Something About Him

Something About Him

Nothing makes Sehun happier than Luhan. That is a proven fact - at least to the members of EXO.

The only thing, or person, that can turn Sehun's frown into that drool worthy smile of his is Luhan. Believe them, the boys have tested this theory many, many times. And the results were consistent and pointed to only one conclusion; Sehun is only capable of smiling for Luhan. Which isn't surprising in the least, considering the two of them are basically inseparable. Well, except when they're in different countries, that is. And those are the times when Sehun's frown is a permanent feature on his face.
The boys have tried to turn his frown upside down multiple times. All attempts, though, end up being futile, as their youngest would always glare at them and his frown would become even more prominent. No matter what they do, they just can't seem to replicate the smile Sehun graces everyone with whenever Luhan's around.
Even when Joonmyun tells him that all that frowning is going to cause him to get wrinkles at an early age, or that he won't show up well in pictures if he keeps up his bad habit of scowling whenever Luhan is gone, Sehun's frown won't budge. Even when Chanyeol has had a little bit too much sugar and as a result, nothing that comes out of his mouth is coherent, no smile or laughter is coming his way. Even when Baekhyun pouts, or even when he smiles his greasy little smile or throws a bunch of hearts at the sulking boy, Sehun is no where even close to smiling. Even when Kyungsoo makes Sehun his favorite food, sushi (which is a pain for Kyungsoo to prepare, though he does it anyway in the hopes that he'll get a smile in return), all he ever gets in return is a small thank you, but no smile. Even when Jongin gets tired of his best friend's frown and tries anything from being cute or dancing to girly songs just to make the boy smile - even if it was only a small one - Sehun's scowl just gets bigger.
It's become a well known fact that Sehun rarely smiles. And when he does, everybody knows that Luhan is back.
Sehun doesn't know why exactly it is that only EXO-M's vocalist can make his whole demeanor change in seconds. He doesn't care to know the reason though. It only matters to him that Luhan does and that he never stops either. Because EXO's youngest is afraid he'll stop smiling forever if Luhan doesn't make him happy anymore.
No one else knows exactly the reason why it's only Luhan either, but they do have their guesses.
Joonmyun thinks it's because Sehun likes to not listen to him whenever he tells Sehun to smile. In other words, Joonmyun thinks it's because Sehun likes to disobey him, which he does, but that's not why. Chanyeol thinks it's because Sehun doesn't love any of them, which is only true some of the time. Baekhyun thinks it's because Sehun hates to smile, but they all know that's not right, considering how much he does smile whenever Luhan's near. Kyungsoo thinks it's because Sehun's in love with Luhan, and that may actually be the reason, no matter how many times Sehun tries to deny it. Jongin, though, he just thinks it's because Sehun is an idiot. And he is, but that's not why either.
But in fact, the only true reason that Luhan is the only person who can make Sehun happy is simply because he's Luhan. And he's a reason all in himself.
There's just something about Luhan that Sehun can't quite put his finger on. Something about him that makes Sehun's world a little bit brighter and a whole lot more happier. Maybe it's the way Luhan laughs to himself about the stupidest things. Or the way his smile can brighten up the whole room. Or maybe it's the way Luhan always seem to just know whenever Sehun needs some cheering up. And how he always knows the exact way to do it. Maybe it's the way Luhan walks, or the way he talks, or even the way he does simple little tasks, like how he flips his hair or how he even sits. There's just something about Luhan that makes Sehun happy. 
And Sehun hopes he never stops.
When Sehun has those days where he's just about had it with everyone and is this close to committing murder on at least one of s, everyone knows to stay away from him. When's Sehun's mad, he's really mad. And nothing can change that. Except maybe Luhan.
Because even if Sehun is having the worst day a person can possibly have, everything all changes when Luhan walks into the room.
Because when Luhan walks into the room, Sehun's smile appears again, and everyone relaxes. And then Luhan sees Sehun grinning stupidly to himself, and he smiles too. Because when Sehun's happy, the whole world is also. Whenever he's happy, he gives off this aura, an aura that seems to captivate everyone else. This aura of his makes everyone's day just a little bit better, and makes them want to smile too. A smile like his isn't easily ignored. A smile like Sehun's is rare and precious. His smile can lighten any room, any atmosphere, and any situation. Luhan thinks there's something about him that can cause everyone to stop and smile.
And that is why Sehun makes Luhan pretty happy too.

A/N: I apologize in advance for how short it is, but I honestly couldn't think of anything else to include. But I hope you guys like it as much as I enjoyed writing it! And thank you for subscribing and I'm looking forward to reading your comments c: Thank you for taking the time to read my first HunHan one shot~


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posted the one shot~ i hope you guys like it! thank you for reading c:


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Hollywood1999 #1
But seriously, though, it's adorable :>

I was literally suppressing this little smile as I read this and ugh. fluff + kirston = diabetic stories <-- the only equation I can form.
Such a sweet piece :3 tbh this is my first time reading a boyxboy fic. I actually quite enjoyed it. Good job!! C:
Chapter 1: HunHan <3 This is so adorable and so incredibly fluffy and just awwww ^.^
Chapter 1: Is this romance?
Coldsun1996 #7
Chapter 1: Awwww hunhan <3333
starlightdust #8
Chapter 1: this was awesome and adorable :D it doesn't matter how short it is because this is seriously amazing
JoyElani #9
Chapter 1: awww!!!! this is so adorable. thnk you for writing it^^