Dared to Love You



It's been a while after she discharged from the hospital. Obviously Chanyeol disagree to her choice, he believes her sight will soon get better if she continue receiving the threatments they give to her. While Chorong, she keep denying his offer. It will be harder for them if she keep receiving the threatments and staying in the hospital, they don't have enough money to pay and fulfill their living. He already took three part time jobs a day, and at night he choose to stay over in the hospital. She cannot handle it anymore, seeing how her brother works non stop, as long as they can live together it's enough for Chorong.


"Noona! Noona! Listen, i have a good news!"


Chorong chuckles at her brother's childish reaction. She can imagine how he grins widely and excitedly skips to her room. "What is it?" She says calmly, giving her brother a smile. "Minhyuk hyung says he need a help with his cafe, and he accepted me!" He claims causing Chorong to clap her hand. Yet, she still feel guilty to make him works for their living. She had cause a lot trouble for Chanyeol. "I'm sorry, I cannot help you, Chanyeol." She sighs regarding to her disabilty.


"It's okay, Noona. I'm strong! I could handle all the things!"


"Even if i told you to come here at five to clean the cafe and buy the ingredients yourself, Yeol?"


Minhyuk interups the Park conversation, he places his arm over Chorong's shoulder. Chorong laughs at his statement, while her brother wines like a kid. She shake her head before pinching Minhyuk's hand away from her shoulder. "Don't you dare to do that, oppa. I, Park Chorong, won't ever forgive you." She states with a laughs, causing Chanyeol to laughs in victory. Minhyuk chuckles, he already know that she would say that.The Chorong he knows is quite protective over her brother. "I'm just joking, Rong. I won't do that rude things to your brother." He says as he pats her head.


"Oh wait, i'll going to call Eunji! She needs to know about this!" Chanyeol excuses himself to kill Eunji, his girlfriend. Letting another laughs escape from her lips, before the situation changed to another silence as Chanyeol walks away from the two. "Good things that he still have Eunji to support him." Minhyuk says. "Eunji is nice girl, I'm glad that she's the one who he pick over all other girls." Chorong smiles. She remember how Eunji take care of her while she was still in hospital to receive the threatment. The girl never left her side just like Chanyeol, she even brought her favorite food and sang a lullaby so she could sleep peacefully without having nightmare. Just then, she remembers.


"Oppa, where's Howon? I haven't meet him for a while."


"A-ah, Howon. I don't know, he haven't been helping here for a week."


"Is he that busy? So that's why you accepted a new employee."


Minhyuk laughs dryly, he take another chair beside her. Chorong is right, he, himself as Howon's closets cousin hasn't seen him for a while. He guess, the last time he calls him is this Sunday. The day when Chorong discharged from hospital and went straight to the cafe to see him. That time, he swear he could hear either nurse or doctor says to him to end the call and having a quick check-up. Minhyuk get rid of his though as soon as Chorong voice echoes in the silent cafe with an 'oppa' and another questions.


"Oppa, do you know where is he right now?"


Darn it, Howon. He cuss under his breathe. Why did you make things become harder than ever?


As he about to reply her question, the door opens. Howon walks deeper to the cafe with a wide smile plasters in his face. He calmy walks over his girlfriend, giving her a tight squeze on her hand. "Howon?" She asks with a frown, causing the guy in front of her to laughs. "I'm sorry for not visiting you, Rong. I was busy to settle a lot things." He answers her. Minhyuk smack his arms playfully, Howon winces in pain before he suddenly covers it with a small laughs. "Dude, you don't know how much i need you with the cafe!" He complains.


"It's because i have a lot things to do, hyung!"


He groans in the end, before Chorong giggles at the two. "At least i could see you now." She trails her hand over his face, examining his facial feature. "I've missed you so bad, Howon. I thought you forgot about me." She continues. Minhyuk clears his throat, soon he stand and signaling Howon that he'll leave the couple by their own. Howon sighs, she worries about him yet he only give her calls not more than two times a day. He has to take a treatments for his swollen arms due to the shoot, and his boss never give him a chance to leave the building.


"I'm sorry. I'm sorry to make you worry."


He says as he places a peck on her forehead. Next time, he wouldn't take a risky plan, he wouldn't caught himself off guard.


"Promise me, you won't ever do that again."


She claims. Howon nods, giving another peck on her forehead.


"I promise, Rong."


Just as he about to kiss her, his phone interups him with a sudden ring. Howon groans as Chorong laughs. His eyes twinches as he look at the screen. Doojoon hyung. Mumbling a simple wait to his girlfriend, he take a several step away and answers the call. "What is it hyung?" He asks. And the other line replies him, causing him to let out another sighs.


That grandpa look for you just now, get back here quickly.


author note's ;; [sesangeuro] Please, don't kill me ; ; I don't know why i even write this. This chapter, featuring Eunji! kkk, happy viruses. c: And i'm sorry for lack of writting skill, i cannot do well with action or else (but it doesn't mean i wouldn't write some of it, hahaha). How is it? Do you guys enjoy hyunie18's action chapter? o u o Oh, and have a fun reading the chapter guise :) ily!

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Chapter 3: Aaaaaahhh park sibling !! asghfkvieb XD
and horong~ my secret otp keke
tsh that phone ring interupt their lovey dovey hahaha
and~ the next chapter will going action scene ?? oh can't wait !! :D
xoxoria #2
Chapter 2: doorong pleasee keke! they were cute in all my love even though they're loveline in that sitcom was quite short:/ okay I'll support whoever you pair chorong up with though haha! hwaiting!
Chapter 2: Oww now your turn ayu~~~
aaaaaahhh you're try to write action genre... and this is so cool !!
unnie love it...
aaaaaahhh and this getting interesting....
curious with who chorong have a love line.... minrong ?? doorong ?? horong ??
like always update soon !!
ThunderLime #4
Chapter 1: Ohmy, it sounds fantastic. Please update soon <3
Woah~ you and ayu start to make a collab fics~~~~
yeah unnie will support this !! XD
chorong x cute/handsumm/hot/smexy/cool guys i'll approve them all. INSTANT SUBSCRIBE.