Lunch Confession

Been Lying {HIATUS}

The weekend went by fast for Ricky. He had spent most of his time with L.Joe, planning and practicing what they would be cooking for their cooking test on Friday. The two were together again, walking out of their said cooking class, still talking about their test.

“I think we'll do great on Friday. We're more than ready for it.” Ricky was optimistic about their capabilities.

“Yeah, I feel more comfortable about it since we've been practicing how to cook the meal.” L.Joe added.

“Well it was your great idea to meet up this weekend and do a trail run.” Ricky chimed. He didn't notice the slight blush creeping on to L.Joe's face. Ricky didn't know that the older boy had only used their cooking class as an excuse to meet and spend time with him.

L.Joe cleared his throat. “Hey Ricky, do you want to eat lunch with me today?”

Ricky usually sat with his best friend, Changjo and Changjo's boyfriend Chunji. Even though they were all friends and all got along, Ricky couldn't help feel like a third wheel when he was with those two. It would be a nice change to sit with someone else, maybe then he wouldn't feel so left out.

“I'd like that,” he finally answered.

“Well, I usually sit outside in the yard under the trees for lunch. We can meet by the entrance.”

“I didn't pack a lunch today so I'll have to to go the lunch hall first before I can meet you.” Ricky explained.

“Don't worry about buying lunch. I couldn't decide on what to eat today so I brought extra food. You can just share with me.” L.Joe suggested.

“Really? Ok. Thanks L.Joe, I'll see you at lunch then.” Ricky went off down a hallway, heading to his next class.

L.Joe watch as the younger disappeared in the crowd of students. He laughed at himself at the thought of how oblivious Ricky was. L.Joe only took the cooking class because he had overheard Ricky talking about it when the other boy was deciding what elective class to take last school semester. Since L.Joe was a grade higher, they wouldn't have had any classes together except for electives. He made sure to take advantage of the opportunity. He had liked Ricky since the younger boy entered high school. Today was going to be the day he would finally confess his feelings. He had receive confessions from other but he himself never made a confession to anyone. Butterflies fluttered in L.Joe's stomach. Unlike his cool image, L.Joe was actually shy person.

The next hour was slow. Ricky couldn't concentrate in his class. He kept looking at the clock. He wondered if it was broken since it seem to barely move. Ricky was eager to go to lunch. It would be the first time in school that he would spend time with L.Joe outside of their cooking class. L.Joe seemed mysterious and cool to Ricky. They had gotten to know each other but there was still things he wanted to learn about the other boy. Ricky snapped out of his thoughts when the school bell rang. Class was finally over and he could head to lunch. As he walked out of his classroom, Ricky ran into Chunji. The older boy threw his arm around Ricky's neck.

“Ricky-ah are you going to lunch now? Lets go together?”

“Acutally, hyung, I'm not going to have lunch with you guys today. I'm having lunch with L.Joe.” Ricky said shyly.

“Oh? I've seen him around school. He's kinda cute. Ricky-ah, do you like him? Is this a lunch date?” Chunji was only teasing but younger boy couldn't help but blush.

“N-No... We're just friends and classmates... That's all.”

Chunji noticed how Ricky suddenly became timid. “Well have fun at lunch.” He gave the younger a wink before they went on their separate ways.

Ricky walked towards the entrance of the school. He saw L.Joe leaning at a locker waiting for him. Even just standing there, L.Joe looked so cool. Girls walking by were swooning, but L.Joe didn't pay them any attention.

“Hyung, I'm here. I hope you you didn't wait long.”

“No. Come on lets go. I'm hungry.”

L.Joe lead the way to his favorite lunch spot. It was at the side of the school on a hill under the trees that lined the school perimeter. L.Joe liked the spot because most students wouldn't eat there and so he could get some privacy. They sat under the shade of a tree and L.Joe pulled out the food he packed. He had two of everything; sandwiches, drinks, fruits, snacks.

Ricky eyed the food, “Wow, hyung, I guess you really couldn't decide on what to bring. I guess it's lucky for me though.”

L.Joe could only laugh at the comment. Ricky still didn't have a clue.

They ate silently at first.

“Hyung, I like this spot. It nice here. I would haven't thought to eat out there.”

“Yeah, I like it too. It's secluded but you still have a good view of the school grounds.”

Ricky took a sip of his drink. “L.Joe hyung, can I ask you something?”

L.Joe perked up in curiousity, “Sure Ricky, what is it?”

“How come you dye your hair all the time? Not the way other color their hair like blond3 or brown, but you pick all different colors. I remember your hair being bright pink. Don't you're parents mind?” Ricky said everything quickly, L.Joe barely had time to register what was said.

