juz pure haha..yes, i more into personality i think. I ship them based on character/personality. Skydragon my ultimate ship..but also Ririn, Darayang, Hyukchae, Topbom & Daemin ^^
babyda #5
I don't know this story yet..but I'm here for SKYDRAGON......!
jessicabyun #6
Chapter 4: I stop reading it..cuz i thought its going to be daragon....but sadly not...
Craycraydee #7
Chapter 28: Honestly, i find chaerin and jiyong as the gender counterparts of each other. I feel like involving them in a romantic relationship seems like to me, you know what i'm saying? Kekeke maybe that's the reason why i can't seem to like any skydragon fan fics. They're like literally like siblings to me! But i like the story, i know where dara is getting the fire to fight for the one she loves and i have to be upfront, in the first few chapters i find dara's character here as a disappointment to womanhood. She was just so pathetic but then as the story progresses, i learn how the character tried to win the battle where she obviously knows she's going to lose. She's a real fighter. But I mean if someone tries to cheat behind your back that means you lack something or he's not happy with you anymore. With these signs, dara should have left jiyong already but i'm kinda glad she didn't because if she did, there won't be any story, keuchi? Kekeke thank you for the lovely piece authornim, hwaiting!
Chapter 4: Lee chaerin !!! you !!
MySweetMedusa #9
Chapter 20: I dont know why but i really hate this story. It really hurt to finish it. It supposed to be daragon ! Authornim,,, im hurting here . Why it must CL be the . U must put kiko . Bcuz it will ruin chaera friendship. Kiko suit the character most.
lovely011 #10
Chapter 28: I dont like the story i want daragon