Oh! It's you

The Mysterious Notes


"OK Guys.  Today we are going to have a new student.  Well there are more than one new student but since our class could only fit one more, the rest went to the other classrooms.  Please come in." The teacher said as the door opened.  "Please introduce yourself."

"Annyeonghaseyo."  He bowed to the room.

Woah.  His voice sounds familiar.  Where have I heard it before?  I turned my head to the front and my eyes became wide open.  It was the guy from this morning!  

"Please to meet you.  Hopefully we can all become friends.  My name is ..."



"My name is Changjo."  He bowed to the class.


"OOO I hope he sits next to me."

"I wonder if he has a girlfriend."

All around me were whispers about the new student.

"Ok Changjo.  You will sit next to...."  The teacher scanned around the room when her eyes landed on..."You will sit next to Cho Hee.  Cho Hee please raise your hand."


I raised my hand and quietly said "Neh"

People turned their heads and watched Changjo slowly walked up to the seat next to me.  

"Annyeonghaseyo.  Please take care of me" He said with a huge smile.

"Neh" I said.

He sat next to me and soon he became the class's attention.  Well mostly the girl's attention.

Skip the lesson

Finally.  It's lunch time.  I packed my stuff slowly and waited until everyone left.  Wait scratch that thought.  Changjo was sitting next to me waiting for me to get up from my seat.

"Umm You know you can leave now Mr New Guy -shi"

"I know.  I was waiting for you though.  I don't really know where the cafetaria is so I was hoping you can take me"

"Once you step out of this classroom, you turn a left, go all the way down to the hall, turn right and there will be the cafetaria."

Before he was able to speak, i took my things and fast walked out of the classroom.  

"haha. She's pretty cute" Changjo thought.

I walked to my locker to get ready for the next classes.  Once I opened my locker, a note fell out.  I looked to the right.  Then to the left.  Nobody was in the hall.  I picked up the note and opened it.

"Your smile is the brightess thing I have ever seen"

      -Mr. Mystery

 ??? POV

I saw her open her locker and read the note that I slipped in.  I was so glad I didn't put it in the wrong locker.

Who's Mr Mysterious?  Does he like her? Find out......








Later on in the story

Annyeong gois.  My second update.  Hope you likeeed it.

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Chapter 2: Aww~ That was so cute. He was waiting for her, but she left instead. ^^ Can't wait for more! ^^
Chapter 1: Ahhh! so curious! Who is it!!
Nice way to start a chapter~
Fighting!~!~ ^^
Interesting! update soon!!!!! :)
OMG I can't wait for this!
It sound so interesting ^^