Encountering the dead

This Will Be Easy...Right?


Author pov

Blinking his eyes open, Sehun finds himself in his classroom, classroom filled with traitors and s A.K.A his classmates and other people from different classes, though he wouldn’t really call Minhyuk an but whatever. Sehun has to finish this mission or his fingers will become french fries and become a less, not-so fabulous being.

“Now we may now let Oh Sehun rest in peace…”

Sehun’s head shot towards the teacher as he spoke, “Uhm, Excuse me, I’m right here??” He sneered, waving his arms frantically in the air.

Expecting a response, Sehun drops his arms and crosses them, huffing non-stop. “Oh great, I nearly forgot I’m dead.”

“Now, anyone want to say their last words to Sehun?” The teacher continues but not a single person said a word nor even tried to look up from their phones. Oh how sad for Sehun, but hey, it was his own fault for being such a brat.

Minhyuk hesitantly looked around and sighed, of course no one would say anything, well, anything nice. Sehun spots Minhyuk and runs up to him, “Hyukkie!!” Sehun sang, extending a hand to reach out for him but stop when Minhyuk doesn’t respond.

“Oh right…” Sehun sighed and looked around the room, “Such douchebags, can’t even say rest in peace or some ?”

Sehun then spots Aerin rubbing her s against Jongin’s arm. Sehun scoffs, “What a , I feel sorry for Jongin.”

Looking around again, Sehun hopes to see that kid, “What was his name again? Yu Han? Wu Fan? Oh, Luhan!” He shouted, knowing no one can hear him, but that’s where he was wrong.


Luhan pov

“…Oh, Luhan!” Hearing my name, I shot my head towards the direction of the voice. My eyes widen and jaw drop as I saw Oh Sehun standing near Park Aerin and the love of my life –well not really but shut up– Kim Jongin. But what shocked me even more is that no one else seem to notice Sehun. Is it ignore the Sehun day or am I just tripping balls? Did Kris slip something in my drink last night? I knew I shouldn’t have trusted that damn dragon.


Sehun pov

Taking a second glance at the boy staring straight at me, I tilted my head, *He can see me?* “Wait a minute, are you Luhan?!?” I yelled in glee, pointing at the unattractive looking guy.

He shook his head and immedietly stood up.

“Yah! Don’t lie to me!! You are Luhan!” I sneered and started walking towards him. The guy –who I assumed to be Luhan –on the other hand, started heading for the door with an I’m-totally-tripping-balls face. “No! I’m not Luhan!!” the boy squealed and ran out of the door.

Running after him, I threw things at him to get him to stop running but it was hopeless. It was like chasing a deer, a deer that screams like a girl.



…”And here I thought this will be easy, curse my mouth for saying such things.”


Luhan pov

Running as fast as I could, I ran towards the school library. *What just happened? Sehun is dead, He can’t be here… I’m just hallucinating…yeah. I’m hallucinating!* I nod my head, agreeing with myself as I took a seat on the couch, trying to catch my breathe.

“I must be lacking sleep, first I spot a dead person and now it’s chasing after me.”

“Dead person? I have a name you know…Actually, I know you know. Who doesn’t know me?”

I cringed at the voice, “And now I’m even hearing things.” I muttered.

“If make an effort to look up then you’ll know you’re not hallucinating.”

As the voice says, I look up and held my breath in as I see Oh Sehun standing right in front of me with his arms crossed and head tilting to the side. “What do you want from me?!” I shouted-half-whispered at him.

“I don’t want anything from someone like you.” He responded in a bored tone, his words hurting a bit.

“Then why are you following me?! Aren’t you supposed to be in heaven? Or better yet, Hell?!” I barked but stop when I notice the librarian looking weirdly at me. By weird, I mean that she thought I was on crystal meth or crack. Though right now, I thought I could so do crystal meth but…mmm, better not.

“Shut up and let me explain.” He barked back, eyes full of anger. I could see he definitely didn’t want to be here either. I gulped and sit back down, letting him say whatever he needed to.

