Chapter 3 - Unknown Hidden Intentions

Probability of Falling in Love

Sooyoung's POV


There are people who you figure you’d never meet again, but randomly in the oddest places, bump into them once more. In my case, that person in Kyuhyun.


“Why are you so NEAR?!?!” I literally shout at him while I gather my footing and push his face and lanky body away from me.

“Freakin guy keeps popping out from no where…” I hiss underneath my breath.


Brushing off the crinkles gathered upon my shirt I notice him smirking.

“There’s no big difference. Really. I’ll pay for dry cleaning if it’s necessary…which it isn’t. Look if you just stay still, I can help--”

He suddenly has the nerve to reach out and start dusting off my shoulders.


“Yah! Where are you trying to touch right now?!” I swing my arms forward slapping his long limbs away from me.



He automatically lifts his hands up like an innocent child and pouts as if he’s done nothing wrong, or just plain out doesn’t understand that you can't just enthusiastically start touching a girl even if it's not in a erted way. Tilting his head to the side by a slight bit, he bats his eyelashes.

Psh, as if that stuff works on me…No matter how hard he tries, the puppy dog eyes which he’s trying to pull off at the moment will forever be closer to that of a lunatic's eyes.


On a second thought...

It’s definitely a sin for me to even think this, but for once he looks somewhat decently adorable. 


"One second now, Soo-old did you just fall for me right now?"


WTF did he just say???

“B-B-BWOH? Are you crazy? Don’t even answer that…you’ve been crazy since the first day I met you.”


“A crazy lunatic that you just can’t help falling for then…”


“Your little nonsense that’s spurting out from your mouth won’t do you any good.”


"Relax. REEE-LAXXX. Wow you truly are uptight huh? Maybe you need a little neck massage to soothe your senses. Here, turn around and I'll loosen those bad boys up."


In an instant he grabs hold of my wrist and tries to swing me around. I swear this guy doesn't learn one thing.

"Let go. Let go NOWWW! Aish Kyuhyun, do you even know how to do a proper massage? You'll probably break someone's neck or something..."


"Exactly, that's why I need to practice on someone and well look here, there you are standing right in front of me. Thanks for volunteering chingu."


His sarcastic stupidity or whatever one can call it is really annoying like a person scratching a chalkboard...unbearable!!

I scoff at him before harshly pushing him aside. He seems to forever pop up no matter how much I'd prefer him not to do so...

I scamper off in a less than pleasant state towards the washroom with the need to splash some refreshing cold water onto myself, something to cool me down from the rubbishness I've been immersed in from that idiot.


"I'll see you soon then Soo-old! I promise to give you that neck massage the next time I see youuu~ Oh, and be careful where you're're such a clutz!"


The guy is ridiculously loud and there's no way I can avoid his shouting so I calmly reply back,

"Nehhhh, it sure was fun seeing you randomly here..."

Pshh, NOT. I hurry onto the girl's room without once looking back.



Kyuhyun's POV


I watch her short self walk off awkwardly towards the back, headed to the washrooms. Never once does she look back, not even a slight peek. The girl is seriously harsh sometimes. I'm starting to think that I annoy her one way or another...wait...NO, that's impossible. Me being annoying?! Haha I'm truly a funny guy. Still, I find it kind of heartless that she doesn't even look back. This could possibly be the last time I see that physically abusive puncher, yet she doesn't want to look back?

Aish, girls these days are really stubborn.


"I'm sorry sir, but your order you placed...would you like it to go or for here?"

"To go please."


In the corner of my eye, I spot the little rough munchkin slowly walking to the dining area. OHHH, that's right! She has that little date going on...

"Yogiyo...I'll have my order for here instead please. Send it to that woman's table once it's ready."


This is going to be entertainment on a whole other level of fun! I wonder who her date is. Possibly a guy with a short hair cut? Or maybe one of those shaggy styles...the type who like to fling it to the side every now and then...

I watch hidden close by behind the back of a potted plant. There's quite a few of them at the table. I eye the guys seated one by one. There's a cute one-- small enough to place inside a pocket, a cheeky one that if he tried to smile any harder, he'd probably break his own cheekbones... I scan the others until I find the obvious last fellow somewhat secluded from the rest seated at the very end near the window panes...that one must be HIM.


He's seated straight across from her and the two seem unbearingly uncomfortable...they're barely exchanging any words and keep lifting their eyes at each other thinking that the opposite doesn't know, when in fact they both saw each other exchanging glances. Such PG rated stuff...I guess it's a blessing that I'm here. I'll add a little kick to their afternoon.

Right when I see my food being placed onto their table, I grab the nearest unoccupied chair and head confidentally in their direction.


"Soo-old!! Thank you so much for inviting me...I'm totally late...mianhae!"

The look on her face when I appeared before her for the second time today was priceless. A mixture of seeing a ghost and complete confusion.


"Yah...uh-uh- been l-l-'long'..." She's stuttering badly as if her tongue is tied up in a knot. Daggers I tell you, she's subtly shooting daggers out of her eyes at me.


"I feel like I've just seen you 2 minutes ago, but I guess it has been quite long neh?"

I flash her a small wink before placing myself comfortably beside her, getting a good glimpse at this unknown fellow before her with the title of being her so called date.


"Are you two on a date right now?"



Both of them reply instantly in a cohesive matter-of-fact tone; annunciation perfectly clear.


"Chincha? If you ask me, it seems like you're on a date..."


"Well with all due respect, we're not on one. You'r clearly making her a little uncomfortable with your constant mention of our plain get togetheer as something more. So on behalf of her and me as well, it would be nice if we could switch topics now."

