
Date Me

"Mwo?" Boa's mouth slightly agape, "Eunsook you are a lesbian. What do you mean you're in love with a man?"

"Unnie, I don't know how to explain it. It was like looking into the eyes of an angel." she squeezes her bag tighter. " You should have seen his smile. So charismatic." she sighs contently.

Boa smiles as she walks up to Eunsook, "Oh Eun," Boa slaps Eunsook hard and swift across the face.

"YAH! What did you do that for?"

"Remember the last time you fell for a person with an smile like that? Huh. Yeah, Minjung turned out to be a total disaster." she turns around mumbling in English as she walks down the hall.

Rubbing her cheek as she pouts, "You know if you keep mumbling in English I'll eventually learn!!"

"I'll just learn another language. Now go eat your dinner... it's getting cold."

Eunsook listens to her older sister sitting down at the kitchen table to eat her dinner. Boa was right it was cold. Eunsook didn't mind though. She had kept hitting replay in her mind so she could relive that moment with Taemin at the community center. I should text him tonight.. or would that seem too desparate.. ugh, I don't know what I'm doing. It's fine. It's just a club thing. Nothing like that. I'm a lesbian.. right.. yeah, just like Boa said. Boa had walked into the kitchen but Eunsook hadn't noticed. She was chewing her food slowly looking at her glass zoning out. Boa didn't say anything she just sat down in front of her until Eunsook noticed her a minute later. "Unnie, do you think a woman who just got out of a year long relationship should be 'talking' to someone else so soon after a break up?"

"If you're referring to a lesbian who just got out of a relationship a month ago and wants to talk to a man... maybe not."

"What? I... I didn't say that did I? I'm just asking a general question."

"Mhm. Well, let's put it this way Eunsook... If we were talking about you, which we are,"

"But I..."

"Don't interrupt, that's rude." Boa smirks, "If we were talking about you" she pauses, "I would say you shouldn't. I think you're confused Eunsook."

A partial frown appears, "I don't know... I never felt that way about a guy before."

"That's a little why I think you're confused. And on top of that it hasn't been that long since you were in a relationship, Eun. The whole point of this move was to get you out of your funk. Minjung, although it was only a year, meant a lot to you and when you two broke up you took it pretty hard."

Eunsook's eyes begin to tear, her face turning a light purple, her voice shakey "I... I just." Forcing the sobs in back, pushing her chin outward as she tries to speak, averting her eyes to the ceiling. "I just loved her so much and I thought we were going to be together forever. Then today... with this Taemin guy. Maybe you're right unnie."

"Eun, Eun look at me. I didn't mean to upset you I just want you to think about it before you do something you'll regret later. You understand?"

Eunsook wipes her tears away. "Neh, I understand."

The two of them clean up before heading off to bed. Eunsook lies in bed next to her sister thinking intensely about everything that has happened to her in such a short amount of time. She wonders what she could have done differently to make Minjung stay. Her mind is too full with emotional thoughts to fall asleep. She decides to text Taemin asking if she could join this Friday at the club. Waiting for his reply made her stomach feel as if someone was rolling their fist into her abdomen. Finally, after a full 5 minutes which seemed like a lifetime Taemin responded that he would love to have Miss Eunsook at the club meeting this Friday and he was really glad to hear from her "can't wait to see you" it read with anticipation.


One week had passed since Eunsook moved into her apartment. Boa had gone back to her home a few days prior after she helped Eunsook sort through things. Taemin had been sending text messages to Eunsook here and there telling her about the club and what he had been doing all week. He seemed to be very excited to meet her today as he kept telling her how he had been waiting to see her there. His excitement made Eunsook even more excited than she had been before the text messaging. However, she was reminding herself that this was just a social thing that was not be confused with emotions on a relationship level. Taemin was just a friend, a beautifully handsome friend who was funny and had an incredible smile. But nonetheless just a friend. After work Eunsook readied herself for the community center making sure her hair was nice, makeup perfect, she even made sure to wear her good clothes. You know the kind that make all your 'assests' look good and stand out. Once she felt she looked y enough yet smart enough, she didn't want to look cheap or anything, she walked over to the community center. At the reception desk who else did she see but Taemin. She smiled brightly, "You must be the only one that works here." She joked. Thankfully Taemin laughed with her, "Well, I'm the only one that loves it this much so I volunteer to do a lot of different things. This is kind of like my second home." As Eunsook just smiled goofily at Taemin he gently pulls her along by the arm, "Come, we're going to be late for club."

