Why is it raining today in January?

Resolution: Ended up being depressed

Did I make the sky cry today because of how I am acting?

Nothing to do.  Same things but different days.  Feelings are undefined, but when I listen to sad songs, I always end up imaging sad lyfe of me not getting what I want because I'm not doing anything right(AS IN LAZY).  I always end up saying "I'll do it" but never tend to do it because I was lazy.

Mama:"You call that dancing?  All you do is moving your arms."

Me:"Yeah, because I'm practicing, tending to do it a lazier way because it ain't my official or it doesn't have my name on it.  So I'm not going to move my legs much."

Mama:"Oh my gosh, please."

Me:"Let's see you do it then?!"

Calling me lazy, its true; but my mom couldn't even top the dance so what is she saying.  When I put on SNSD:

Mama:"Omo, that's not even dancing!"

When I put on Sistar19-Ma Boy:

Mama:"That is not a dance, it's a dance.  You should not be watching it." (I didn't care, because I knew my mom do that at the club when she was like age 26.)

When I put on EXO-History & Mama:

Mama:***Learns how to STFU because she knows they can dance.

My mama is too funny, but can sometimes be annoying.  I don't know how I am going to live without her, because she provided most things in life for me.  But at most, it's myself.  Maybe I found the idea of me being depressed.  Maybe I just want to move on faster in life(Because seeing Exo and their life looks so fun, I want mines to be like that too.) and move away and have my own little apartment with my two friends in Korea or China.  I just want to be alone.


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