Chapter two: Surprise!

Flower dorm


It was a normal Tuesday morning. Girls were all in their rooms sleeping, when suddenly, the voice of the principal was heard on the dorm’s PA.

,, Good morning girls, this is principal Go speaking.” *girls start waking up and looking at each other in doubt*
Aki: What does this woman want so early in the morn..
*the voice of the principal interrupts her*
,, All the girls are required to be in the main hall in 15 minutes sharp. I have an important announcement to make.”
Mitsuki: Maybe she will announce the results of the national science competition –looks at Lan happily-

Lan: Yeah!~ We won for sure this time –screams in joy-

Eunji: Or maybe Aki got detention again? –laughs-

Aki: HA-HA. Let’s just go, I’m hungry.
Hyeri: Wait!
Girls: For what?
Hyeri: I need to pee –smiles-

*girls facepalm*
……………At the hall
Min: This better be good. I missed my morning pilates for this.
Principal Go: I’m sorry girls for waking you up so early in the morning, but I have some important news to tell you.
Aki: We got that, can you tell us what it is already?

Principal Go: Calm down miss Kuukaku, I am getting to that.
Well girls, as you all know, the dorm has been in a difficult financial position these past few months, and the president of the Yangcheon district gave us an ultimatum, and the dorm is in a no way out situation.
Mina (a girl from the dorm): But my daddy has paid a lot this month, how can this be?
Principal Go: Well Mina, I’m afraid all of your, as well as the other girl’s funds, are not enough anymore.. The taxes are higher, and we have students that are not that financially stable.
Eunji: So this means?
Principal Go: Oh, yes, I got carried away.
Min: Yet again –sigh-

Principal Go: As I was saying, since our dorm has no more funds to continue working like it used to, we will have to..
Lan: Close? Oh please no!
Principal Go: No, my darling Lan, but this may just be worse.
Hyeri: What’s it about?
Principal Go: This dorm will, starting today, no longer be an all girls dorm.
*all girls start fussing*
Mitsuki: Wait, so this means we will have boys here as well?
Principal Go: That’s right. Our one century tradition of an all girls dorm will be ruined.. –looks at girls with teary eyes-
I’m really sorry girls, I did all I could, but the president agreed to invest in our dorm only if his son can attend it, so it came to this.
Aki: Well this is going to be interesting.
Eunji: This is going to be super fun –smiles- yo, Min, do you think Tae will come here too? –blushes-
Min: I’ll ask him, but that’s not such a good idea. He’s really immature and I’m not sure how he’ll fit into the whole “dorm” concept.
Hyeri: I don’t think that my parents are going to agree to this..

Principal Go: I’ve already informed the parents, and a few girls left the dorm this morning, but your parents were okay with it.
Hyeri: Really? –smiles- I’m so glad! –hugs the girls- I can staaay!~

Lan: So, what about the boys, did some of them apply already?
Mitsuki: -starts teasing Lan- somebody is interested –smiles evilly-

Lan: -blushes- I was just wondering..
Principal Go: Yes, some of the boys have applied already.
President Kim’s son, Kim Sung Guy – the son of the famous  Kim pharmacy institutes here in Seoul and wider. Oh, and I almost forgot, Min, when I called your parents, they said that Mr. YongBae will be joining the dorm as well.
Eunji: Really? –blushes-
Min: No way –picks up her cell and calls him-
-Tae answers- Hiii sis, guess who’s going to be your new roommate? –laughs-
Min: No way, dad allowed you to come?
Tae: Dad was the one most thrilled with the idea xD
He said that I have a lot to learn from my dear sister, and there are girls involved, so I said why not? –laughs-
Min: Ugh, you never change do you now?
Tae: Never –smiles-
Min: When are you coming?
Tae: Tomorrow morning.
Min: Okay, see you then. Bye. –tries to hang up-
Tae: Oh, Min
Min: What?
Tae: I’m bringing my bandmates too. –smiles-
Min: -pissed- What? Those poor, uneducated freaks? Seriously?
Tae: Yeah, and you better get used to them, roommate. –laughs-
Min: Somebody kill me please –hangs up-

Girls: What happened?
Min: He’s moving in.
Eunji: -blushes- That’s not so bad.

Min: And he’s bringing his bandmates too.
Eunji: JiYong, Hongki and JJong?
Min: Exactly.
Eunji: But they’re not so bad, they are fun too.
Min: They are uneducated and they act like pigs, I can’t stand this.
Principal Go: Calm down Min, I myself am feeling displeased by this, but we must endure it somehow, at least until we think of something better.
Min: I hope you come up with a solution soon Ms. Go
Principal Go: I hope so too, darling, I hope so too.
*girls return to their rooms*
Mitsuki: I wonder how this will turn out.. Maybe some of them can help us in our projects, don’t you think so Lan?
Lan: Yeah, it would be wonderful if some of them shared our passion for knowledge –smiles-
Aki: I bet that Sung is just one of those stuck up guys who only think of themselves and how to get more money.
Hyeri: Maybe some of them are nice and cool, who knows.
Min: I’m not sure about the Kim guys, but my brother and the rest of his friends are everything, just not cool and nice.
Mitsuki: We’ll see tomorrow, now let’s go to college, we’re going to be late.
Girls: Yeah, we should, let’s go.




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Mizz unnie i hate you for teasing us for so long. :( AAAH JAE YOU ____TARD xD
anyways, unnie i already told you i like this so keep working hard and hwaiting~~~ ^^ <33333333333333333333