Dared to Love You



“Howon, can you hear me?”


Doojoon is pressing his intercom while his eyes are looking around the place. Another night with the same routine as he and his so-called partner in crime is having another job. He’s looking around once again, when the last time he saw his partner standing back then when just in a last minute, he’s already gone. He’s pressing his intercom once again since feared is coming inside his body.


“Howon, copy me, Howon.”


No, he’s not afraid with people or some guards who’s already standing all over the place. His mission that he got today is just as simple as he’s turning his hand, he just scared that his friend is do something without thinking about it first. Action comes first than words. He’s roaming around the place when he heard that someone is talking with him.


“Doojoon, copy me.”


He’s pressing the intercom as he’s hiding behind the wall while he’s still looking around; his awareness is coming into maximum when it comes to killing someone. “Yeah, sure, Yoseob.”


“I’m already blocked the security cameras all over the place, you can go now.”




Doojoon is pressing the intercom again as he’s walking through the hallway. He’s roaming around the place when he notices there’s a guard one meter away from him. He’s taking out his sniper before he’s shoot it through his neck. There’s no way he can miss the shoot, he’s been training for almost ten years of his life, and guns are like his best friend.


The guard is quickly falling from the fourth floor he was standing before to the first floor, and he’s totally made a total chaos. He’s quickly putting on his mask and reload his guns before the alarm inside the building is ringing and all of the guards who’s probably just sleep before, completely awake and search who’s the trouble maker inside the building.




Doojoon is quickly running to the fifth floor to where the victim is supposed to be. He’s running around when suddenly someone’s talking through his intercom, make him hide behind the wall he can reach before he took his handgun and put his sniper on his shoulder. He’s shooting one and another one guards who’s trying to get through him.


“What a total chaos you get here, brother.”


“Where are you?” Doojoon is trying hard to shoot the guards while he’s pressing his intercom again. “Help me!”


“What are you doing in the fifth floor anyway? Go through the rooftop. The victim is done.”




Doojoon can’t think again once he heard what his partner said as he’s taking out his sniper and shoot the guards one by one. Thank God, he brings his sniper or he will be dead tonight. He’s about running out of bullets when he heard another shoot from across the room. He’s looking at it when he realizes that it was the man he’s been looking around since before, saved his own life.


He’s quickly running to where he’s standing before he’s heading to the rooftop where the helicopter that the company send to rescue them. Howon is walking behind him as he keeps shooting one into another guards, and he quickly jumps to the helicopter when suddenly the bullets is shoot his right arm, make him flinch, and he’s about to fall completely to the ground before Doojoon catch him.


He shoots the guard from the helicopter through his chest before he pulls his friend inside the helicopter. Howon is laughing lightly before he pokes his friend shoulder. “What a great night, Doojoon-ah, we’ll return with money tonight.”


Doojoon is only looking at him before he’s smiling lightly and tears his friend clothes. He’s taking out some medicine box where he kept all of the medicine that probably will be need for him and his friend whenever they did a mission. He’s taking out a knife before he’s slicing his friend arm, and takes a scissors to get the bullets from his arm.


Howon is holding his clothes tightly; try to reduce the pain by doing it even though he knew that it’s just useless. Doojoon is quickly wrapping out his friend arm with a band-aid and put a plaster on it. He pats his friend arm, and smiling lightly. “That’s only what I can do. You will heal your arm once we get into the company.”


“Sure, thanks buddy.”


Doojoon is putting the medicine box in front of him before he’s sitting next to him. He’s grinning widely before he pokes his friend. “Anyway, how could you kill the victim right away? I don’t even get through the guards before Yoseob turned off the security cameras.”


“Action speaks louder than words, my friend.” Howon is laughing lightly before he’s speaking again. “It’s easy; I covered up my body using the guards’ clothes while I’m using the gun that guards have. It’s just a stupid person who thought that I’m actually his guard.”


“Who is it anyway?”


“Yong Junhyun.”


“Whoa, next time, asked me first, should we take the job or not. If it was this simple we shouldn’t took it. We can give it to level one or level two.”


Howon is shrugged his shoulder before he’s slipping his drinks inside his mouth. “But I’m running out of money.”


Doojoon is only leaving out a heavy sighed as he puts his hand over his forehead. Another night with him killing someone that he didn’t even know. He sure knows some politicians who are having a crime that took the people money. That’s the person he really wants to kill, but the company he’s getting into didn’t took that kind of job. Dirty jobs to be exact.


He’s storming inside the building once they’re arrived with them being dragged to one of the room, where it’s supposed to be the room where they keep all of the guns. They’re not supposed to take the gun except handgun that they had, but it was kept inside their home, and everything should be given to the company again. They’re taking out everything before they’re heading to the room to meet his boss or well known as Sunggyu.


“So, how’s the mission?”


Doojoon is looking all over the room and he notices that there’s a slight change inside his boss room. It’s already been months since they took the job, and working as an ordinary people. He’s working as a computer technician while Howon is taking a job as a waiter at one of the café. Their boss didn’t give them a job that they can handle it really simple since their level is way higher than others shooter from their company. And their payment is over budget as well, thanks to their experience for almost ten years.