L.Joe thought about his explenation, “Umm... well I do it to be different. I don't want to do the same things other people are doing. As for my parents, well since we lived in the US before coming back to Korea, they know I like to be independent. As long as my grades are good and I'm not causing trouble, they don't mind.”

“Wow, that's cool. I wish I could dye my hair a fun color too.” Ricky pouted.

“Well, as long as you don't get in trouble with you're parent, I could help you color it... only if you want to of course.”

Ricky looked down at this lap. “I don't know.”

L.Joe didn't like the frown on Ricky's face. He tried to give some supportive words, “It can't hurt to ask. I'll even be there with you if you think it would help.”

Ricky smile returned. “Thanks hyung. Maybe I will ask my parents.”

The two boys returned to their eating again.

“So since you asked a question, I have a question for you too.” L.Joe stated.

“What is it hyung?” Ricky looked at the other with big round eyes.

L.Joe's heart was racing. He took a deep breath. “Will you go out with me Ricky? Will you be my boyfriend?”

Ricky was shocked. He didn't expect to be hearing a confession. “Yes.”

A big grin grew on L.Joe's face. He grabbed the other boy's hand. “Really? You'll be my boyfriend?” he asked excitedly.

Ricky blushed madly. “Y-Yes. I want to be your boyfriend.”

L.Joe kissed Ricky's cheek. The latter blushed even harder. Even his ears were turning red.

“I've been waiting a long time to ask you Ricky but I finally got the courage today.” L.Joe confessed.

“R-Really? So-so did you plan this?” Ricky stuttered in nervousness.

L.Joe laughed. “Pabo, of course I did. Did you really think I would bring two of everything because I couldn't decide?”

Ricky was so naive. He felt embarrassed for being so oblivious.

L.Joe quickly realized he was embarrassing the other boy. He intertwined their fingers and gave Ricky's hand a tight squeeze. “You're so sweet Ricky. I wouldn't have done this for anyone else but you.”

Ricky finally looked at L.Joe. He gave the older boy a big smile. “Thanks hyung.”

L.Joe smiled back at his boyfriend and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

“Hyung, you can't keep stealing my kisses.” Ricky protested.

“Why not? I'm you boyfriend now. I want nothing more then to have your kisses.” L.Loe retorted.

Ricky became flushed once again. His face became an even brighter shade of red. L.Joe just laughed.


Changjo hadn't seem his best friend all day. The didn't even walk home together like usual. He was in the middle of his homework, when he decided to call the other boy.


“Ricky-ah, where have you been?” Changjo questioned.

“Oh sorry Changjo-ah, I ate lunch with L.Joe and then we went to get snacks together after school.” Ricky informed.

“Oh you and L.Joe-shi have gotten close.”

Changjo's didn't get a response. His only reply was silence. “Ricky, are you there?”

Ricky finally answered, “Uh...Yeah... Well... L.Joe and I are dating now.”

“WHAT?! Since when?” Changjo couldn't hide his shock.

“He confessed to me during lunch and I said yes.” Ricky said happily. “I can't wait for you to get to know him, he's really cool.”

Changjo didn't know what to say, “...I'm happy for you Ricky... If he does anything wrong, let me know and I'll kick his .”

Ricky laughed. “Thanks Changjo, I'll keep that in mind.... Oh L.Joe is calling on the other line. I'll talk to you later, ok. Bye”

Changjo didn't even have time to response before Ricky hung up on him. He huffed in annoyance. He wasn't sure how me felt about Ricky having a boyfriend. Ricky was supportive of him when he started dating Chunji. Ricky was the one who helped and encourage him to ask Chunji out. He should be happy for his best friends but deep down inside he was hurt.

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I'll be waiting 4 your update ! Don't worry, I'll not unsubscribe :)
kiseob_cute #2
Chapter 6: its okay. im doing the same with my fic too,take your time :)
BubbleLightBaek #3
BubbleLightBaek #4
kiseob_cute #5
Chapter 5: zYahhhh!!! my 2 OTPS!!! UPDATE SOON
Chapter 5: OMG RickJoe is damn cute *A*
Chapter 5: For some reason I forgot to read this chapter when you updated it xD.

I know what you mean about the affection between Ricky and L.Joe. When I read the library scene, I thought it was extremely cute, but at the same time thought about how if they were doing that in real life, people would be pissed XD.

I really love Changji and Rickjoe.. but I also love Changrick.. I'm split on what couple to root for XD. But after this chapter, ahh, I don't want Ricky to leave L.Joe, ever~~