Library Encounter

Been Lying {HIATUS}

Ricky was biting the top of pen, trying to solve his homework assignment.  He was so deep in thought he didn't notice his boyfriend starring at him.  L.Joe was smirking in amusement at the cute faces Ricky was making as he was thinking.  They had been at the library for over an hour and L.Joe had barely done any of his work.  He was too preoccupied with Ricky to concentrate.  He had now reached his limit and couldn't wait any longer.

"Ricky, can you help me find a book I need?" L.Joe asked.
Ricky put down his pen. "Ummm, yeah."
Both boys stood up from their seats.  Ricky streached out his body.  He was feeling stiff from all the sitting.  As he raised his hands above his head and streached back, his shirt raised, revealing a bit of skin.  It was only a peak, but L.Joe saw enough.  He bit the inside of his mouth to keep control of himself.  L.Joe grabbed Ricky's hand and dragged him to back of the library.
"Hyung, what book are we looking for?"  Ricky questioned.
"It's should be back here."  L.Joe replied.
When he felt that they were secluded enough, L.Joe pinned Ricky to a bookshelf, resting his hand on either side of Ricky's head.
The younger was suprised by the sudden action.  He was embarrassed by the closeness that he couldn't even look L.Joe in the eyes.  "H-hyung what are you doing?"
"This."  L.Joe attached his lips to Ricky's.  His tongue the youngers bottom lip, asking for entrance and Ricky obliged.  L.Joe pressed his body closer to Ricky and the younger moaned into their kiss in response.  When they finally separate, Ricky was a bright shade of pink. 
L.Joe rest his head on Ricky's forehead. "You don't know how much I want you."
"H-hyung we're in the library.  W-we can't do anything h-here." Ricky stuttered.
The older laughed at the prospect.  "No.  Not now. When the time is right."
Ricky nodded in understanding.
"I was just getting jealous of your pen."  L.Joe lifted Ricky's chin.  He looked deep into the younger's eyes.  He pulled Ricky to a kiss.  This time it was slower and more sensual.  L.Joe pulled away enough to speak.  He ran his thumb across Ricky's lips as he spoke.  "I should be the only one who get's to touch your lips."  
Ricky hugged L.Joe, leaning on the older boy.  He felt dizzy with all the thoughts running through his mind.  It's only been a few months since they had start dating and he was wondering if everything was moving a little too fast.  L.Joe never forced himself on him but he still wasn't used to all the skinship.  Ricky assumed because L.Joe lived in the U.S., the older did things differently.  Now that the older had made known his desires, Ricky didn't know if he was ready.  The idea of taking their relationship to another level made him nervous.
The two boys left the library shortly after.  They both had lost any motivation to continue studying.  L.Joe walked Ricky home hand in hand.  They made small talk but L.Joe could tell that the younger had other things on his mind.    It probably had something to do with what happened in the library.  He bit his lip wondering if Ricky felt pressured by his confession.  L.Joe walked Ricky to his door.
"Don't think about it too much.  We don't have do anything you don't want do.  Like I said, when the time is right."  L.Joe's words were cryptic but he knew the other would understand.
Ricky smiled, feeling relieved by L.Joe's words.  He closed his eyes as L.Joe moved in for a kiss.
The front door swung open.  "OMO!  You two look so cute together!"  
Both boys jumped apart from the sudden intrusion.  "UMMA!"  Ricky yelled.
"Sorry, I interrupted you two.  I was just on my way to get some groceries for dinner... Do you need anything, honey?"  Ricky shook his head.    His mom patted the two boys in the head and walked pass them.  "I'll see you when I get back home, dear.  Good-bye L.Joe"  She yelled out  from the window of her car before driving off.
The atmosphere between the two was still awkward, even after Ricky's mom left.
L.Joe was the first to break their scilence.  "Well I better get going.  My mom's probably waiting for me too."
"Oh ok."  Ricky replied.
L.Joe turned to leave.  He took a step but Ricky grabbed his arm, keeping him from going any further.  
"Bye, hyung."  Ricky quickly kissed L.Joe on the lips, then ran into his house closing the door behind him.
L.Joe didn't expect the kiss but smiled to himself from the cute jesture.  "Bye, Ricky.  See you tomorrow."  He yelled through the door.
Ricky watched as L.Joe walked away from his window.  His heart was still racing.   L.Joe made Ricky want to jump for joy and melt to a puddle at the same time.   He felt lucky to be dating him and didn't want to disappoint the older.  "When the time is right." he said to himself.  Maybe that time will be soon, he thought.
Ricky's phone rang in his pocket.   He pulled it out and saw Changjo's name on the screen.
"Hey Changjo."
"Ricky-ah, What are you doing?"
"Nothing.  I just got home from the library."
"What are you doing tomorrow after school?"
"Nothing that I know off."
"How about we hang out?... Just the two of us."
Ricky remained scilent.
"We're best friends but we never see each other.  Let's hang out like old times."  Changjo insisted.
"Ok.  Yeah.  There's something I need your advice on."  Ricky replied.
"Alright.  Well I'll meet you tomorrow after school then at the ice cream shop."
"Ok.  See you tomorrow."
When he got off the phone with Ricky, Changjo had a big grin on his face.  Finally some time alone with Ricky.

A/N:  Is it just me or does RickJoe seem annoyingly cute.  It like those couples who are overly cute and cheesy that you want to throw up.  I know I'm the one writing them that way but I can't help myself.

I've been having a hard time finding inspiration for this story.  I was so excited in the beginning but I'm struggling with it now.  But I'm going to keep working on this.

Many thanks to ToYouWithL, vanez918, MeliKey143, ricky6, CosmoQueen, LavenderAlisa19, AshXIII, baby2min, Snsdbaplover, SulaySubmarine, Cappulate, xUnicorniaXD, & LightningCHU for subscribing.

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I'll be waiting 4 your update ! Don't worry, I'll not unsubscribe :)
kiseob_cute #2
Chapter 6: its okay. im doing the same with my fic too,take your time :)
BubbleLightBaek #3
BubbleLightBaek #4
kiseob_cute #5
Chapter 5: zYahhhh!!! my 2 OTPS!!! UPDATE SOON
Chapter 5: OMG RickJoe is damn cute *A*
Chapter 5: For some reason I forgot to read this chapter when you updated it xD.

I know what you mean about the affection between Ricky and L.Joe. When I read the library scene, I thought it was extremely cute, but at the same time thought about how if they were doing that in real life, people would be pissed XD.

I really love Changji and Rickjoe.. but I also love Changrick.. I'm split on what couple to root for XD. But after this chapter, ahh, I don't want Ricky to leave L.Joe, ever~~