A Dead End?

I'm Cool



Chapter 27


Dead End

“So we’re changing plans I assume?” Jaejoong spoke as he chased after Junsu who was already ahead of him.

“It’s improvisation at the moment Jae and therefore, I have no plan in mind. As of right now, I’m going where the wind blows,” Junsu breathed in as he placed his phone inside his inner pockets. “But what I know is that we have to catch Dongwook at all costs and convince him to assist us for a bit more information. I can’t clearly make another move knowing only the location. Having a conversation with him will give me a better idea of how to deal with Choi.”

Jae bit his lip in thought trying to organize the situation at hand. With Kibum unexpectedly being associated with the Choi’s, the situation got a little bit more complex than before because of Yoochun being taken away. That wasn’t included in the plan he laid out in his head. In his head, Junsu’s reaction after seeing Yoochun would be ecstatic but unfortunately, that was not the case at all. He expected shocked but upset wasn’t included in the package of his assumptions.

“You were right Jae,” Junsu spoke again breaking his thoughts. “I should have just kept Yoochun by my side. I hurt him to keep him away from me for his safety but I did exactly the opposite and played him right into their hands.”

“I hate to say that I told you so, but I really did warn you,” Jae sighed. “I understand where you came from and how you came to that conclusion however, that regrettable decision came because you didn’t have faith in yourself like you used to. Remember Junsu, every problem you faced, you conquered with confidence. This is another one of those problems and if it’s with confidence that you’ve been successful then shouldn’t you stick to the same routine?”

Junsu scoffed. Jae’s words gave him a great reminder of why he’s still standing and alive in this industry. It brought him back the crazy memories of his times spent in this hell of a company.

“Did I say anything wrong?” Jaejoong asked as he looked at Junsu’s evilly amused face.

“No, no, no,” Junsu repeated many times. “I was just thinking how great you are. You reminded me of something I forgot. I was heavily immersed in my feelings that I forgot I’m pretty damn reliable.”

“Well, that’s the egoistical way of approach to this I guess. But it’s very you,” Jae snickered at his friends words.

Going down the stairs, both walked as fast as their feet would walk them where they would be able to corner Dongwook.




The heated kiss went on for a while. In that long time they haven’t seen each other, Changmin knew that Dongwook was still Dongwook—the one who loved him with all his heart. Knowing this, he was prepared to spend whatever remaining life this body had for him. He was the only man whom he’ll ever love and he’s willing to give anything in order to understand why he’s standing at the wrong side of the field.

“Changmin,” Dongwook smiled as he broke the kiss, their faces still close to each other, able to hear their silent breaths. “I missed you. I love you so much.”

Changmin’s heart fluttered. He looked down and broke the eye contact Dongwook initiated. He felt like a high school girl crazy in love.

“Don’t say embarrassing things,” Changmin said as he wrapped his arms around Dongwook’s neck with his head resting beside his ear. He didn’t want him to see his silly grin. “Don’t make me fall in love with you more than what I feel now. I might go crazy.” He breathed out a silent laugh.

“I’d say it as many times as I want to,” Dongwook whispered also resting his head on Changmin’s shoulders as he wrapped his arms around his waist to reciprocate the other man’s actions. “If it’s me you can only think about every second of the day, I’d be a very happy man. So naturally, I’d want you to go crazy for me.”

“Seriously,” Changmin got out of the embrace and this time, looked intently at Dongwook and smiled. It was time to let the hands of the clock run once again. If they were to continue like this, he needed to find out the truth even if this sweet moment will be stopped permanently. Since he truly loved this man, the only way he can protect him is to follow Kim Junsu—his new friend that he decided to place his trust on. “Let’s go in here.” He finally said as he carried out the plan. “It’s Mr. Kim’s personal room. I can use it to my discretion tonight.”

Twisting the knob, they went in.

“Changmin…” Dongwook smiled warmly as he pinned him to the wall, running his lips at the nook of his neck. “I don’t know what I’ll do if I’ll lose you. I love you so much I want to spend every second of my life with you. I don’t know what to do anymore.”

