The Plan Set in Motion

I'm Cool


Chapter 15


The Plan Set in Motion

Chapter 15: The Plan Set in Motion

Yoochun's hands danced on those nameless white and black keys that were always so immobile. Its ironic because even though they never moved they are capable of moving and swaying people's hearts -- especially his. Whenever he played, the sound would always steal his thoughts away and lock them up inside. So whenever he couldn't bear life anymore he would come into this music room and lock it. No fawning girls, no teachers... no anyone.

Every single note that played and every push of those keys felt very warm on his heart making it function calmly again. Of course this was his time. He needed these seconds to get rid of his puzzling, angered feelings towards that man who made him fee this way.


"Yoochun, before this pretend day is over," Junsu looked at the ground while Yoochun stopped and stared at him. "I want to do one last thing." Without hesitation, he reached for Yoochun's chin keeping his face placed in one spot.

"Mr. Kim..." Yoochun's words were eaten as Junsu dived for his lips for a deep passionate kiss.

End of Flashback

Why did he do that? He questioned.

Why did he kiss me if he was just going to ignore me the next day?

He was only playing with him. That was his conclusion.

Yoochun's calm thoughts were again angered and so, raising his hand up in the air, he slammed his hand down smashing those keys. An out of tune and displeasant sound reached his ears.

"!" Yoochun looked up at the ceiling and angrily messed up his hair. "Kim Junsu, why are you messing up my head? It's already painful enough to endure everything. It would have been nice if you said something to me..."


"Good morning," Yoochun said with his gentle morning voice to Junsu who had an icy cold expression. He was hoping that maybe they started off on a wrong foot and Junsu wasn't that type of man he thought he would be.

Their eyes met but there was no response from the other being. Instead, Junsu stared at him with those piercing eyes and continued to walk the other way. That filthy rich man ignored his presence leaving Yoochun standing there speechless and embarassed.

End of Flashback

Why did he even think that he should give this man a chance? Everything that happened yesterday was only pretend. Yoochun placed his hands on top of the piano once again. This time very gently If everything was all pretend yesterday then why kiss him?

"He despises me," Yoochun whispered to himself. "A kiss can mean lots of things..." Yes that's what it was. Kim Junsu, the man of the hour, has played with him and his fragile heart.


Junsu walked around the university halls weaving through the people who just pushed him around like he was some sort of stick being kicked around.

He came to the university earlier than usual following Yoochun who just left so abruptly after he ignored him. Hopefully he wasn't that upset.

That's what he wanted right? he asked himself. He wanted space and no Kim Junsu. And this, he will try to give to the best of his abilities.

Junsu just kept on walking with these thoughts roaming in his mind but suddenly, a soft melancholic tune gripped his heart making him stop in his tracks.

It was coming from a small room. It was a piano.

His sister always played them...

He was surprised at his thought. How did he remember that?

With curiousity, Junsu tried to open the door but it was locked. He wanted to see who was playing this lonely yet heart warming sound. So through a small gap between the curtains he tried to peek through but he just couldn't see anything but the backside of the person. Closer, until his face was a milimeter far from the glass, he tried to look.

"Hey stalker," Seulgi grabbed and pushed Junsu's head to the glass and held it there. "You need to stay away from Park Yoochun you hear? Talk to him again and you'll get it for sure."

"But I didn't even do anything!" Junsu tried to mumble out. His head was squished to the window by Seulgi's hand. He tried to push himself out by only using half of his strength. Losers aren't that strong.

"You can't lie to me," Seulgi said as she let go of her grip on Junsu's head. She let the man straighten himself out.

"What?" he asked.

"This you creep," she said infuriated as she held out a picture. Apparently, someone got a photo of him giving Yoochun a quick peck yesterday for his confession. "What you're doing to Yoochun... however much you want to be with him-- just stay away from him! He's not like that!"

Junsu was flustered. This picture was such a great capture. He'd totally keep this.

Funny how he wasn't paying attention to the problem at hand.

A kiss with Yoochun was definitely something to remember.

"I don't see what's wrong with this picture," Junsu spoke out loud confidently and pretended to be oblivious about the problem.

"Do I need to spell it out for you Xiah Junsu?" Seulgi pushed him back. "Gays like you don't belong and fit in with our Prince Park Yoochun. Don't even talk to him or you'll definitely regret it. If any of us sees'll be very sorry."

The high pitched and yet high and mighty girl let go of the picture she had on her hand. It landed on the ground in and instant and automatically faced the dirtiness of her foot.

Too bad, she didn't have a chance anyways. Park Yoochun had a boyfriend and is not definitely not interested in girls.

"There's no room for you in this school," a girl who stood by Seulgi said in a cocky voice. "You can just go home and switch out!"

With this statement, all of them turned their backs to him but before they could walk away the door opened to the room Junsu wanted to go into and see.

