Chapter 1

Date Me

“Minjung, please we can work through this… there’s no reason to act this way.”

“Listen, you just don’t understand. There’s no fixing a relationship that’s been around for 1 year with no progression.” She swipes her bag off the bed rushing out of the bedroom toward the front door.

“JUNGIE! Please!!”

She pauses; “I can’t live without you.”

Biting her lip as she sighs, “You’re the strongest person I know. You’ll live the best life you know how.” Minjung stares at Eunsook for a brief moment then turns around walking out the front door shutting it closed.

“!” Overwhelmed with emotion she kicks her radio flinging it across the room it busts against the wall.


Okay, I’ve got my kitchen stuff packed… I’ve got my bathroom junk. Hmm, what else am I missing? , where did I put it... AH here it is!

“Eunsook, are you ready?”

Picking up her last box shouting down the stairwell, “Neh unnie, coming” standing between her doorway, Bye home… I’m off to seek a new adventure. No reason for me to be here if I don’t have her.


“Alright, I’m coming! Aish.”

Finally she makes it downstairs with her sister Boa. Loading up the truck they leave; leaving her apartment behind, leaving her past life and all the memories good and bad. As they drive away she stares up at her apartment window having a flashback of last month, Minjung, what’s wrong? Why are you shutting me out? Everything is wrong Eun. Our relationship is going nowhere. How could you think this relationship is worth saving? You’re clueless!! You can’t keep loving someone or something that isn’t going to work.

“Eun?... Eunsook, do you want to go straight to the new apartment or do you want to get dinner first?”

“Sorry,” she stares straight ahead at the highway sign Seoul Exit Right, “let’s go straight to the apartment. I want to unpack and just go to sleep ok?”

“Sure, no problem.” Her sister looks at Eunsook as she sits there staring off into thin air with a depressed expression across her face, “Are you okay?”

“Neh, I’m fine.”

“If you ever want to talk I’m here for you. Or if you like I could just tell it to you straight… Minjung is a and needs to be kicked in the .”

She busts out laughing, “What?!” smacking Boa’s arm, “You’re terrible. Listen, I’ll be fine I promise. Besides, I’m moving to a new city and I’m sure I’ll meet tons of people.”

Boa smiles at her baby sister, “Good. I want you to meet the most beautiful woman in Seoul and make her yours.”

“Oh yeah, of course. Some amazingly gorgeous woman is going to go for me.”

“Sis, you have a killer rack and strong thighs. Who wouldn’t want to fu-, I mean, date you”

Eunsook blushes, “Boa…”

She giggles, “Sorry, I’m just saying. They’d be lucky to have you.” she pulls down a side street off the main road.

“We’re here already? So soon.”

“Just a little bit further and we’ll be there according to my GPS.”

They pass a few shops, a Catholic church, and a community center. The city was large but these side neighborhoods, towns, were just right for Eunsook. She would be able to go shopping for midnight snacks, go to church when she was running late, and from what she could see a decent place where she could spend her spare time. She was actually part of her community center back home so this would be something familiar for her to keep her from wanting to go back.

“Hey Boa look, they have one of those community centers… I could see if they have any groups that I can volunteer for.”

“Yeah, I saw. That would be cool.” Slowly turning into a parking garage parking against the back wall, “we are here here now.”

“Thank goodness because I have to pee. Go tell the landlord I’m here while I use the lobby restroom.”


“Phew” plopping down on a beanbag, “Unpacking can be brutal. Thanks for helping.”

“Yeah, not a problem.” Reaching over she picks up a water bottle and tosses one to Eunsook. “So are you going to check out the center?”

“Mm, I guess..” grunting as she sits up walking over to the window looking down to the street at the center. Staring at the building she sees a beautiful woman with long light brown hair with red tinged tips walking up the street toward the center. A name brand bag slung over her shoulder, a loose fitted white shirt blowing in the wind around her sleek waist, and black skinny jeans that hugged her so nicely. Brushing the hair out of her eyes stepping up the stairs to the front door she holds open the door for an elderly couple, smiles, then props the door open with her cute little to fix her bag before walking inside. “Boa, I definitely think I’ll be visiting the community center very soon.”

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Chapter 3: Well, I can’t be upset with Taemin because he doesn't know she likes him and he can’t help his preference to “white” girls just like she couldn't help her own preference to liking girls. And she may only like him anyways because he looks girly. I don’t dislike Tae unless he says something mean to Eunsook about her being Korean or something. If he does then that is when I will have to punch him in the face. I’ll also be upset with Taemin if he is just using these white girls for his own s and giggles. And what makes me say that is He is the one that came up with the culture club and apparently so he can meet these girls more easily.
Ok with that said. Eunsook was really cute getting ready to go there. “Just as friends” but yet she dressed y-ish kekeke. She needs to admit to herself she likes him. And just when she started getting over him while she was there and thinking he really is a friend, she got all jelly because of Susie…this part made me laugh at the sarcasm -> “Susie is greaaaaaaaaaat” lol
It was cute that she had “EunSangtae” burning the food keke.
Chapter 3: Omg poor eunsook
YEBEOOO , this is so good. I'll be waiting for the rest if you decide to finish it. Fighting, love ya!
Please update I wanna know
Chapter 2: Please update soon...
I want to know how things are gonna progress...
Chapter 1: hehehe that was a good start to the story, i can't wait for the next update! (: I like how you added Boa to the story, good pick for a sister. This story seems like its going to be very interesting, Is Minjung going to come back later? hmm i wonder (: Hehe im super duper excited!

Update soon Unnie <3
Chapter 1: lol ok so if I read this right, Eunsook thinks Taemin is a girl but he really is a guy right? That should be a cute little funny meeting then when they met kekeke.
I like how Boa is Eunsook’s sister :D:D and there sure is a lot of OnHo going on lately well actually all Onew ships are sailing this comeback and it makes me happy even if it isn’t my otp because my bias is getting love/attention from s cuz I felt like there wasn’t enough during Sherlock. You using Minjung made me think of that. That surprised me that you used her too cuz I would think you’d use Gwiboon. So can I say that was a nice twist even if you didn’t mean it to be one. And that fact that you made Eunsook gay too. I was not expecting that either. Nice start to the fic, I’m excited for more. *hugs*
omg I didn't know you were writing a new fic. Or did you tell me and i totaly forgot

I want to cry already just becuase I love Eunsook so much and want her to beloved by Taemin.