“So you’ll trust me right? Whatever happens, or whatever situation that comes our way, you’ll believe my words right?”

“Of course I will,” Dongwook smiled noticing the seriousness of Changmin’s question. “What’s wrong Min?”

Deciding to carry on with the plans, Changmin courageously broke that warm embrace he forever wanted to remain in and walked towards Junsu’s desk that had the documents Dongwook was supposed to steal tonight.

“Here,” Changmin picked those documents up and held it out to the man in front of him with all his trust. “This is what you need right?”


“This…” Changmin’s brows scrunched together worried about the outcome of his actions. However, he was still able to pull out that warm smile. “You need it right?”

“Changmin this is…?” Dongwook still shocked walked up to him, his lips quivering for words to let out.

“It’s what you need isn’t it? If this document that you’re willing to die for is for the better of our relationship, take it. But somehow, if I may be able to help or can do anything for you to avoid this situation you’re in… if I can help you, then don’t take it. I want to hear Dongwook… I want to hear what your purpose is for helping a scumbag like Choi Siwon.”

“Of course he’s being threatened,” a voice broke out from the doors.

“Junsu?” Changmin asked in confusion. He didn’t know why they decided to barge in now. Was there a change in plans?

Dongwook’s eyes snapped to the direction of the sound only to have his adrenaline kick in at the sight of Kim Junsu and Kim Jaejoong. With no choice, he instantly grabbed the documents that Changmin held in front of him and dashed to the other side, forming a triangular shape. Taking his gun out inside his tuxedo, he aimed it at both Jaejoong and Junsu.

“Dongwook! Wait, don’t do anything stupid!” Changmin yelled out and walked slowly towards him.

“You tricked me! Changmin, you told them we are here knowing that I wanted these?” Dongwook couldn’t believe that Changmin betrayed him and unconsciously pointed the gun at him. It made Changmin stop in his tracks, his feet glued to the floor. He was in disbelief that Dongwook who only was able to whisper I love you a second ago was now pointing a gun at him.

Realizing that he pointed the gun towards Changmin, he quickly retracted the gun out of shock. “Wait, no…” he said out loud to Changmin. He didn’t mean to point that gun to the man he loved.

“Didn’t you tell me you trusted me?” Changmin calmed him down. “You told me that and here you are in panic because you think I tricked you? I’m telling you straight up, I have no intention to do so. Myself, Junsu and Jaejoong are here to talk so don’t do anything rash. We’re going to talk like calm human beings. So let’s put away the gun.”

“I only seek for information and even your assistance,” Junsu added on. “Watch,” he paused as he placed his hands in the air, “I got nothing dangerous out. If I was able to sneak up on you like this, wouldn’t a gun on my hand be a better idea?”

“Shut up! Don’t you dare take a step towards here,” Dongwook still wasn’t able to comprehend the situation at hand and pointed the gun right at Junsu.

“I understand you have a gun. But since Changmin was able to trust you this much, I also would like to trust that you will not shoot at the moment. So I’m going to keep talking to explain the situation,” Junsu breathed and analyzed any body movements around him trying to read the atmosphere. He raised his hands in the air to not cause any miscommunication of body movements. “Of course, I know that your assistance will lead to betrayal of the Choi’s. I also know that Siwon is damn scary and powerful. However, whatever he is, he doesn’t even reach my knees. So the person you are standing in front of—the guy you’re pointing the gun at right now might be the better option. The condition is for your aid to get inside the building where they are keeping Yoochun hostage. That’s all there is to it that you need to do. The reward is that I will get the best doctors for Changmin that I personally trust to treat him. He will be monitored by the most trusted security I can wrap my fingers around. If what’s keeping you chained on the other side is the safety of Changmin, then I’ll take that fear out and take you under my wing. If you put down that gun, I assume we have a deal and we’ll get straight to fixing up a plan.”

“Changmin,” Dongwook still pointing the gun at Junsu. “You trust this man?”

