Sehun's death

This Will Be Easy...Right?


Author pov

The whole class hops out of the bus after 2 hours of travel. Everyone looked like a bag of smashed s. Not a single person had tidy looking hair and clothes, even Oh Sehun.

You're probably wondering why i said "even Oh Sehun."... or not, but anyway.

Oh Sehun is the current Kingka of the school, he is rich, mean and popular. Kind of like a male version of Regina George, but doesn't snog just anyone. He's very protective of his lips, no one knows if he has even kissed someone before.

Swinging his bag over his shoulder, Sehun gets out of the bus last because he purposly waited for everyone to get the out so he can make a special entrance.

He does his y hair flip and puts on a poker face as he started walking towards his so-called friends. But let's face it, they're only friends with him 'cause, well. like i said before, He's rich, mean and popular.

Sehun furrows his eyebrows as he sees an irritating creature approach him with eye lashes battering like it's going to start flying any minute now. He sighs as the creature approaches him, "What do you want?" Sehun asks coldly, annoyed and irritated to even breathe the same air as this person.

"Ah~ Oppa~ why are you mean?" The girl pouts as she slides her arm through Sehun's but Sehun just pushes her hand away. "Don't touch me, you ugly thing." He spits and leaves the girl alone.

*Oh Sehun, How dare you embarrass me in front of everyone! I'll get you back one day, you !* The girl thinks as she glares holes into Sehun's skull. Then runs towards her 'friends' to avoid other people's stares.

And now you're probably wondering who the girl is. Well let me give you a quick introduction.

This creature we have right here, goes by the name Park Ae Rin. Everyone has the same expression about her, a y snob. No one likes her, like Sehun really. People would sometimes say the two make a cute couple because they're both horrible piece of s.

Back to the story, the teacher tells everyone what they will be doing tomorrow and what rooms they are in. After the teacher finished talking, not like anyone was listening, he escorts the class to the hotel they will be staying at for 2 days.

In the hotel lobby

9:30 PM

The hotel was far from where the bus parked, pissing Sehun off. Well, technically everyone was pissed off. Who would want to walk after a long bus ride? Exactly, No one.

It was dark and cold outside so the whole class stayed near the heater of the hotel lobby.

After getting their keycards and room numbers, pair after pair left to go to their rooms. Sehun was paired with some classmate he never even knew existed. 

When they got to their room, Sehun didn't bother talking to the classmate of his and just fell asleep.

The next day~~ 8:00 AM

Sehun groans as he stepped out of the hotel, along with the others. The teachers called everyone out early to go to the mountain. Oh how Sehun wished the teachers would just die. The rain had already begun to soak through everyone’s clothes, making Sehun laugh as he was the only one to bring an umbrella, and there was no way he was going to share.

There was not one part of him that was looking forward to climbing the ridiculously steep mountain. He just knew that all of his classmates were going to get on his last nerve and piss him off.

As everyone started progressing up the mountain, he could already feel boredom take over his thoughts. Tuning out the mindless chatter around him, he focused on taking each step, after noticing several people struggle with the slippery steps. It seemed to take forever but finally they reached the clearing.

Everyone was completely exhausted and it was easy to tell that no one wanted to be here. Mr. Lee turned towards the class, attempting to gather them up and direct them away from the edge where the mountain ended.

Sehun looks around and immediately realized that everyone was practically pissing their pants, shuffling away from the edge. Scoffing, Sehun took a deep breath and yelled out, “You’re all a bunch of , it’s only a drop off!”

The teacher’s head snapped towards Sehun as he spoke and began to scold him for having no manners.

“That’s no way to speak to your classmates, Oh Sehun! Get away from the edge!”

Hating to be told what to do, Sehun rebelliously took a step closer to the drop off, smirking. The teacher voice grew louder as he demanded Sehun do as he was told.

“You could seriously hurt yourself! For the last time, get away from the edge!”

Laughing to himself, Sehun noticed the way that the teachers face has turned several shades more red.

Rising his fingers, preparing to form the signature asian peace sign, Sehun was moment away from calling out and making someone take a picture of him to forever immortalize his moment of bravery, like the cocky bastard he is, when suddenly the ground seemed to give under his feet.

Sehun had not realized that the patch of moss that he was standing on had grown extremely slippery to the intense rain. His overly priced shoes had had not had enough grip.

Flailing his arms like a retarded douche bag, Sehun was sent over the edge of the mountain. Several screams and gasps of shock came from his class mates mouths. Sehun could have sworn that he heard a few people cheer and clap.


Hotel Lobby

Kang MinHyuk, one of Sehun’s actual friends, the only true one he had ever had, watches as Mr. Lee explained what had happened a couple hours ago to the annoying brat Sehun. Students didn’t bother to cover up their hatred towards him as they celebrated his death silently.

Minhyuk stood in the middle of the crowd, replaying the moment over and over again in his head. It had been all Sehun’s fault but that did not make his grief any less painful.

Not caring that people may notice, a tear rolled down his cheek as he reminisced the old times he shared with his only best friend. They had known each other since diapers and had been inseparable ever since.

He was the only one that truly cared about Sehun’s death, not even his “girlfriend” seemed to care. She was already pressing herself against Kim Jongin, as he was predicted to be the next Kingka. She was a little that did anything for popularity.

Not being able to handle the idiocy of everyone milling around him, he ran from the room towards his appointed room. Slamming open his door, he rushed towards his bedside table and retrieved a pen and paper.

The tears were now freely falling from his face and he made no attempt to stop them. Collapsing onto the small bed in the middle of the room, Minhyuk had no other way to release his emotions, but to write a letter.

His tears dropped onto the piece of paper, causing it to slightly shrivel. He felt as though he was pouring his heart out and there was no one there to listen.

Curling up into a ball, with the letter pressed firmly against his chest, Minhyuk whispered, moments before exhaustion consumed him,

“Sehun-ah, I’m truly sorry for not stopping you. Even though you’re the biggest brat in the world, you’re still my best friend.”

Ayo, uhm. to those who are curious about what Sehun's best friend, A.K.A Kang Minhyuk looks like. 

He's adorable, isn't he??!?!? and yes, he is CNblue's Kang Min Hyuk

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uhm new chapter coming soon?


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EXObsesser #1
Chapter 3: Please update
can't wait for more
uh so sehun's dead ? lol okay
n why does this sounds funny to me aha i'll stahP now ;w;
update soon! ^^