He smiled as he fell in love all over again. Park Yoochun came out of that room. He could play piano?

"Junsu?" Yoochun spoke his name out loud which made Seulgi and the two of her followers react angrily. He shoud have noticed their presence first and not some geek. "Have you been standing here all along?"

Yoochun talking so much with Junsu made the girls even more mad. The most they could get out from the non talkative guy was about a few words.

Junsu looked down and turned away. He was still upset about the pity service Yoochun made for him last night. Without saying anything, he just let the situation take its course.

Seulgi butted in. "Well, we tried to kick him out Yoochun-oppa! He was sticking his face on that window over there trying to stalk you. Look at his face mark!"

Yoochun looked at where she pointed and definitely, Junsu's face was imprinted on it along with a few traces of saliva from his mouth.

He was really embarrassed. And definitely, boiling hot magma formed in his brain and frustration. He was already in a bad mood. He decided to keep quiet and shut his mouth. He had no motivation nor the energy to argue or defend himself.

"See!" Seulgi pointed out. "He was stalking you! His silence says it all"

The situation made Yoochun smile. He was amused.

"Junsu's not like that," Yoochun said as he looked at the seemingly defenseless kid and patted his head. He began to walk away. "Junsu, come with me."

The pushover loser was a bit flustered with that contact but on the inside, he was truly happy.

Before he ran to Yoochun, he quickly bent down to grab that picture she had stepped on and fled away. He liked it.

"He's corrupting our Yoochun!" Seulgi squealed out loud. "I hate him. Whatever it takes, I'm going to make him leave."

"Do you have something in mind?" one of her followers asked.

Seulgi smiled as she evily plotted her doings. In her view, she watched as that geek spoke so carefree with that unsociable and quiet Park Yoochun.

"Junsu get ready to suffer defeat and humiliation. No one can have Park Yoochun except for me," she smirked as she walked the other direction with the other girls.


"So why were you there?" Yoochun asked Junsu as they walked. He wanted to continue the conversation he wanted to have but Junsu was very quiet. That lovely piano tune he heard still made his brain somewhat unproductive. Junsu couldn't find the right words to express how joyful he was of that sound that Yoochun was playing and so he just smiled at the ground, not replying to Yoochun's question.

"So you were really there stalking me? You're just going to take what they say to you?" Yoochun kept on talking surprisingly.

The geek shook his head sideways just to let him know that he was actually listening.

Not satisfied with the amount of conversatioin, Yoochun walked ahead and then stopping, he faced Junsu. "Care to explain what happened?" he asked as he turned his head trying to catch Junsu's eyes.

Junsu turned away. Yoochun's face. His eyes. He needed space or else he would lose it and even lose control. He might kiss him again and that situation could definitely not happen. All he wanted to do was say "I'm Kim Junsu! Why can't you treat me like a normal human being?" ut that couldn't happen. If Yoochun knew, his attitude towards him would grow cold and distant. Unlike now.

Because of this, he placed his hands on Yoochun's shoulder and gave it the slightest push. Space. He needed space.

"Don't put your face too close to mine," Junsu looked away. "You know what I feel for you already."

These words left the blue eyed man speechless.

"Junsu... I --" He tried to answer.

"It's alright," Junsu cutted in. "Just as long as you know what I feel for you then I'm fine." He ended his sentence with an assuring smile which got Yoochun fooled. The man didn't question any further after that.

There was still thirty minutes left and nobody really initiated to leave each other. The silence between them was awkward but yet, still enjoyable.

Sitting on a bench as they walked outside, Junsu finally spoke again.

"I was passing by the arts and music department and I happened to hear this really really matching sound for me," Junsu said. "I really loved it since it was fitting to my life and my mood at the moment. I wanted to see who it was so I tried to look through the small gap on the curtain but I couldn't really see."

Yoochun's face formed another smile. "So you got your face mark on that window because you were trying to see who was playing the piano?"

"Yeah, that's how it was."

"You're amusing Junsu," Yoochun finally said. "I feel really comfortable around you since I can just talk whenever I want. You feel real to me."

Junsu gave him a puzzled look. He decided to ignore that sentence and changed the subject. "You played very well."

"My songs are my feelings," Yoochun replied as he leaned back. "I come to school early whenever I want to clear my head about a few things. And it'll always be that room."

"If you're troubled..." Junsu mumbled pretending to be clueless, "then isn't that what boyfriends are for? Didn't you say you have one?"

"I don't know..." the blue eyed man answered as he gazed upon the still darkened sky. The sun was barely up yet. "It's different with him I suppose. I do love him. He's gives warmth to my heart."

"Warmth?" Junsu asked. "Is that it? Just warmth?"

Yoochun nodded.

"Are you sure you're in love?" Junsu asked as he looked at Yoochun who gazed up at the sky. He was hoping it was just some sort of illusion that Yoochun felt. He wanted the man to fall in love with him instead.

