Its U

They went back to class..

Taemin's POV:

So she is concerned about me? I was  so stupid for not listening to her.. This jealousy is taking a troll on me! I simply can't stop smiling thinking she cares about me.. She called Kai a ert! That means she doesn't like him? YES! :D 

Taemin was doing a happy little dance in his head but was grinning like an idiot on the out.. Minho nudged him with his elbow..

"Yah! stop grinning like that babo..", Minho whispered not to get caught..

"I can't help it.. I'm happy",Taemin beamed..

That point of time Minho noticed Sulli grinning too and Krys trying to talk to her..

"So you two made up?",Minho Whispered 


Yeah so Taemin had to tell the guys everything after the little stunt he pulled yesterday.. They tried telling him it was a misunderstanding but he wouldn't listen..

Now he himself realized it..

"Good.. You two quarrel like lovers dude seriously",Minho teased..

"I do love her..",Taemin said

"Yeah but what about her?",Minho asked

Taemin's face faded away.. His face fell

"I.. I din't mean to hurt you.. Why don't you just confess Taemin?",Minho suddenly felt bad for Taemin..

"I will Minho.. I'm just waiting for the right moment..", He said..

The rest few weeks was going smoothly for Sulli.. She and Taemin made up and Kai was not bothering her.. She wondered if he was planning something.. She told the girls an they were more than happy for her..

After the fight it seemed like She and Taemin became even more close.. Taemin would always text her, not that she minded..

One day Taemin was absent for the school.. Usually he would text her telling he wouldn't be able to come to school.. That day she received no text message..

She found school really boring all of a sudden.. The enitre day was dragging for her.. She waited if Taemin will text her during the day..

Taemiinie~ school is so boring.. :(

Why din't you come?

We have so much homework to do.. I'll get it for you in the eveing? ^^

She received no reply.. That was so unlike him.. As soon as the school got over she ran to go to Taemin's house.. She rode to his place..

She excitedly knocked on his door expecting to see Taemin.. Her smile faded away when she a girl, her age or a year younger standing in the doorway..

"Yes can i help you?", She asked smiling

who is this? is she her cousin? Taemin never mentioned him having any cousins..

"Ummm.. Is Taemin home?", Sulli asked

"Yes he is.. And you are?",Sulli tried making her way into the house but was blocked by the girl..

what the hell? move aside woman! Why is she blocking me?

"I'm his best friend.. Now can you let me in?",Sulli said frustrated..

"Oh.. Come in and wait in the living room.. I'll go fetch him..", she said and disappeared upstairs..

Sulli was dumbfounded..

Why should i wait here? I never did that before.. No one objected me here.. Where is Aunty anyway? who the hell is she?

Sulli heard the girl knocking on Taemin's door

"Oppa.. You have to come down.. You have a visitor.. You've been in there the whole day", the girl said..

"Urgh.. I'm coming..", Sulli heard Taemin's sleepy voice..

Sulli waited there patiently.. She saw Taemin climbing down the stairs in black shorts and a red tee.. The girl followed him closed behind..

Taemin looked sleepy.. He din't notice Sulli yet..

"Hey there sleepy head..", Sulli said smiling..

Taemin lost his drowsiness..

"Sulli! What are you doing here?",He exclaimed happy.. He went and hugged her.. After the fight the hugs became common between them.. Not that any of them minded..

The girl watching them cleared .. sending a glare towards Sulli which she caught.. They seperated from their hug..

"Umm.. Sulli this is Suzy.. She is my Dad's best friends daughter... She will be attending our school from tomorrow..", he explained.

Suzy immediately clung to Taemin's arm and gave fake smile to Sulli.."Annyeong Sulli-shi, Nice to meet you"

"Oppa.. What do you want me to cook?", she asked Taemin making an aegyo.. Taemin blushed..

what is happening here? Why will she cook for him? What happened to Aunty? Why is being so clingy? Why is Taemin blushing? Arrrggghhh why am i frustrated?

"Wait is she living here or something.. Where are Aunty an Uncle?", Sulli managed to ask him after Suzy disappeared to cook something..

Taemin rubbed the back of neck awkwardly "Yeah.. For a while... Her parents will be here in a few weeks time.. They have to shift everything from states so for now she is staying here to attend school and my parents went out.. They will be back late"

what?? So she is staying here with Taemin? I'm not liking the idea of this.. I'm not liking the girl.. He din't reply to my texts because he was with her? what is she to him?

."Ummm.. Sulli you want to join us for dinner?"

"No thanks.. I gotta go.. Here is your homework..", She gave him and left hurriedly..

Taemin just watched her acting weird.. 

How can a guy and girl stay together? Anything can happen between them.. Why am i even bothered?


YAYYY i got 10 subscribers :D *doing happy lil' dance*

Yeah so there.. my double update :) You see Sulli is getting jealous -_^

Kekeke :D so guys i won't be able to update for a few days :)

Please bear with me :) Saranghae my awesome subscribers <3

until later guys :)

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Chapter 23: yay! happy ending~ can u please tell me what song did Taemin sing?
Chapter 23: Awww....Sequel pleeeeeeeeeeeeez ??? I really liked this one author-nim :) I hope that....(if there really is gonna be a sequel) Taelli will get married and have lots and lots of babies :'D lol (Maybe a rated M sequel ?? XD) Anywayz....I love you author-nim :) And thanks for writing this amazing fic. YOU DA BEST !!!! Update the epilogue soon ^0^
Chapter 22: Ugghhhh....waeyoooo ??!!!! A cliffhanger ??!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Please Taemin save her !!!! Update soon author-nim pleeeeeease !!!! D':
Song_SeoHyun #4
Chapter 21: ok...where is the next one i missed having a first cliffy but now i really do have one. so update super soon
Song_SeoHyun #5
Chapter 19: nooooooo i dont want kai to come back >.<
Song_SeoHyun #6
Chapter 18: yay! first kiss though by accident XD
Song_SeoHyun #7
Chapter 17: i already hate suzys guts already
Song_SeoHyun #8
Chapter 15: no not a cliffhanger thank god i became friends with you after this point XD