
He Belongs to Me

---September 20, 2011---


A horrified shriek woke Chaerin from her slumber and she bolted down the hall into Dara's room. Dara lay knotted in her covers coated in sweat screaming. Chaerin gripped her shoulders firmly and shook her vigorously until the girls eyes snapped open; she gasped and collapsed into Chaerin’s arms trembling as tears ran down her face.


"Another nightmare?" Dara nodded silently. "Dara it's okay I am here, you can talk to me."


She massaged her back gently until the girl calmed and she turned to Chaerin desolately. "It was the same, it's always the same. We are walking and having fun and then there is a car and then gunshots and so much blood. That’s when the screaming starts."


Chaerin pulled the covers over them both as she settled in besides her holding her gently. "I know, I remember. He protected you because he loved you Dara, he always did."


"I know but-"


"No 'buts’ Yong Guk would be pissed if he saw you like this because of him. He would've wanted you to be happy."


"You're right, I just- they've been happening more often what if-"


"There is no 'what if' you are just stressed. You are moving in with you fiancé tomorrow and it's going to mark the next chapter in your life, it's okay to be nervous."


"I feel like I'm betraying him." She replied softly plucking at the blanket.


"Himchan was his best friend, but Dara there is not a doubt in my mind that he would happy for you. Do you wanna know why I know?"




"Because he cared about you and wanted the best for you and Himchan is the best thing for you."


"Do you mean that?"


"Of course I do, he was my oldest friend and we told each other everything and if you ask Himchan he will tell you the same thing so don't you dare think that your happiness is wrong. Promise me you will try to start moving on. It's what he would’ve wanted."


Dara nodded and they both laid silently in the darkness until they both drifted off to sleep.


---September 21, 2012---


"That's the last of it." Jong Up sighed in relief setting down the last box.


"Thanks for the help." Himchan grinned plopping onto the couch looking around at the surrounding boxes. "Now it's time to unpack."


"That's all you man I gotta get home and do….some stuff." Daehyun laughed and the other boys started mumbling about other plans as three girls entered the room.


"Oh wow, you got everything in already! Thank you so much." Dara squealed happily the boys smiled and shrugged it off while offering to help unpack.


"Really? What about all that 'stuff' you had to take care of?" Himchan mocked.


"There is a lot of work to do and it'll get done quicker if we all help out and you can settle into your new home even faster."


"Aw that's so selfless of you Young Jae." Minzy replied sardonically. "By the way you do know she's engaged so you won't be getting laid right?"


"Minzy!" Dara scolded, Young Jae flushed and the rest roared with laughter.


"On second thought you guys can get out of here and I can unpack with the ladies." Smirking at his friends he proceeded to them out.


Dara stood frowning at him when he returned, "Come on girls let's start unpacking."


He stared at her inquisitively then shrugged settling down to help. "So ladies, how was class?"


They all groaned exasperated.


"That good huh?"


The conversation continued and by late evening they had managed to unpack everything after which Dara saw her friends off while making plans to meet up with them soon and returned to her new home.


Himchan lifted her up in his arms and pulled her against him kissing her tenderly.


"Finally, we have the house all to ourselves. Any ideas?" He asked eyeing her hungrily.


Her face screwed up in thought. "Um, How about a movie?"


His face fell, “After two years of having to work around living with roommates the first thing you want to do now that we are finally completely alone is watch a movie?"


"Yes, why? What do you wanna do?"


"You," He muttered.




"Nothing, what movie did you want to watch?"


"The Notebook!"


"Great," He replied rolling his eyes and settling back on the couch while she scurried off. "It's not like we haven't seen it a hundred ing times."


"Got it!" Turning it on she curled up beside him; he chuckled wrapping his arm around her holding her close.


"Only for you." He muttered shaking his head.




"Nothing." He gently placed a kiss on the top of her head and she giggled squeezing him tightly before turning her attention to the screen.


---October 7, 2011---


"So how's living with the future hubby?" Chaerin teased.


"It's been alright, I'm still adjusting." She replied staring blankly at the menu in front of her.


"What’s wrong Dara?"


"The dreams, I still have them and I don't know what to tell him."


"Have you tried the truth?"


"You're not serious how can I tell him that I still have dreams about my ex."


"He will understand; they were best friends you don’t honestly think he'd be upset because you still miss Yong Guk when he does too."


"A part of me will always love Yong Guk and I don't want to hurt him! It's just so hard dealing with everything."


"You're not the only one who's hurting!!!" Chaerin snapped.


Shocked Dara stared wide eyed at her. "CL-roo..."


Chaerin closed her eyes taking a deep breath, "Sorry. It's just- we all loved him, we all lost him, and we are all hurting so keeping everything bottled up because you think that we won't understand is bull Dara and you know it. After that're not the only one who has those dreams."


Dara stared down guilty eyes filling with tears. "You're right I guess I didn't really think about how he felt."


A heavy silence fell between them and only after their waiter arrived for their orders did they begin speaking, "So other than that how has everything been?"


"Uh, good I love the house it's so spacious I just wish he didn't work so much it gets lonely, but there is some good news." Chaerin raised her eyebrow curiously as the girl was suddenly back to her bubbly self.