“He’s not lying Dongwook. If my safety is what you’re worried about, then all we need to do is take Siwon down…” he paused, “and we can’t do that without Kim Junsu’s help. So please, stay. Don’t go away. I’m here. I’m safe. So please…”

“Why would you help us?” Dongwook pointed the question right at Junsu. “You’re Kim Junsu. You don’t give a damn about others so why are you helping Changmin? Are you expecting me to believe that you’re just doing it out of whatever little or rare kindness you have in your heart?”

“Of course not!” Junsu replied. “I’m a ing selfish man. The most selfish out there in fact. You guys are only part of the plan. However, just like you, I also want to save someone I truly care about and I’m ing desperate to get in that building and in contact with Choi Siwon without triggering an alarm to hurt or kill Park Yoochun. So, this is a give and take relationship. I’ll assure you Changmin’s safety for your help to get in contact with Choi Siwon. Even a phone call that directly reaches him would be good enough too.”

There was silence as each particle of tension eased and diffused out of the room.

“Dongwook…” Changmin called out pleadingly as he ran towards him, embracing him as tight as he could.

“Is this the better option? Are you satisfied with this?” Dongwook asked as he placed the gun on the desk and patted Changmin’s head. “Sorry.”

“So this is a yes then,” Jaejoong spoke.

Hearing this, Changmin broke the embrace however, continuing to hold Dongwook’s hand. He wasn’t willing to let go.

“Here, take this,” Dongwook with his freehand reached out inside his pocket and threw his phone to Junsu. “The only number in there is Siwon’s. Dial it and talk to him. Just tell him you caught me. I leave the rest of the conversation up to you.”

Turning the phone on, Junsu pressed on the only contact there was. In order to catch Siwon’s attention this conversation needed to be blunt. The rest of the talk is meant for later.

Three rings already passed and an impatient Junsu waited for an answer.

“Dongwook,” an answer finally erupted from the phone. “I assume your mission was a success.”

“This is Kim Junsu,” Junsu replied. “I called to make a bargain. Signed paperwork of your presidency of the Kim Corporations and a transfer of my wealth as well as your original money that I’ve taken away from you in exchange for Park Yoochun in one piece.

There was a pause.

“Entrance 5, Floor 34. The same building you bought Park Yoochun. If you bring an army with you, I’ll have Yoochun executed within your sight before you could take your next breath.”

“As long as Park Yoochun is in one piece, I promise to leave quietly.”

“Don’t worry about Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu. I assure you his dear father is taking care of him very well this instant. I’d hurry if I were you.”

Junsu was shocked. Not only Kibum but Yoochun's father? What other surprises awaited for them beyond the road he's seeing?

“You…” Junsu was about to speak but the line was suddenly cut. Siwon planned to have the conversation there on the spot.

Being careful not to damage the phone out of anger, he quickly placed it on the table beside him so that he wouldn’t throw it.

Everyone looked for signs of reaction from him but of course, he would not give them any.

He knew he ran into a dead end if he chose to trudge this road by himself. Each plan he created in his head had death of everyone here as a conclusion. There was ultimately no path that would lead to the safety of others in his vision and that placed him in a serious dilemma. Yoochun being kidnapped was the ultimate game changer of the night. He really didn’t expect Yoochun come to him this quickly. Even if he left Yoochun alone far away, he had security watching him at every corner. However, there was a slight miscommunication between him and Jae that screwed up the flow of their plans tonight.

With his power alone, he could no longer protect those who rely and seek refuge under his arms. And he wasn’t willing to sacrifice the life of others for the sake of his goal. If there were no lives but his at stake, he’d go straight on like a madman but this time, with a handful of his friends that are involved, he couldn’t continue on rashly.

There was no plan. Even if he was confident in himself, it doesn’t mean that he can use it to gamble for people’s lives. However, he couldn’t just stay still and think all night. Kibum was right. He foresaw this already and that’s why he gave them the location so easily. It’s a dead end for this case.

“Still plan-less?” Jaejoong cut in his thoughts.

“We’ll carry on as planned. The exchange for the documents I stated in the phone call for Yoochun. I’ll go into the building by myself and you guys can just wait outside. If I don’t come out within 10 minutes, call the police,” Junsu stated commandingly as he took out documents from his desk and into a locked briefcase. “But do not call the division under yours or mine. There are too many bugs from the other side lurking in there judging from Kibum’s warning.”

