Expelled. nothing new.

Can You Smile?


“Dasom-ah, are you okay?” asked Jaehyo. We were leaving my school, I guess now I should call it my old school. I got expelled because I apparently hurt the queenka of the school as well as the principal’s daughter jiyeon.


“Im fine, don’t worry oppa” I said in a monotone voice. With a cold expression I walked out of the school along with Jaehyo, dreading what my father would say. This was my 5th school I got kicked out from. Im not a bad person. In fact I ignore everyone at school. It’s just that everyone is scared of me, that they make rumors, and of course all the queenkas see me as a golden opportunity to bully. No one would step up for me, and I myself don’t talk much, so it would be a win situation for them.




‘Hey girls, look who’s coming through’ sneered Jiyeon. The rest of her group snickered.

 I walked with no expression, I was tired from practising my high kick all night and I was dead tired. Not to mention the fact that my father had beat me in the morning for not perfecting my kick enough.


‘What’s that ugly thing on her face?’ laughed Hyuna, ‘Oh wait that’s her face!’

I ignored them and continued to walk towards my locker. I didn’t care, how pathetic are they anyways? Trying to gain attention in any ways possible?


‘Yah! How dare you ignore us ’ shouted Jiyeon as she pushed me against the lockers. Pain shot up my freshly bruised arm. Something snapped in me and I turned to jiyeon, I could see the fear in her eyes, as she realized what she had done. In a blick of an eye I pushed her away from me and did a perfect high kick that landed on her make-up caked face. I heard gasps all around me and some students even ran away. Adrenaline rushed through me. Not because I just kicked the principal’s daughter, but finally I performed a perfect high kick that took me forever to master.


At that time the principal showed up and glared at me. “Come to my office now, Miss. Lee.”




Jaehyo and I arrived home. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come in with you?” asked Jaehyo with a worried look.


“No oppa, im fine, I can do this by myself” I answered with a little smile towards him. He didn’t look too convinced but left anyways. I took a deep breath and walked towards my father’s room.



I knocked on the door. “Come in” replied a deep voice. I slowly opened the door and cautiously stepped in. The principal had called home and told father about the expulsion. So I knew I didn’t have to explain why I came home so early.

“Im very sorry Abeoji” I apoligized and waited for his fury that I would receive not only verbally but physically.


“it’s ok Dasom,” was all he said. I was so surprised at this that I just froze there. He turned around and I saw the man that was supposed to be my father. He looked nothing like me. He was very muscular, with a square jaw, small eyes, nose and mouth. He had dark brown hair that was long and he kept in a low ponytail.


“that’s old news now, in rather recent news, I have registered you into a new school.” He told me calmly with a small smile.


“already?” I asked taken aback. I just got expelled like 30 minutes ago, he already registered me into a new school?


“yes, don’t be surprised Dasom, I knew this would happen. Your uniform will be in your room tomorrow morning for you. Yes you will go to school tomorrow. Today for the rest of the day you will continue practise. Ukwon will teach you the new lesson.” He kept going, “I heard you performed a very well executed high kick. Good for you, its about time. You may leave now.”


I bowed and left closing the door behind me. I was wondering about his words, while I got ready to practice. Ukwon told me I would be learning how to do a flying kick on two opponents. While I was trying to learn, I had a nagging feeling that I was missing something.


After practice (I still haven’t gotten the kicks right, it’s my first day though, so it was ok) I showered and lay on my bed. I was about to fall asleep after a day of hard work, when it finally hit me. From as long as I can remember, my father had never smiled at me. He did today. Something is up, and I don’t know what. I will find out tomorrow though, in that new school. I had a feeling that this school will be different than the other schools I attended, I thought as finally fatigue took over me, and I fell into dreamland. 

A/N hi!! this is the first capter, i had a feeling this was too long :( hopefully it wasn't boring! things will pick up when she goes to her new school though!! thanks you for reading, and leave comments!!

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Chapter 4: omo no need to mention me >///< but thanks so much T.T /puts u in a bear hug/

and omg this is really intriguing x.x i can't wait for the next update~ /does a happy jig/
Chapter 3: what the--troll! srsly? cancer? XDD

girl u gotta continue this story! gah what a cliffhanger x.x

u'd probably hate me for saying this, but, PLEASE UPDATE SOON! TT.TT
Chapter 2: whoa! just whoa! o.o so y-yunho and j-jae are....? /mindblwon/

wah does this mean dasom inherited something from her mother too?? gah!
girl, you have AMAZING plotlines! you HAVE to start promoting X333

/goes off to read the next chapter/
Chapter 1: ha! in your face b*tch! like literally! ufufufufu >:3

and omg i wonder what's behind that smile x.x hope it's nothing sinister DX