"Himchan paid off all my debts!!!"


Sputtering her cola across the table, flying into a coughing fit Dara reached over and patted the girls back. "All of them?!"


"Yup." She was beaming and Chaerin gaped at her incredulous.


"I forgot he comes from money." She chuckled wryly gazing fondly at her friend whom she cared deeply for but she was aware that she was flighty and financially irresponsible she had hoped her fiancé would keep her grounded but now she was worried he might just enable her bad habits. "How much did it come out to?"


"Well there were the nine maxed credit cards, and the four bank loans, and 6 years of student loans which came out to about three hundred."


"Three what?!"


"Three hundred thousand." Chaerin’s face blanched and her stomach dropped as she gaped at the cheery girl.


"Three hundred thousand? He is really out to blow his trust fund isn't he?"


Dara laughed, "No, when he dropped out of university he took over his family's business so his dad could retire, he owns TS Enterprise now."


"Holy crap and here I thought he was just a spoiled rich boy. I didn't even know he started working at TS, my dad never said anything about it."


"He's been running it for the past three years since Yong-" She cut off abruptly, her eyes filling with tears she rushed to the restroom.


"Dara?!" Shocked Chaerin followed after her finding her sobbing in a stall.


"I'm s-sorry I j-just c-can’t talk about this now." While she dabbed her face with tissue Chaerin squeezed into the stall with her eyeing the girl warily.


"Are you alright Dara?"




Chaerin sat down beside and held her growing more concerned by her friends drastic mood swings which were becoming more frequent, however, when confronted Dara simply shrugged it off blaming the stress of school and wedding plans but Chaerin knew her too well to believe that.


That coupled with her reoccurring nightmares Chaerin could tell that something was not right, making a mental note to talk with Himchan before jumping to any conclusions she waited for Dara to calm.


They returned to their table as their food arrived and resumed chatting about trivial things for a while before leaving.


"Oh, Chaerin next Saturday Himchan is taking me shopping and I want you to come."


"What do you need me for?"


"What else? You are the most fashionable person I know and I need help to pick out my new wardrobe, I am going to be a wife you know." She replied matter-of-factly.


They were silent for a moment before bursting into a fit of giggles.


"I will be there."


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Sushimidumpling #1
Chapter 12: this is a nice story. i'm so glad you updated. it's really good.
xNarya #2
Chapter 12: A little bit Hayi-Zelo ohhhhh ! I like it. But it is also good to know that BYG had a brother and their past :)
Chapter 11: Idk how you did it, but you've really made me love this story. I feel really bad for Himchan and Chaerin the most. They have to put up with the most things in this so I'm happy they're the main pairing cuz they'd really understand each other.

Thanks for updating[:
Sushimidumpling #4
Chapter 10: This is wonderful
Chapter 10: He loved her back didn't he? Omg I'm gonna go cry now. SkyBang givin me feels and makin me sob.

Thanks for updating! Can't wait to see what happens next lol(:
Chapter 10: ahhhhh an update finallyyy ♥♥♥ *sobs* he didnt let her die, and he can finally really die now ahhhh... ㅠㅠ will people be there for her when she wakes up? i need more updates but thatd sound selfish and demanding but... ahhh i need moree of thiiis uuuuu~ ♥
xNarya #7
Chapter 10: OMFG ! This chapter is so WOW ! Why did BYG died seriously ? Because I ship them a lot, and I'm sure he told her he loves her. Anyway Thank you for the chapter and for coming back ahaha ! :)
Chapter 9: OMFGGGGGGGGGG. Please don't leave this story behind! I'm crying so hard right now. Why can't things go good for Chaerin? It makes me so sad and now I'm stuck wondering what the present Yongguk wanted to give her was. And honestly Dara doesn't deserve Himchan. I love Dara in reality but in this she's a spoiled brat.


What's Yongguk gonna tell her? omg i cant control my feelsssssssssss.
Chapter 9: agsggsakjagagskaa i need the next chapter nooooowww omggg *whines* where is it where is it where is it wheeeereeeee....???? ;___;

i hate/love how chae always puts dara first, why? did she make a mistake in the past? is she feeling guilty because they both loved a same man? why chaerin, whyyy?? *throws tantrums* and those dresses! those damned dresses kept her away from being survived! thank goodness himchan managed to save her, at least we aren't so hopeless and not have to wait until it's spring to find her body... #phew

but still... she meets yongguk!!! ♥♥♥ which means.. either she was dreaming or she was dying... uh oh... or both... .__.v well at least they got to meet... haha... it's kinda ironical that the place they can meet without any obstacles *cough*dara*cough* is when she is unconscious and i guess with himchan shouting for her to come back... ah.. i wonder if she'd choose yongguk because it's pain-free, and she doesn't have to take care of any dara here with yongguk... but then baby himchan's doing would be in vain, i wouldn't want that ㅠㅠ oh i cant decide and so i rant hahahahha ;p

cant wait for the next chapter woooo
Chapter 9: i hope that chae is fine n himchan could really save her :')
n about yongguk appear i bet its just her ilusional dreams ...
Or Maybe he will tell something to her ...
Why chaerin is the one who's really being suffered :( ...
Please update soon author nim ^^