
Can You Smile?


I woke up suddenly breathing heavily. Damn that dream, I’m getting it more frequently now. What does it mean? My mom didn’t even die like that, she had heart cancer. At that moment the car stopped in front of the school. Castle would be more like it. It looks like something straight out of Boys over Flowers drama. I’m used to seeing expensive things and places but holy this place is expensive!


The door opened, and the chauffer stood there. ‘Come now Miss. Lee we are here’

‘You sure this is a school?’ I muttered under my breath. The chauffer just chuckled. Carefully I stepped out of the car, and made my way towards the mansion. I wasn’t scared or nervous, I didn’t really care about others but I admit the size of the school was kind of intimidating.

‘Oh, ahjushi I need my bag, can you open the trunk?’ I asked.

‘It’s okay Miss. Lee someone is supposed to come pick up your luggage and will place it in your room’ smiled the chauffer. I nodded, and bowed, then turned and started walking to the place where I’ll be living from now on until I graduate.



I walked in and had to hold in a gasp. This place is beautiful!!! I feel like this is a hotel instead! Is this really a school?? I had frozen in front of the entrance, so I was blocking the way of a guy who had just arrived.

‘Yah, can you move?’ he asked in an irritated voice. I turned around slowly, and saw a guy with a cold expression and smallish eyes. Quite good-looking I thought to myself.

‘So are you gonna move or not? I need get inside’ he asked.

‘Yeah, sorry’ I realized I was staring. I moved out of his way. He passed by me, when it hit me.

‘Jogiyo,’ I called ‘before you leave, do you mind telling me where the office is?’ and hopefully take me there since I’m going to get lost in this huge place I added silently.

‘You’re new?’ I nodded. ‘Fine, I’ll take you gaja’ he smirked.  I have a bad feeling about this. I thought as I followed him. Thank God he is taking me there, it’s so far with so many twists and turns, I would have gotten lost for a whole semester!

‘So new student what’s your name?’ he causally asked.

‘I doesn’t matter’ I answered in a monotone voice.

‘I’ll tell you mine, it’s L’ he said. L what kind of name is that? Did his parents hate him or something? I smirked in the inside.

‘So come on, tell me yours’ he pushed on.

‘Why do you care?’ I grew irritated. ‘I said it didn’t matter’ God what’s his problem?

‘Wow, calm down dude, just trying to be nice’ she put his hands up in surrender. We walked on and on for a long time, going deeper and deeper into the building. There were fewer lights now. Where is he taking me? I’m pretty sure the office isn’t this far I thought curiously.

‘Are you sure this is the right way?’ I asked.

‘Duh, I go study in this school; I would know where the office is.’ He replied.

‘It’s just we are really far into the building and it’s getting dark, shouldn’t the office be closer to the entrance?’ I asked.

‘Again, new girl, I am the one who knows everything so just follow me okay?’ he said with a sigh, ‘And what are you now an architect?’


We kept one walking; now I was getting nervous, it was seriously getting dark. I’m not afraid of anything really, it’s just the dark reminds me of the dream.

‘We are here,’ he said quietly. WTF? It’s a dead end, I thought.

‘This isn’t the office, it’s a dead end’ I said angrily. He was smirking now. Okay this is seriously bad. Is this guy mental or something? I really don’t want to hurt his pretty little face; it would be such a shame.

‘Have fun,’ Was all he said and ran. My reflexes were pretty good, so I ran after him, not to mention that I was a very fast runner, so I should have caught up to him in no time, but he had disappeared into thin air. . He tricked me! I knew I shouldn’t have trusted him! That ! I thought ah well, I guess I can just walk towards the light; hopefully I’ll bump into someone nice who can actually show me where the firkin office is.


I slowly started walking towards, well I don’t know where because this ing school is like a big ing maze. Fuming at what happened I kept walking aimlessly. Suddenly the only lights in the hallway all shut off. It was pitch black. No please turn the lights back on I thought. I was filled with fear, I quickened my pace. I felt like a panic attack was about to come. I took deep breaths. My hair was flapping around my face slowly at first, then madly. Is there supposed to be this much wind? I’m inside, there are no windows, or else there would be some light. I couldn’t breathe properly, I clutched my heart. Omg what’s happening? I felt something wet falling down my cheeks. My hand went up to touch it. Tears? Am I crying? I couldn’t take it my panic attack wouldn’t let me breathe.

Was it my imagination or was I seeing a shadow? I heard deep laughter exactly like the one in my dream. Fear shot through me, and I took staggering steps away from the shadow. There is no light I shouldn’t be able to see it. Someone was crying very loudly who else is here with me? Then I realized that it was me, I’m so scared I’m crying like this for the first time after mom died. My head started spinning and I started to lose vision. I couldn’t see the shadow anymore. The lights turned back on just as my vision went blank, and I felt a pair of strong arms around me catch me from falling.


as i promised here is another chapter we meet (kind of) L!. i tried my best at writing, i think it was kind of awkward. am open to critisism so give me some. i feel like im talking to myself and no one is reading this. so please comment!!

love you bye!

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Chapter 4: omo no need to mention me >///< but thanks so much T.T /puts u in a bear hug/

and omg this is really intriguing x.x i can't wait for the next update~ /does a happy jig/
Chapter 3: what the--troll! srsly? cancer? XDD

girl u gotta continue this story! gah what a cliffhanger x.x

u'd probably hate me for saying this, but, PLEASE UPDATE SOON! TT.TT
Chapter 2: whoa! just whoa! o.o so y-yunho and j-jae are....? /mindblwon/

wah does this mean dasom inherited something from her mother too?? gah!
girl, you have AMAZING plotlines! you HAVE to start promoting X333

/goes off to read the next chapter/
Chapter 1: ha! in your face b*tch! like literally! ufufufufu >:3

and omg i wonder what's behind that smile x.x hope it's nothing sinister DX