His voice is pretty sharp, straight to the point without any swaying of confidence. In the corner of my eye, Sooyoung appears to be smiling just a tad bit, her lip curled slightly at one side. She must be fond of this guy's manly asseritveness.


"Well with all due respect, you haven't introduced who you are. Soo-old has already mentioned my name, so I assumed that my introduction isn't needed anymore. You on the other hand have still failed to tell me yours. Is being mysterious your concept?"


"...and if it is?"


"Then I'm afraid I can't allow you to date Soo-old-ssi."


"Yahhh, Kyuhyun! We're not datingggg! We've said it a million times, but you can't seem to grasp that thought in that empty head of yours!"

She pinches my leg from underneath the table like a crazy person...the pain equivalent to that of someone's bite. I keep my composure straight with no intention from releasing myself away from the perfect poker face I have going on.


"Annyeonghaseyo. My name is Choi Siwon."

I nod my head continuously, acting as if it's a response to his introduction when in reality, the strength of Sooyoung's pinches are ridiculous!!


I fold one of my hands over her annoying little pinching fingers and grasp onto it hard, trying my best to restrain her feistiness. The girl is forever a physical abusive woman...if this guy before me wants any chance with her, he needs to learn how to tame the girl.

I can tell from the corner of my eye that Sooyoung sure is enjoying this little facade as her cheeks soon turn into a slight pink shade. I guess she's interested in him after his little gentlemanly intro. So with that, I decide to poke myself more into their little business, hoping to help the two get closer....since the heavens know that they won't have any progress if they continue to just stare at their food.


"Mm. So then Siwon-ssi, how much do you know about my dear chingu over here?"


"Nothing much honestly. I know that she dislikes the taste of garlic as do myself. She has quite a prickly personality and has a good sense in recognizing sarcasm...which is I may point out is pretty hard to find in a girl these days."


That's how the next few hours are composed of. Random questioning here and there accompanied by the curious stares of the rest of the people at the table who have shown no interest in getting to know me....a little upsetting by the way.


Before we know it, the sun begins to set with the deep red replacing the once bright blue sky as the backdrop. One by one, the other company seated at the elogated table of ours slowly leave. Her friends and his descend to the exit door while us three later on remain in our seats. I spot Sooyoung staring at the dessert menu in front of her. Her eyes glistening from the impecably realistic pictures of the food laid out so perfectly. The sweets calling out to her as she nervously taps her fingers along the edge of the table. I know she wants to shove one or two of those goodies down , so I begin my plan once more.


"I think you guys should try their desserts. This place makes some really good ones."


"Hmm actually, there's this really nice place that just opened a few blocks away that is apparently famous for their desserts. If sweets is something that you're looking for, then I suggest we head on over there."


We quickly head on out into the chilly dusk of the afternoon and a few minutes of us walking, I slyly excuse myself; coming up with an unfortunate excuse to back away and let the two have some alone time. An awkward silence falls upon the three of us when my time to leave arrives.


I let out my hand to the fellow that stands before me. We shake hands firmly and I quietly tell him that Sooyoung's favorites are cookies. For a fact, I know she loves them...


I step back and then face the odd and strange Soo-old who is still the same past lab partner of mine a few years ago. For some reason I felt like this was a goodbye...which in a sense it was. She lookes at me with uncertain eyes and mouths out,

"Go if you're going...don't awkwardly just stand there..."


I smirk at her never changing coldness towards me and before I know it, I pull her in for a hug. My arms wrap around her gently as one of my hands patt her comfortingly upon her back. I could feel her tense up from the shock of my abrupt action so I quickly pull away with regrets of hugging her running through my head.

Sometimes I swear I do the stupidest things...and hugging her right then and there may be on the top of that list.

But somehow it just seemed like the thing to do at that time and place...


Before her body drifted far away from mine I whispered to her playfully,

"Don't have too much fun ok? Guys like girls who are hard to get. You can thank me later for all the tips I've given you. I'm sure I'll see you soon...somewhere."


I winked at her subtly and turned around, trekking to an unknown destination opposite from where the two were headed. As much as I wanted to, I never once turned back. Not even a peek. Maybe I'm the heartless one.

This day has been more confusing than it being fun.....


That Choi Siwon....he seems to be a nice guy...

But why do I wonder if that's a good thing or not....

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Chapter 1: update soon please
LovinKick #2
Chapter 6: Kyuyounggggggggggg ♥♥♥♥
Soowon!! Siwon and Sooyoung :))
Chapter 6: OMG! Yay you've updated :D
KyuHyun is so cheeky hehe
SiWon seems to be a very nice man for SooYoungie ^_^
Chapter 5: Owwww this chapter was so cute :3 and Kyu!! >< he's so sweet :) lol Sooyoung what're you gonna do now hehehe looking forward to the next chapter!! ^___^
Chocolate_loves #6
Chapter 4: Aww kyu is so cute
Kyu cares more about Soo
Plz make it kyuyoung
Plzzzzzz i'll love it if it's kyuyoung
syoolove #7
Chapter 4: OMO Kyu blushing!!!!!!! kekeke
I know that he actually care about her....
Kyaaaaaaa i hope both of them will realize their feeling!!!!!
Chapter 4: SooWon :D
Siwon is such a gentleman.
Chapter 3: Ooooh kyu seems a bit hurt and really confused at the end >.< waaah Sooyoung you physical abuser lol but awww I want them to be together!! heheh I love the plot btw! Lookinf forward to what's next! :)
Chapter 3: Kyuhyun is really funny..and the interaction between him and Soo is priceless. I really love them more than the other. KyuYoung hwaiting, Author-nim hwaiting~!:3