“What a lousy night this is turning out to be. It feels like Siwon just pulled off a checkmate.”

“There’s no such thing yet Jae. I’ll keep searching and I swear, if it brought all of us out alive including Park Yoochun, I’ll take it in a flash,” Junsu responded with great strength and confidence.

“You know he won’t keep to his word right? I know once he gets those documents he’ll just kill you off on the spot. Let me come with you inside so maybe I can help you out when the situation gets tight,” Jae offered out of his worry for his friend. He also couldn’t see any solution that would both get Yoochun and Junsu safe. It was either or at this moment in time.

“No Jae,” Junsu turned down that offer as if it was the worst idea in the planet. “I’m going to make the biggest gamble of my life. I’m not going to let you risk your life just for the sake of my needs. So listen and just wait outside. That’s good enough for me.”

“Is there any way I could assist?” Changmin offered.

“Or even myself?” Dongwook added.

“No…” Junsu answered as he locked the briefcase containing all the documents he specified on the bargain. “No.” He repeated again. “You guys have done your part. In fact, you don’t even have to involve yourself farther than what you have done. You guys may stay here and enjoy the party if you’d like.”

Standing up quickly, Junsu straightened out his tie, grabbed the briefcase and headed towards the door. But on his way there, he was stopped by Changmin’s hold on his shoulder.

“We’ll come with you,” Changmin strongly proposed. “This is not just about fulfilling your own needs. Yoochun is also my friend so as much as I am able to help, I will offer it to you.”

Junsu sighed. He knew he wouldn’t be able to change this man’s mind and so he smiled in amusement as a response. “Well, it seems you’ve already made up your mind, so you can come with me only until the outside building with Jae. That’s all where you guys can stay.”

“Alright,” Jae with great energy said. “Well whatever the upcoming plan is, I have a feeling it’s going to be big so I’ll be ok letting you go in there by yourself. You don’t look as if you’re beaten yet.”

Junsu was even more amused by Jaejoong’s energy at this point in time. As he opened the door, he was really pondering of what to do after the exchange. He knew Siwon was going for an all kill tonight and he didn’t have any plan to counter attack that move. His security force under him is a big no for use so counter attacking violence with greater violence like how he usually does it was crossed off his list.

Taking a step outside the door with Jaejoong, Changmin and Dongwook following behind, they walked out. Looking up, Junsu to his surprise ran into the man he did not want to see at this moment in time.

“Dad…” his eyes widened in shock. He really didn’t expect him to be here.

“Mr. Kim,” Jae gave a slight bow for a greeting. “It’s a pleasure to be in your presence tonight.”

“Of course,” he answered with great superiority as he eyed the briefcase Junsu held on for his dear life. “Where are you guys heading off to at this hour that I do not know of?”

And there it was, the situation and the question they were unprepared for.

Jaejoong was speechless. It seems that the question was more or less directly pointed at him due to his greeting. He really couldn’t say much at all.

“We’ll be heading over to Dongwook’s residence to finish setting up and closing legal documents. He’ll be handling our security this time around due to the recent infiltration of our system.” Junsu butted in nice and smoothly.

“Oh?” his father questioned his motives. “Why couldn’t you settle it here?”

“If I may, Mr. Kim,” Dongwook answered. “I’ll be showing him the kind of system I use. The only demo that I’ve created is locked away in my home. It’ll be a quick tour and we’ll be back as soon as Kim Junsu doesn’t have any more questions about the system I’ve proposed.”

“Hmm,” Mr. Kim replied. “I’m quite interested as well. I’ll make sure to look into it in the near future as well. Please give me an invitation when time persists.”

“Thank you for your interest,” Changmin smiled professionally, “we’ll get going before the place fills up. It was great to chat with you Mr. Kim.”

“Like wise Shim Changmin,” he replied. The whole time, he eyed Junsu’s reaction and even as they walked away he was still glued to the briefcase he held.