The club was nice with nice people involved. Taemin was a great president for the club. He was really interactive with all the club members he made sure to keep Eunsook involved so she didn't feel like an outsider. Eunsook loved being there, the things she learned about everyone's different cultures. She noticed how Taemin really attached himself to the conversations throughout the class. She liked that about him. She noticed how Taemin knew a lot about everyone and the cultures they grew up in. She liked that about him too. Then she noticed something interesting. Taemin seemed to cling more toward the caucasian members. He seemed to cling more toward the female caucasian members. She wasn't sure how she liked that about him. As the night progressed it became more obvious... Taemin was into white girls. Eunsook couldn't believe it, already Taemin had flushed every happy thought she had about him down the drain. Of course, immediately following that thought she reminded herself that it didn't matter anyway because Taemin was just a friend. It was none of her business who Taemin was into. All she needed to know that he created a great club with great people and apparently one of the great people's name was Susie and wasn't she just a greaaaaaaaaaaat person.


Monday had come just around the corner. Since the club meeting on Friday Eunsook hadn't sent any messages to Taemin even though he had sent her quite a few asking her how she enjoyed it. She couldn't message him she wasn't sure how she felt about the club right now. Another text message from Taemin came during lunch, he wanted to know if she would be able to make it to club today, it's bring your own dish night. She sighed, forcing herself to message him back she said that she would make it and she would bring a dish that her mom used to make when she was a little girl.

The club was filled like before this time with everyone standing in line next to a rectangular table that had all their dishes lined up. Eunsook was late because her dish had burned in the oven so she had to hurry and make a substitute dish. Before they could eat they all had to go down the line and explain what they had brought and how it related to their culture. Taemin went, then the next member, then the next, then Sooziee, and then Eunsook. Eunsook was calm, she didn't say anything to Susie during the night nor did she make any facial expressions or have any thoughts. Surprisingly it was as if she didn't remember she liked Taemin before or that she was bothered that he liked white girls. After that the night was fine the club had finished and Eunsook felt completely happy. As they're all leaving the community center Taemin stays behind because he needs to close up the center. Eunsook is up in her apartment smiling and singing getting ready for bed when she looks out her living room window into the street. Looking down toward the community center she sees Taemin with this woman, a beautiful thin caucasian woman with light hair, coming out of the center. She gets nervous and hides behind the drape still peeking to see what's going to happen. Taemin pulls the woman down the steps up against the side of the building where he thinks no one can see them and begins kissing on the woman with his hands searching her body. Omo, no, I shouldn't be seeing this... Wait, no, he shouldn't be doing this... especially outside where people can see... where I can see.


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Chapter 3: Well, I can’t be upset with Taemin because he doesn't know she likes him and he can’t help his preference to “white” girls just like she couldn't help her own preference to liking girls. And she may only like him anyways because he looks girly. I don’t dislike Tae unless he says something mean to Eunsook about her being Korean or something. If he does then that is when I will have to punch him in the face. I’ll also be upset with Taemin if he is just using these white girls for his own s and giggles. And what makes me say that is He is the one that came up with the culture club and apparently so he can meet these girls more easily.
Ok with that said. Eunsook was really cute getting ready to go there. “Just as friends” but yet she dressed y-ish kekeke. She needs to admit to herself she likes him. And just when she started getting over him while she was there and thinking he really is a friend, she got all jelly because of Susie…this part made me laugh at the sarcasm -> “Susie is greaaaaaaaaaat” lol
It was cute that she had “EunSangtae” burning the food keke.
Chapter 3: Omg poor eunsook
YEBEOOO , this is so good. I'll be waiting for the rest if you decide to finish it. Fighting, love ya!
Please update I wanna know
Chapter 2: Please update soon...
I want to know how things are gonna progress...
Chapter 1: hehehe that was a good start to the story, i can't wait for the next update! (: I like how you added Boa to the story, good pick for a sister. This story seems like its going to be very interesting, Is Minjung going to come back later? hmm i wonder (: Hehe im super duper excited!

Update soon Unnie <3
Chapter 1: lol ok so if I read this right, Eunsook thinks Taemin is a girl but he really is a guy right? That should be a cute little funny meeting then when they met kekeke.
I like how Boa is Eunsook’s sister :D:D and there sure is a lot of OnHo going on lately well actually all Onew ships are sailing this comeback and it makes me happy even if it isn’t my otp because my bias is getting love/attention from s cuz I felt like there wasn’t enough during Sherlock. You using Minjung made me think of that. That surprised me that you used her too cuz I would think you’d use Gwiboon. So can I say that was a nice twist even if you didn’t mean it to be one. And that fact that you made Eunsook gay too. I was not expecting that either. Nice start to the fic, I’m excited for more. *hugs*
omg I didn't know you were writing a new fic. Or did you tell me and i totaly forgot

I want to cry already just becuase I love Eunsook so much and want her to beloved by Taemin.