Its U

Sulli was frozen by Taemin's sudden outburst 'again'.. She got back to her senses and ran after him.. When she reached downstairs she saw Taemin's mom giving her a worried look because he just stormed out of the house .. She just gave her a faint smile reassuring her everything will be ok.. She ran out of the house and she found that Taemin was already out of her sight.. She panicked..

where did he go? Please tell me he din't go after Kai.. what to do? what to do..

She was jumping from one feet to another.. Then she decided to call her friends..

this man! I don't care if everyone knows i just don't want Taemin hurt..

"Yebeoseyo? Oppa.. I need your help.. Right now..", she said 

"Help? with what?", Key asked her on the other line..

Sulli hesitated but decided to tell him.."Taemin just disappeared.. I think he went after Kai..", She said biting her bottom lip..

"What? why?",Key asked in panic

"I'll explain later oppa.. Please just go find him..",Sulli said

"Okay don't worry.. I'll take the guys with me.. Where are you?" ,he said.

"Okay.. Just please hurry up.. I don't want him to get hurt.. And I'm outside Taemin's house..",She said

"Yeah okay.. You go back home safe.. Or do you want me come there and drop you back home?",he asked

"Am fine oppa.. Just hurry and find him..", she said.

"Yeah okay.. I'll call you later", he said and hung up..

Sulli felt a pang of pain.. She din't know why Taemin was acting like that.. She felt the tears streaming down.. She din't wanna go back home just yet..

She called her mom she will be little late and she went ti Vic's house.. Vic opened the door only to find the now crying hard Sulli.. She panicked and called the others.. They all gathered at Vic's place in 10 mins..

"Sulli whats wrong?", Vic asked..

Sulli stopped crying now.. "Its Taemin.. We had a misunderstanding again.. Just the time i thought we made up and we fight again.. Urgh.. I don't get why he acting like this..",She said frustrated..

"Will you just tell us what happened without missing any detail?",Luna asked..

And so she told them how Kai misbehaved with her and how she found herself at Taemin's doorstep and how they made up and how he got mad later..

Their mouths were hanging open..

"Kai did what?",Krys asked annoyed.. Sulli lifted her hair up and showed them the hickey.. They gasped in shock..

"Thank god Key saved you from that ert!", Amber said..

"Now the point is the guys are searching for Taemin.. And i dunno what to do?", Sulli said..

"Its ok Ssul he will be fine.. Don't worry.. You will have to clear the misunderstanding though.. Do it first thing in the morning tomorrow okay?", Vic said

Sulli nodded.. "They will call you okay.. Now i'll take you home.. Your Mom will get worried..",Vic said..

They all dispersed and Vic dropped Sulli home.. 

Sulli went to her bedroom.. She was so tired with everything that happened that day.. She took a shower and slipped under her covers.. She slept like a rock.. She din't realize her phone buzzing for a long time..

Next morning she woke up to find 10 missed calls from Key.. She immediately called him back to find out that they found Taemin and Kai in the middle of a fight at school and that Taemin is fine..

She sighed in relief.. She got ready and left for school..

She was sitting in her usual place beside Krys.. She saw Taemin enter the classroom..He din't even look at her.. She decided to talk him at lunch.. She has to know why he is acting like this..

She saw Kai enter after some time and saw that he had a balck eye.. She immediately looked away..

During the classes she noticed Taemin struggling to write.. He let out hisses of pain.. Thats when she noticed the cut on his hand.. It wasn't treated..

what the hell was he thinking? Thats why i din't wan't him to go.. Babo.

When the bell rang.. She immediately left the classroom.. She went to her locker to get the first aid kit she kept for the sake of emergencies..

She went inside the class and stood infront of taemin's desk who was struggling to get his things in his bag..

"Taemin come with me..",she said sternly.. She knew he will reject her

"No.." , he said and got up..

Sulli knew this would happen.. Just when he was about walk away she grabbed his hand and dragged him to the rooftop..

When they reached there Taemin yanked his hand off her grip..

"Why are we here?", He asked

"Just sit down..", she said sitting down

"No.. I'm leaving", he said and turned around, But Sulli was quick enough to grab his hand and pull him down..

He hissed in pain..

"Give me your other hand",she said taking out cotton and the disinfectant from her first aid box..

When Taemin din't she took it herself and started cleaning it..

He hissed in pain.. She blew on the wound..

"You shouldn't be treating me.. Go treat HIM", he said trying to take his hand back but Sulli gripped it tighter..

"why would i treat him?", Sulli asked looking up at him..

"Because you din't want him to get hurt..", He said not looking at her.. She finished tying the bandage on his wound..

"Taemin look at me..", She said.. and He did

"You are best friend okay? Why would i treat a ert who harrased me?", She said looking straight in the eyes..

Best friend? Best friend.. Why does it frustrate me so much?, he thought.

"I dunno.. Yesterday you were so concerned about him getting hurt",He said trying not to yell at her..

"YAH! I was about to say please don't hurt yourself.. But you were being a Jackass not letting me finish off my sentence..",she yelled

She was concerned about me? , He thought and smiled mentally..

"Oh..", Was all he said..

"Oh? All you say is Oh? You have to apo---", Sulli din't get to finish sentence and she was pulled into a bone breaking embrace by Taemin..

She could feel him smiling , a smile crept to her lips also and she wrapped her arms around him.. They stayed like that for some time..

"YAH! i can't breathe Taemin", sulli said trying catch her breath

"Oh sorry", He said,blushed in embarrasment.. They seperated from the hug..

Taemin cupped Sulli's cheek carresing it with his thumb..

"I truly am sorry",He said looking in her eyes

Sulli gulped.. He was inches away.. His touch sent shivers down her spine..

what is he doing.. He never acted like this before.. Why am i feeling like this? Why do i feel strange in my stomach?

He pulled away and stood up pulling Sulli up with him..

"We need to go back.. The lunch is almost over", He said.

They both walked back down to class..



SHINee is BACKKKKKKKK!!!!!!! XDDDDDD  But with japanese single :( Its okay :) They are back with FIRE!! :DDDDDDDDD



Yeah so back to story..


There you go.. They made up... :D

YAYYYY :DDD Today I'm planning for a double update because i won't be able to update for  a few days.. :(

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Chapter 23: yay! happy ending~ can u please tell me what song did Taemin sing?
Chapter 23: Awww....Sequel pleeeeeeeeeeeeez ??? I really liked this one author-nim :) I hope that....(if there really is gonna be a sequel) Taelli will get married and have lots and lots of babies :'D lol (Maybe a rated M sequel ?? XD) Anywayz....I love you author-nim :) And thanks for writing this amazing fic. YOU DA BEST !!!! Update the epilogue soon ^0^
Chapter 22: Ugghhhh....waeyoooo ??!!!! A cliffhanger ??!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Please Taemin save her !!!! Update soon author-nim pleeeeeease !!!! D':
Song_SeoHyun #4
Chapter 21: ok...where is the next one i missed having a first cliffy but now i really do have one. so update super soon
Song_SeoHyun #5
Chapter 19: nooooooo i dont want kai to come back >.<
Song_SeoHyun #6
Chapter 18: yay! first kiss though by accident XD
Song_SeoHyun #7
Chapter 17: i already hate suzys guts already
Song_SeoHyun #8
Chapter 15: no not a cliffhanger thank god i became friends with you after this point XD