
Can You Smile?


I woke up the next day, and went to shower. As I was coming back to my room, I saw a suitcase open and filled with my clothes. This is weird, am I going on vacation instead? That’s when I saw the little note that read Lee Dasom. I opened it and started to read:


Lee Dasom,

This is your abeoji, I sure you are wondering as to why your clothes have been packed. That is because the school is a boarding school, so you are moving there to live there from now on. I already left because I have some business to take care of, so you won’t see me. Your uniform should have arrived, and I told the maids to place it on your bed. Have fun at school.

                                                                                                Bang Yongguk


Wow, he even used his full name. My surname isn’t the same as his because I took my mother’s surname. And am happy for that I can’t imagine having my name be Bang Dasom. That’s just weird. True to what he said he wasn’t home, it was really quiet in the house. I guess everyone left early? I found my uniform. Wow it’s not bad, I kind of like it.


I wore it and grabbed my suitcase; I stepped out of the house, to find a car waiting for me. Why does dad have to do this? I want to be invisible and just ignore people. How is that going to be possible if I come to school in this car? I signed and got on.


“Miss. Lee the school is pretty far so it might take a while, ok?” said the chauffer. I knew him since my mother was alive, he was a nice man.


“Neh, ahjushi” I replied. I got comfortable and waited until I was going to get to hell.



‘Eomma!!! Catch me if you can!!’ yelled a 6 year old Dasom. She started to run away, giggling furiously.

‘Waaaah, eomma is going to come and get you!’ her mom played with her. Dasom screamed and hid behind a tree.  Suddenly it got dark.

‘No not now’ whispered her mom.

‘Well, well, well, what do we have here?’ sneered a voice. Dasom got scared and clutched the tree tightly.

‘I finally found you Lee Ji Eun’ whispered the voice.

‘Who are you!?” shouted Ji Eun, “show yourself!’

‘Whatever you wish Ji Eun-ah.’ There was a strong gush of wind and in an instant, a handsome young man stood in front of Ji Eun. He had long hair that stopped right above his eyes, which were a hypnotizing brown that one can stare into for eternity. He had a strong jaw, and a smile that could melt anyone’s heart in mere seconds

‘Jaejoong’ whispered Ji Eun in fear. How did he find me? She thought.

‘Now,’ Jaejoong started, ‘shall we finish what we started?

‘I..I d-don’t know w-what you’re t-talking about, just l-leave me a-alone.’ Stuttered Ji Eun.

‘Shall I remind you?’ said Jaejoong, in a dangerously low voice. ‘You took away my love of my life! You killed him!!’

‘Yunho was a danger to humans, he was going to destroy everyone, even you. I saved you and everyone else.’ Ji Eun stated boldly, when it came to this business, she wasn’t scared anymore, he might kill her but that’s it, she already got rid of the demon who was about to destroy Earth.

‘I loved him’ Jaejoong voice wavered a bit ‘and he loved me back!’

‘Eomma…’ whimpered Dasom.

‘I’m going to take away the one you love most,’ threatened Jaejoong, ‘your DAUGHTER!’

‘NO!’ shouted Ji Eun as she formed her hand into a ball. Drops of water formed and quickly turned into a big wave, and Ji Eun hurled it at Jaejoong. Quickly using his reflexes formed a shield of ice around himself, and the water smashed against the ice, cracking it. Damn she’s stronger than I thought, but I’m stronger! Thought Jaejoong as he in mere seconds made a big spear made of ice and shot it at Ji Eun in the speed of light. It struck Ji Eun right in the heart, and she fell to her knees. The winds picked up again and Jaejoong was gone, with an evil smirk on his face.



sorry if this is a short and boring chapter :'( but i tried, and to make up i'll update again today :) please comment how am i supposed to know if it's good or if anyone's reading it? i need your opinions!! thank you for reading (if you did that is XD)

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Chapter 4: omo no need to mention me >///< but thanks so much T.T /puts u in a bear hug/

and omg this is really intriguing x.x i can't wait for the next update~ /does a happy jig/
Chapter 3: what the--troll! srsly? cancer? XDD

girl u gotta continue this story! gah what a cliffhanger x.x

u'd probably hate me for saying this, but, PLEASE UPDATE SOON! TT.TT
Chapter 2: whoa! just whoa! o.o so y-yunho and j-jae are....? /mindblwon/

wah does this mean dasom inherited something from her mother too?? gah!
girl, you have AMAZING plotlines! you HAVE to start promoting X333

/goes off to read the next chapter/
Chapter 1: ha! in your face b*tch! like literally! ufufufufu >:3

and omg i wonder what's behind that smile x.x hope it's nothing sinister DX