Nearing the exit to the stairs, each and every one of them could only catch their breaths as if they just overcame Mount Kilimanjaro. It was great that they were able to avoid his attention because, if they were caught now, they would be tied to the ground in an instant and whatever little plan they have would all go to waste.

Jaejoong smiled as he held open the doors to the exit for Junsu to walk out first. They were home free.

“Wait,” Mr. Kim called out as Junsu was about to step out of the doors. “Kim Junsu, I’ll have a word with you.”

Junsu turned around flawlessly hiding his worry of getting caught. “We’re in a rush. How about some other time?”

“Don’t worry, it will be quick. We don’t want your companions to wait on you now.”

Junsu couldn’t deny the request. If he denied it even more strongly, it would become too obvious that he was up to no good. At least, if he went now, there would still be a chance that they will not be busted.

Taking a leap of faith, Junsu waved his hand to Jaejoong ordering him to go on ahead and walked back to his father dreading every step that he took towards him.

Meeting his dad wouldn’t do their situation any good. He would only make the burden heavier. There was no way that his demon of a father could help him get out of this situation.

Yes, there was definitely no way that he would even agree to help—

“I can help you,” the words from his father shot Kim Junsu’s functioning brain, drilling holes through them.

Junsu could only look at his father dumbfounded. He could not utter a word.

How much does his father already know? How much does he not know? It was these questions he didn’t have an answer to and it was these exact questions he needed answers to in order to complete his perfect cover up lie.

“I can easily help you out of this mess Kim Junsu,” his father repeated again. “Let’s make a deal.”

And that’s when Junsu foresaw a plan that did not lead to a dead end. His father was the only ticket way out and by all means, this offer was the best one out of all, given that it was the only logical choice.

Whatever the condition to accepting may be, it’s a sacrifice he has to make and he’s going to carry it forward.

At this point in time, he had only one choice and one decision.

And he will take it.


N/A: dundundundun. Yes, I got the ending down. Yes, if you ask me for the ending I will spoil you immediately. Not in the mood for a scene yet. Not too interested for NC-17 stuff at the moment. I think I lost my muse but when it comes for the need of (hehehe) smex stuff, I will write it as hot as possible. ha! It'll be something to look forward to. I write really sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow now. Sorry. Like I said, feel free to give me a beating (however, the next chapter might take longer to update) LOL.

Hope everyone is doing fine! Thanks for taking your time to read this! Hopefully the story is still follow-able to some sort of extent. T_T" Goodnight to all! :)

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Chapter 26: I just found your fic n Oh.My.God why!!!!!!!!! Deeeemmmm... After all those tough incident....I can not.. oTL
But I have a feeling that actually Yoochun will still be alive later, it's just Junsu's dad will ing it n will never let Junsu know so he can be his puppet again.. hahahahahh Well it's my own imagination anw, lol Update soon please.. You can't just make it cliffhanger like this.. It's cruel you know? Pleeeeaaaaasssseeeeeeee... TT_______TT
Chapter 26: write dammit! write the goddamn chapters!!!
didoucassie #3
Chapter 26: i am crying here why did he dieeeee !
i love ur fix one of the best fanfics i have ever read ; no it is the best yoosu fanfic EVERRRR
huge fan of urs , plz keep writing !!
although he is dead but i see another ver of this : like the father says that yoochun is dead , but he isn't , and then junsu and everyone else are fooled , that father , he has to do everything to keep junsu huh !!!!!
chap , waiting for the next one ^^
happydays4ever #4
Chapter 26: Yay!! you should continue.
I am so angry though!! I can't believe yoochun actually indirectly saved that bastard XO
So happy you updated after such along time :)
Author fighting!!
bluedbutterfly #5
Chapter 26: yaaaa,bring him back..by the way,i love your story..nice work
Chapter 26: noooooooooooooooooooooooooo why my hubby is deadTT^TT bring him back>.<
Chapter 26: oook so he dies in the story and last chapters will be the aftermath......u r.
Chapter 25: why can u update soon man? i really am dying here!
happydays4ever #9
Chapter 25: you updated!!you never fail to make this story so cool~ :-)
I'm so excited to see what happens next and I'm so happy that jong-il is dead :-)
thanks for the update:-)