Who exactly is he?

The Mysterious Notes


"Your smile is the brightess thing I have ever seen"

      -Mr. Mystery

 ??? POV

I saw her open her locker and read the note that I slipped in.  I was so glad I didn't put it in the wrong locker.


Your POV

I threw the note in the nearest trashcan and just walked away.  Like seriously, I don't have time for these jokes.  But then again, who would play a joke on me.  I mean like nobody even knows me.  I just shrugged it off, took my books, and went to the rooftop for the remaining of the lunch.  


Mr Mysterious's POV

I saw her throw away the note at the trashcan.  Why why WHYYY?!?!  It took me forever to even decide whether to put that note in.  I went to the trashcan and picked the note up.  Fine I'll keep it.  But I won't give up....


Your POV

I opened the door to the rooftop and felt a nice breeze hit my face.  I love going up to the rooftop.  It was always so quiet and peaceful.  Nobody even comes up here so it was nice to relax and not to worry about anything.  Another reason why i liked it up here was because I had found a secret doorway when I was eating lunch before.  I walked to the edge of the roof and was about to jump off when I heard a voice.


I felt myself being pulled back onto the rooftop.  I waited for the impact of the ground to come but instead I felt something soft and squishy under me.  I quickly looked and saw Changjo looking at me like I was a crazy lunatic. 

"What the heck?  Why did you pull me?  You know how dangerous that is?  One small move and you could've got hurt," I whispered.

"What do you mean me getting hurt? You were gonna jump off the building and you tell me that I was gonna get hurt! ARE YOU CRAZY!" His voice was getting louder and louder with every word he said.

"What are you talking about?  I wasn't gonna jump off the building."

"But I saw you trying to jump off," Changjo said pointing to the ledge.

I chuckled.  

"Silly.  I wasn't gonna jump off.  I was....."

Hold on.  If I tell him that about the secret doorway, it won't be a secret anymore.  

"Welll...." Changjo was glaring at me with his arms crossed, waiting for my explanation.

"Ummm I......" I looked around, trying to think of a good idea.  Just then the bell rang.  THANK YOU BELL.  I LOVE YOU FOREVER.

"Welll will you look at that.  TIme to get to class haha."  I got my books quickly and ran down to the next class.


Changjo's POV

Well thanks for leaving me here, all worried.  I slowly stood up and made my way to the door.  Why was she gonna jump off?  Was it because school?  Did something happen to her?  Why is she making me worried?


Your POV

Good thing I don't have classes with Changjo for the rest of the day.  I wouldn't be able to explain the secret doorway.  He might think I'm crazy or something.  Who would be talking about secret doorways these days.  I decided not to worry about it and entered the classroom.  I found my seat at the corner near the window and sat down.  The classroom was still so loud since the teacher wasn't here yet.  

I heard the door slam open and thought it was the teacher so I quietly took my stuff out to prepare for the class.  Everyone turned quiet.  Never underestimate a teacher's power.  I heard footsteps heading towards me.

"Cho Hee-shi.  I would like a word with you~"













I looked up to see Changjo standing right next to me.  Glares from the girls came shooting at me.  Guys were just......enjoying the show.  Should I pretend like I don't know him?  I wanna make friends, but I don't want so much attention.  

"Cho Hee-shi.  CHO HEE-SHI!"

Changjo got my attention back by pulling his face close to mine and saying my name loud.

"OMO.  Who's that girl?  Does she know Changjo-oppa?"

"How the heck would that girl know Changjo-oppa?

"That girl needs to back off my guy."

Hate comments were coming around all over the room.  

"Ummm..... Do I know you?" I asked, trying to make it sound like I don't know him.  Is it believeable?  I hope it is.

"What do you mean if you know me?  I'm......"

"Excuse me, but I don't think your in our class."

We all turned our heads to the front and saw the teacher in the front.  THANK YOU TEACHER.

Changjo bowed 90 degrees and apologized.

"Jwe song ham ni da Seon-Saeng-Nim.  I wanted to talk to Cho Hee-shi about something."

"Well are you done now?  Because we have a class to start."  The teacher put down his notebook and tapped on his watch.

"Jwe song ham ni da.  I'll get going."  Changjo gave me a glare before he walked out the door.

"Ok now.  Let's continue our lesson......"



Still Your POV

Finally, school is out.  All this time I worried about Changjo trying to ask me thingss, but good thing I didn't have any classes with him.  I went to my locker and put my books away.  Just like I thought.  There's no note.  I knew it.  This was all a prank.  No one would seriously say that about me.  I mean like nobody in this school has ever saw me smile.  I shrugged and closed my lockers.  After that I made my way home.


Changjo's POV

Ughh!  I didn't see her after school today.  I was going to ask her after the incident at lunch.  But seriously, why would she do that?  I should just ask her tomorrow.




Your POV

I went to school early today because I had a few questions that I needed help with.  I went to my locker and opened it.  Another note fell out.  I looked to the left.......then to the right......

Nobody was here.....

I picked up the note and unfolded the note.


"Cho Hee.... Why did you have to do that???

     -Mr. Mysterious


Just exactly who are you???



Helllo guys.  Successfully wrote 1k words.  SOrry for late update.  Please no silent readers and yeahhh.  Have a great day/night.

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Chapter 2: Aww~ That was so cute. He was waiting for her, but she left instead. ^^ Can't wait for more! ^^
Chapter 1: Ahhh! so curious! Who is it!!
Nice way to start a chapter~
Fighting!~!~ ^^
Interesting! update soon!!!!! :)
OMG I can't wait for this!
It sound so interesting ^^