“Okay first, is your name Xi Luhan?” He asked. I nod in response, not wanting to anger him any further.  

“The reason why I am here is very stupid and unbelievable so don’t you dare laugh.” He strictly said and drilled holes through my skull. I quickly nodded and waved my hand.

He then sighed and explains why he is here and what he has to do. Instead of bursting out of laughter, I looked at him with a horrified expression, being the Kingka is the last on my list.

“I can help you become the Kingka.” Sehun smiled brightly. I awkwardly shifted on my seat, “What about no.”

“Why not?!” He cried, jumping up and down on the spot like a baby… a big baby. “Because I don’t want to!!” I shouted back but turned into a girly shriek, causing me to blush.

“Who doesn’t want to be the Kingka!? Like seriously! Are you high or are you high?!” He screeched, not believing the fact I’m rejecting his offer.

“I DON’T WANT TO BE THE KINGKA OKAY?!” I screamed and stormed out of the room, forgetting about the librarian.


Author pov

Sehun watches Luhan storm out of the room and sighs. “This is going to be hard. Really hard.”…”that’s what she said.” He laughs at his own joke but it dies down as he sunk into the couch, exhausted from today’s event.

“Watch out Luhan, I’m definitely going to get you.” He mutters quite…evilly.


Luhan shuffles his feet back and forth on the gravel. He has told his friends that he will continue figuring out his rubix cube outside but of course, that wasn’t the only reason why.

Sitting on the wooden bench, Luhan stared in awe as Jongin dunks the basketball in the hoop. It may not look like it but Luhan was fangirling inside like how any fangirl would when they see their bias.

Without Luhan knowing, Sehun crept out behind him and observed Luhan and his movements. Luhan didn’t really move his body around and kept his eyes on Kim Jongin. All Kim Jongin.

Sehun smirked, “Ah, Kim Jongin. Good choice.”

He blows on Luhan’s ear, causing him to fall off the bench. “W-W-What do you want?!” Luhan stuttered, standing up and brushing his clothes off. “You know what I’m here for.” Sehun winked and smirked.

Luhan literally wipes off the smirk on Sehun’s face with his hand and sighed, “For the last time I don’t want to be the Kingka okay?”

“Oh you will. I can get him for you.”

“Who’s him?”

“Kim Jongin.”

At the mention of Jongin’s name, Luhan received Goosebumps and shivers, “D-Don’t lie.” He whispers.

“I’m an angel, I never lie.” Sehun winks, “Watch me.”

Even though he isn’t an official angel yet, Sehun magically makes the basketball whirl towards Luhan. Luhan froze on the spot and sees a shadow catch the ball before it hits him but that didn’t stop Luhan from falling to the ground.

“Are you okay?” Luhan heard an awfully familiar voice ask him. It sounded like god was talking to him. Yes, it was that heavenly to Luhan.

Looking up, Luhan sees Jongin staring straight at him whilst extending a hand. Luhan felt as if he lost his voice box and his knowledge of the vocabulary, to put it in a more simpler way, he was speechless.

“I-I… ah…”

Jongin pulled Luhan up and smiled at him, “Hey, you’re that Luhan kid aren’t you?”

Luhan nods like a puppy being offered with a bone. (Okay, that sounded better in my head.) Jongin lightly laughed, “Be careful next time, yeah?”

Jongin then walks away with the ball in his arms, leaving Luhan dumbfounded. Turning around, Luhan faces Sehun with a set of wide yet excited eyes, “Oh my god, he remembers my name!!” Luhan squealed and jumps around.

“See? I told you so.” Sehun smiled in satisfaction. “So, you in or what?”

Luhan looks at Sehun with a poker face.



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uhm new chapter coming soon?


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EXObsesser #1
Chapter 3: Please update
can't wait for more
uh so sehun's dead ? lol okay
n why does this sounds funny to me aha i'll stahP now ;w;
update soon! ^^