They’re born and live inside this company. Their live isn’t as ordinary as what other kids have when they’re still a young people. While other kids are having a car or doll as their toys, he and Howon are not. They’re having a gun as their toys. It’s already being combined with their body. Guns, killing people, bullets, it’s already like their daily routines.


Sunggyu is looking at the top shooter of his company in front of him before he’s smiling lightly. “Is he died?”


Howon nods his head before he raised his eyebrows. “So, where is our money?”


Sunggyu is laughing lightly before he’s nodding his head. “I know that you will be asking the money right away, but the money is going to be given to you, I will cut it half. You made the building a total chaos, and I don’t ask for that.”


“What? So, the money is already low and you cut it into half?”


Sunggyu nods his head while Howon can only scoffed. He’s leaning to the chair before he’s standing up from his seat. “I’m going to heal this first.”


Doojoon is looking at his boss in front of him, who’s already handing him the money for tonight mission. He’s taking a peek on it before he nods his head. Howon is right, the money is not as big as they needs, but what can he do? His boss words are final and they can only follow him right away. He took the money and put it inside his pocket before he’s bowing to him and walking outside the room.




He turns his body once again before he’s looking at his boss who’s already showing him another picture. The victim picture to be exact. He’s coming closer as he took a closer look on it. Sunggyu is asking him to sit again, and he completely obeys it. “So, I heard that you and Howon are running out money, that’s why you took the job, am I, correct?”


Doojoon nods his head while Sunggyu is pointing out the picture. “This man is Seo Eunkwang, known as the son from another company boss. I want you to help Kyungsoo with this, and kill this guy, and I will give you the reward.”


“How much?”


“500.000 won for you.”


Doojoon is looking at his boss who’s giving him the smirk on his face. It’s just such a waste if he didn’t take the job. He needs the money, of course, who wouldn’t? His daily needs use money; he can’t get his daily needs using the guns. “How about Howon?”


“He’s injured right? I will discharge him for time being. He can works inside the building first.”


“But, we’re partner. If I took the job so is Howon. I and Howon are package.”


Sunggyu is nodding his head while he’s only smiling lightly. “Well, sure, I will not give the job for you then. I will ask Joon to take care of it or I will ask Kris to do this job.”


“Kris? That Chinese guy?”


Sunggyu nods his head while he’s standing up from his seat. He’s touching the wooden table before he’s going to take some drinks. “That Chinese guy that you said before is already way over your level, Yoon Doojoon. He’s actually working at our company headquarter who’s being place in China. Don’t underestimate him because he’s a Chinese.”


“Sure, whatever you’re saying, boss.”


Doojoon is standing up from his seat before Sunggyu is talking again. “You know that I’m watching you boys.” He’s looking at him for a while before he’s leaving the room to the room where it’s supposed to be the medical room, and where he can found Howon in there. He’s taking a seat before he’s sitting beside the bed.


“How is it?”


Howon is looking at his friend, before he scoffed for a while. “Yeah, my arms injured badly. So, what did Sunggyu say?”


“He asked me to take the job with Kyungsoo and killed Seo Eunkwang. But, I refused it.”




“It’s simple, you’re my partner, I will work with you only, if you’re injured then I will not take any job from Sunggyu.”


Howon is laughing lightly before he’s poking his friend forehead. “Yah, you’re an assassin. Why you need me to take the job?”


Doojoon is laughing lightly while he;s looking at his friend’s arm who’s being taken care of by one of the doctor. “But, Howon-ah, for the nth time, I will tell you that don’t do things without me, work along, tell me what happened. I don’t want you to get injured because of me.”


“It’s alright. We used to have this kind of injured anyway.”


“But it’s different.”


“Fine, I will tell you again what to do next once we got another job, grandpa.”


Doojoon is smacking his friend head while the latter is flinch in pain. It’s already his routine, take the job, kill the person, one of the person got injured or both of them survived. It seems like it’s what they can do for now on.



author's note ;; [hyunie18] so, here's the first chapter!! my twinnie is posting the prologue and here it is! i'm sorry for bad grammar and probably the action isn't that good, but i will try to make another good action in the next chapter! and another minor is added, Yoseob, Lee Joon, and Kris, hope you guys like it! subscribe and comments are love!

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Chapter 3: Aaaaaahhh park sibling !! asghfkvieb XD
and horong~ my secret otp keke
tsh that phone ring interupt their lovey dovey hahaha
and~ the next chapter will going action scene ?? oh can't wait !! :D
xoxoria #2
Chapter 2: doorong pleasee keke! they were cute in all my love even though they're loveline in that sitcom was quite short:/ okay I'll support whoever you pair chorong up with though haha! hwaiting!
Chapter 2: Oww now your turn ayu~~~
aaaaaahhh you're try to write action genre... and this is so cool !!
unnie love it...
aaaaaahhh and this getting interesting....
curious with who chorong have a love line.... minrong ?? doorong ?? horong ??
like always update soon !!
ThunderLime #4
Chapter 1: Ohmy, it sounds fantastic. Please update soon <3
Woah~ you and ayu start to make a collab fics~~~~
yeah unnie will support this !! XD
chorong x cute/handsumm/hot/smexy/cool guys i'll approve them all. INSTANT SUBSCRIBE.