They Meet

Date Me

“Ok, got my bag with my keys, makeup, cell… uhm… yup that’s it.”

“You’re going out already? We didn’t even have lunch.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. I just thought I’d go out and see what the neighborhood has to offer. Maybe I’ll go to the community center and volunteer for a program.”

“Alright. Would you like me to come with you?”

“No, that’s fine. You stay here and we’ll have dinner when I get back.”

“Kay, text me when you’re on your way back.”



Leaving her new apartment Eunsook walks down her street going inside every business along the way. She stops inside a small shop that sells K-pop memorabilia where she ends up buying a G-Dragon keychain. I love his eyes. Shop to shop she checks everything out lingering in a few places before she moves to the next.  She walks all the way down her block and as she’s making her way back up, right before the center, she sees that woman again. It’s her… the girl I saw from the window. Trying not to look crazy she slightly picks up her speed walking toward the front door of the center. With her eyes she follows the girl into the building which only makes her walk in an even hurried state. Finally, reaching the building she jogs up the steps and gets inside. The cold air makes her shiver. She doesn’t see the girl. “Well she can’t be that far I was just a couple of steps away…” Eunsook walks further into the building past a few closed doors peeking inside each thin window down the hall to the receptionist desk. She sees someone kneeling behind the desk filing papers, who she assumes is the receptionist, with their hair tied in a ball on the back of their head wearing khakis, “Excuse me. Did you see a thin young woman come by?”

“Well good after noon to you as well.”

“Uh… sorry. Good afternoon. Did you see any young women go by?”

“No. No young women came through here.”

“Darn. Okay, thank you.” Eunsook turns down another hallway to start looking in more rooms. She goes down a few doors then turns back around toward the desk. “Hi. Sorry.” She starts walking to the desk.

Softly sighing as they stand up from behind the desk, “Yes?” the young man pulls the hair tie from his hair ruffling his hair as he turns around, “How can I help you?”

Oh…my…goodness “What-the-fu….”

“Excuse me?” He his eyebrow at her.

“Hmm, I didn’t really find her but I do think I found who I was looking for.” She leans forward extending her hand, “Hey, I’m Eunsook.”

He extends his hand to hers shaking it, “Hello, I’m Taemin. I am in charge of the center and I lead the culture club on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.”

A soft blush creeps across her cheeks, “Can I join? I mean… I was part of the center in my old town so I thought I’d check this place out.”

“Sure! Sounds great. I was actually looking for people that could join.” He steps from behind the counter combing his fingers through his thick brown hair the red tinged tips falling between his fingers with each . “Say, let’s have dinner in the café and I’ll tell you more about the center.”

Eunsook has a strange feeling inside; she isn’t sure if she should be happy because she found the “girl” from last night or if she should feel odd for being attracted to a man. She hasn’t been attracted to a man in over 17 years; her last boy crush was her older cousin Siwon but of course that wouldn’t work out for many reasons.

They ate in the café and spoke about their community centers both of them sharing stories of what they’ve experienced and what their centers had to offer. Toward the end of their conversation Eunsook received a text from Boa, “Eun, where the heck are you? It’s been hours. We were supposed to have dinner right?” Ah … “I’m so sorry Taemin but it looks like I actually have to go now.” Scooting her chair back picking up her bag rustling with her things, “But um, could I get your number, maybe we can text or call each other.”

Taemin gets up to walk her out, “Of course. I’d like that a lot. It is always good to make new friends.”

Again a soft blush color creeps across her cheeks, “Yes, it is. Here you can take my number.” Writing down her number and name Lee Eunsook she hands him a small piece of paper and waits for him to offer his up as well.

“Ah thank you” He graces her with the sweetest smile. Aw, his smile is so nice… charismatic… better than Minjungs. “OH! That’s why you’re staring at me. I need to give you mine as well.” He leans down writing his number. Christ, I didn’t know I was staring. “There you go Miss Eunsook. I’ll be looking forward to hearing or reading from you.” Eunsook busts out into giggles making Taemin smile. “Good, you like my corny jokes… I tell them here to there in the club… not a lot of people appreciate them. I’m glad you do.”

“Well of course… Okay, bye.”

While heading out of the center she rushes down the steps reading the paper Lee Taemin "Aw, he writes so cute." Gushing the whole way up the stairs absentmindedly smiling like a goofball Eunsook gets to her new apartment and opens the door pressing her back against it as she slides down.

“Eunsook where have you been?!”

“Oh Boa, I can’t believe what I’m about to say…” Boa stops fussing and gestures a “hurry up” motion to her. “I’m in love with a man.” She scrunches her bag tight in her hands right against her chest, “A very beautifully y man….” She sighs, “Mr. Lee Taemin.”

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Chapter 3: Well, I can’t be upset with Taemin because he doesn't know she likes him and he can’t help his preference to “white” girls just like she couldn't help her own preference to liking girls. And she may only like him anyways because he looks girly. I don’t dislike Tae unless he says something mean to Eunsook about her being Korean or something. If he does then that is when I will have to punch him in the face. I’ll also be upset with Taemin if he is just using these white girls for his own s and giggles. And what makes me say that is He is the one that came up with the culture club and apparently so he can meet these girls more easily.
Ok with that said. Eunsook was really cute getting ready to go there. “Just as friends” but yet she dressed y-ish kekeke. She needs to admit to herself she likes him. And just when she started getting over him while she was there and thinking he really is a friend, she got all jelly because of Susie…this part made me laugh at the sarcasm -> “Susie is greaaaaaaaaaat” lol
It was cute that she had “EunSangtae” burning the food keke.
Chapter 3: Omg poor eunsook
YEBEOOO , this is so good. I'll be waiting for the rest if you decide to finish it. Fighting, love ya!
Please update I wanna know
Chapter 2: Please update soon...
I want to know how things are gonna progress...
Chapter 1: hehehe that was a good start to the story, i can't wait for the next update! (: I like how you added Boa to the story, good pick for a sister. This story seems like its going to be very interesting, Is Minjung going to come back later? hmm i wonder (: Hehe im super duper excited!

Update soon Unnie <3
Chapter 1: lol ok so if I read this right, Eunsook thinks Taemin is a girl but he really is a guy right? That should be a cute little funny meeting then when they met kekeke.
I like how Boa is Eunsook’s sister :D:D and there sure is a lot of OnHo going on lately well actually all Onew ships are sailing this comeback and it makes me happy even if it isn’t my otp because my bias is getting love/attention from s cuz I felt like there wasn’t enough during Sherlock. You using Minjung made me think of that. That surprised me that you used her too cuz I would think you’d use Gwiboon. So can I say that was a nice twist even if you didn’t mean it to be one. And that fact that you made Eunsook gay too. I was not expecting that either. Nice start to the fic, I’m excited for more. *hugs*
omg I didn't know you were writing a new fic. Or did you tell me and i totaly forgot

I want to cry already just becuase I love Eunsook so much and want her to beloved by Taemin.