Mr. Kim

This Will Be Easy...Right?


Sehun pov

“Oh Sehun”

Blinking my eyes open, I was surprised to find myself in a new environment. Everything was decorated a blinding white, almost making it painful to look at. At first, I thought I was laying on a hospital bed but after a few moments, I realized the room I was in looked more like a hotel room.

Jumping out of the bed I was laying on, I whirled around when someone began to talk, “Welcome to half-way hotel.”

His voice was as deep as the kpop idol, Park Chanyeol but didn’t sound as friendly. The man standing before me was almost as tall as the roof and seemed extremely intimidating. I waited for a few moments before replying, letting the silence drag on.

“What the is the half-way hotel?!” glaring at the stranger, I attempted to look menacing. He only chuckled and did not seem affected by my outburst.

“Long story short, it’s a hotel room where people like you go that is half way between heaven and hell.”

“People like me? What the does that supposed to mean? So, you mean fabulous people like me?” Whilst waiting for the stranger’s reply, I looked around the room once again.

It was creepy yet elegant and if you looked close enough, there were tiny angels and demons imprinted in the walls, watching every move I made. *Is this dude mentally insane?*

Looking up at the ceiling, I was surprised to notice that there seemed to be no lighting. It was as though the room glowed itself. Once again, turning towards the possibly retarded stranger, I raised my eyebrows, urging him to reply.

“When I say people like you, I mean those who are deceased yet were taken from earth before their time was up. There is still work that you must complete before it is decided whether you may enter heaven or hell. Is this clear enough for you?”

At first my brain didn’t seemed to understand the words coming out of his mouth; it was as though he was talking gibberish. Did I enter some kind of mental asylum? Choosing to laugh it off instead of trying to make out the meaning of his words, “How am I dead? I’m obviously standing right here?”

The corner of the stranger’s mouth lifted in a slight smirk. “Are you really?”

Gazing down at what I expected to be my body was nothing other than a hazy shadow of what I once was. I was able to see the distorted image of the furnishing behind me through the spot where my limbs where meant to be.

*The is happening? I can’t really be dead? Did I smoke some weed or something? Yeah, that’s it. I’m probably just tripping balls.*

Despite the path my thoughts were heading, trying to reassure my senses, franticness seemed to take over my actions. Rushing forward, reaching out to aggressively grab the collar of the stranger standing before me, I did not expect to pass right through him. I started to truck sized bricks the moment that I realized what I had just done.

“I can’t be dead?”

There was a quiver in my voice that, as hard as I tried, would not go away. Before responding to my desperate plea of denial, the strange man let out a gut wrenching chuckle, almost as if to mock me.

“There is no other explanation for what you have become. You are a shadow; nothing more, nothing less. Before I continue though, I only think it right to introduce myself. You may address me as, Mr. Kim. I am here to inform you about the mission that has been set for you. As I said before, once you accomplish it, you will be sent to either heaven for hell.”

“BWOH! I AIN’T DOING FOR YOU!” Rage ran through my body as I listened to what Mr. Kim had to say.

*Who the was he to demand me to do something? God, what a .*

Staring at me for an uncomfortable amount of time, Mr. Kim didn’t seem to move an inch. Finally he smiled and it seemed to hint that he knew something he was not telling me. Drawing a phone out of his pocket, he punched in a few numbers and brought it to his ear.

“Ayo sir.” After his casual greeting, my ears could not pick up Mr. Kim’s muffled conversation. I had no clue as to who was on the other end of that phone call, yet, for an unexplainable reason; I had a gut feeling it wasn’t anyone that I wanted to be associated with.   

Mr. Kim’s eyes began to sparkle mischievously as he placed his hand over the receiver of the phone.

“So Sehun, just a quick question, what would you prefer?”

Mr. Kim paused momentarily. His words shot a sliver of hope through me. Maybe he realized he could not make a fabulous person like me, do a stupid meaningless task. I smiled. People were so submissive these days. It was kind of sad how quickly they gave in. I opened my mouth to demand Mr. Kim to continue, when he spoke up first.

“Either having each of your skinny little fingers and toes pulled off one by one as you watched or having your cut off and a thousand sharp pins stabbed into every inch of your soft milky skin?”

My hands instantly went to cover my s, hoping in vain to protect my prodigious .

“NOT MY !”

“Oh, so then you are going for option one? Alright then.”

Just as Mr. Kim was about to speak back to the person on the phone, I screamed, “ANDWAE! I DON’T ING WANT EITHER YOU DICKHEAD. WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT?!”

Sighing, Mr. Kim looked at me as if I was stupid.

“Well there has to be some kind of consequence if you don’t do the mission. What did you think that I would just let you go straight to heaven after being such a total your whole life? You really are a pabo.”

Shaking his head, Mr. Kim’s eyes were like daggers, piercing through my stupendous skull. It was at this moment that I actualized the fact that I had to do what this psycho said. I was like a puppet and he was pulling my strings.

“Fine, what do you want me to do?”

At first Mr. Kim wore a shocked expression. I think he underestimated the amount I loved my body. Gruffly saying some quick final words to the stranger on the phone, Mr. Kim once again wore what I began to suspect as, his signature smile.

“Well, that was easier than I thought. You have been assigned a mission specifically designed as redemption. I’m not going to lie. When you were living, you were a complete douche bag to everyone, even your one true friend. This mission, if you succeed may grant you entry to heaven.”

I began to tap my foot impatiently. Couldn’t this guy just get to the point already? The sooner I started my task, the sooner it will be over.

“Have you ever heard of someone named Luhan, Sehun?..." Mr. Kim hands Sehun a file.

"I suppose not. You never really did spare anyone a second thought. Well, Luhan is a student at your school and is, unfortunately, looked down upon due to the way he acts. Everyone has labeled him a nerd; someone that does not fit into their definition of “cool”. It is your job, as previous Kingka, to transform Luhan. He is going to continue on your legacy as Kingka, hopefully in a less kind of way, but continue never the less and you are to make sure this happens. Jongin is currently in line for the next spot as Kingka, yet he is unworthy. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Letting my brain soak up Mr. Kim’s flurry of words, I stood unmoving. Luhan? Never even heard of the kid. Hopefully he wasn’t as nerdy as Mr. Kim made him out to be.


Pursing my lip, I really was not looking forward to my mission. I better get into heaven for this.

“Oh and one last thing; Luhan will be the only person able to perceive and hear you. When you first approach him, try not to scare him too much. We don’t need him having a heart attack; too much unwanted drama. I am going to send you back to earth now. Don’t worry, you won’t feel a thing.”

Nodding rigidly, I suddenly couldn’t concentrate on anything other than the white of the room. It was so distracting. It seemed to draw my eyes into it, yet I was unable to choose one spot to focus on. I swear, a millisecond before my vision began to blur and I passed out, one of the angels imprinted into the wall, winked at me. 

lol, i made a fail on the poster... it says Luhan is 18 but his birthday is 1990.4.20 (it makes him 22/23 right?) Okay, let's pretend he's still 18 arachii~~? c: -Turtle

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uhm new chapter coming soon?


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EXObsesser #1
Chapter 3: Please update
can't wait for more
uh so sehun's dead ? lol okay
n why does this sounds funny to me aha i'll stahP now ;w;
update soon! ^^