
That Which Makes Us Complete


I have always liked how our heights are perfect for each other, how you are shorter than me by just that tiny little bit. I have always liked how easy it makes it for me to angle my head down and tilt your chin up before I lean in for a kiss. I have always liked how natural it feels.

Because it just vindicates all the arguments I have made to myself, gives me all the assurances I need that this relationship is right, that we are meant to be together even when the media has found out and the public is raising a ruckus about this supposed dastardly abomination. It goes against the law, they argue. It goes against the will of god, they claim. It goes against the very fabric of nature, they say.

But if it truly is, what’s with this sense of completion I feel whenever I am with you? This sense of security, this feeling that everything is perfect and nothing matters more than having you beside me, together with me. And if it’s true, why does it feel so natural whenever you pull me into a kiss when you catch me so full of doubt and fear that the world is going to judge us and everything we have built will crumble into pieces just because they can’t accept what’s foreign, what’s alien.

If what they say is true, why am I so deeply in love with you?


Homophobes, all of them. And perhaps xenophobes, too. And most certainly ignorant idiots.

Still, whatever they may be, they can do nothing to pull us apart, they can do nothing to change who we are and what we want to be. I was once shaken and—oh and that was the moment when I showed myself at my weakest to you, so tiny, so frightened and so very young. I was the one who slipped up, the one who tried to snatch a kiss with you after a late night performance at MBC.

I was too eager, too careless and we weren’t even fully backstage when I planted a quick kiss on your lips, a teaser of what would come later that night. I was still high from the energy of the crowd, still drunk on the excitement and cheers, so full of myself that I didn’t notice that the fangirls’ eyes were still on us, and they had their cameras with them.

Everything exploded then. The media had the pictures within an hour and they were instantly posted online as ‘breaking news’. I was mortified; terrified of the consequences and what the public will rob away from us. So afraid I was that I even contemplated lying, releasing a statement that you and I were not in a homoual relationship at all, that it was just a simple brotherly kiss. Manager-hyung nearly had me convinced that that was the only thing that could salvage that disaster.

But thank goodness, I was not such a fool, not such a coward and that you found me in time to wake me up to the truth. You held my hands and forced me to look at you and pour out all my fears and insecurities. You whisper to me assurances when I brokenly confessed to you that all this media pressure was driving me crazy, was driving me up the wall, was driving my friends away.

And then you immediately squeezed my hands and told me that you would always be here for me, that all the friends whom truly love me would stay by me, would stay by us. Because look, Jonghyun and Kibum and Taemin were fine with it. A bit shocked, perhaps, but they weren’t pushing us away.

Although, you continued with a wry smile, their catcalls were starting to get a bit annoying.

And I could only give you a choked sob then—oh the embarrassment now that I am thinking back on it—and bury my face into yours as tears rolled down my cheeks. That was all I could do, but now that I have matured and grown stronger, I hope you will be able to rely me instead. I hope I can be your pillar of support just as you have always been mine. I hope we will be together forever.

Our heights are perfect for each other. You, a few centimetres shorter. Me, a few centimetres taller. It’s just the perfect height for kissing.

Their heights are nice together ^^

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oconje #1
Chapter 3: Aigoo, this is the perfect antidote to Get the Hint for an obsessed Onho shipper like me! MVPs seem to be some of the most eloquent and sophisticated writers, like you. Loving your Big Country fic even though its Jongyu, which is my 2nd OTP.
Chapter 3: awww it's just too perfect... you are great... i loved it..<3<3
Chapter 2: awwwwww fluffffffffffyyyyyy........
hunhanus #4
Chapter 2: please update soon..
chocoenvelope #5
Chapter 1: Gosh, that was beautiful :')
I wish to experience such feelings one day. Our society focuses in on all the wrong things, but you successfully captured such a beautiful aspect of love.
Chapter 1: awwww soooo sweeeetttt <3