There was silence.

And in that short period of time, the rustling of the trees and the chatting of the people around them studying and having fun filled that space.

"What is love Junsu?" Yoochun finally spoke out loud with a question. "What are you supposed to feel? How do you know if that person is truly the one?" A sudden pause. "You like me so you must love me. What do you feel when I'm with you?"

"What kind of question is that?" Junsu asked.

"Answer it then," Yoochun gently said as he closed his eyes. The sleep that he didn't catch last night had finally jumped on him. Being with Junsu right now made him very sleepy.

"My feelings towards you," Junsu scoffed. "Love isn't all just about warmth. If you're looking for warmth then look for a family. If you ask what I feel for you, it's more than just warmth. Sometimes, frustration and anger. Sometimes happiness and serene. Sometimes disappointment and regret. It's not for everyone. One needs to have patience to really look and see. Love takes time. If it's not cultivated right, it's not going to happen."

He was cut off.

"Very weird..." Yoochun said as he sat up. He tried to open his eyes but his lids were getting really heavy at this time. "I don't feel anything really. I always thought love was already an emotion. To love and to be loved. But what is love? What does it take to love?"

"This is a normal reaction," Junsu rolled his eyes. "Love is everything. The ability to stay together is being able to experience everything and still keep it together. But in cases where you do not feel anything, what's a relationship worth when it's not making you the better person? Through experience, you grow. And therefore, love is to make your other half shine and to be loved, for that person to make you shine. To bring out the best in each other. That is to love and be loved." Junsu paused. "But that's only my philosophy. Nobody usually cares since it's different for everyone. Probably for you too."

"Then tell me," Yoochun spoke. "What is it about me that you see that will make you shine?"

Junsu smiled. He already knew his answer. However, he decided not to tell and just sat back and looked at the ceiling. "That's a secret for now. It'll be pointless since you don't even know what you feel for me. My words will be insignificant."

"Tell me Yoochun, are you seriously in love with Changmin?"

There was a pause for hesitation but Yoochun finally answered. "I'm pretty sure I love Changmin," He smiled. "He's different. But you as well. You feel special...different?"

"What about me?" Junsu asked in curiosity.

"I don't know, you're just different," Yoochun answered. "I love Changmin. He's someone I'd like to keep beside me. That's why I'm going out with him."

Junsu scoffed subtly and laughed. "Even if you don't get it, I don't think I'll stop pursuing you."

Yoochun smiled tiredly and yawned.. "It's because you're not good at explaining things."

Junsu felt a slight weight on his right shoulder. Looking at that direction, his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

Park Yoochun had just fallen asleep on his shoulders.

If only they could live life like this where there is nothing that came in between their what you call a relationship. No status and no popularity levels or ranks. If only it was like this all the time.

Junsu once again looked at Yoochun's direction and this time, he held his chest. It felt like he was about to get a heart attack or something similar along those lines.

He was really happy to find out that he actually had a chance. From this conversation Junsu knew that Yoochun wasn't really in love with Changmin at all. If he did, he would know what the feeling of love is. It was troubling though since this man never experienced that kind of love yet. It's impossible to not experience those feelings even at least once.

He smiled. Maybe this would be the happiness he can give.

With Yoochun everything just felt very comfortable. He wanted to stay like this forever but endings exist in life and the stupid vibrations of his phone told him to move out of his spot.

Straightening, Junsu got out gently so he doesn't wake him up. He then got up to answer his phone.

It was Jaejoong and if Jaejoong calls it must be important. And so he answered.

"Hello?" he said.

"Su!" Jaejoong urgently replied. "Good you picked up. I called your house phone but they said you've left already."

"Yeah, I just felt like it today," Junsu explained himself. "Any news?"

"Great deal of it. Who knew a days' worth of researching could connect a lot of things," Jaejoong said proudly. "They made a move."

Junsu looked around just to see if anyone was of close distance to him. Talking at school about private matters is a pretty bad location.

Moving farther away from Yoochun just incase, he went under the nearest tree and leaned on it.

"Anything you want to spill right now Jaejoong?" Junsu asked. "Make it quick."

"You can't talk until I finish explaining everything," Jaejoong spoke at the other line.

There was no response.

"Alright, I'm starting," Jaejoong breathed. The tone of his voice began to change. "Yesterday, during the meeting with Shim Changmin, I found out two things." He paused. "One. He needs medical attention, two, he has a lover and it's not Yoochun. Three, that man is back. And four, everything is going wrong."

Of course he knew the medical history that Shim Changmin has but him having a lover...
What the hell? And who's back? And what's going wrong?

Junsu's eyes widened at that last statement. He was going to stop Jaejoong from speaking since it was all about personal matters. He wasn't in the mood for personal issues at the moment. If it was about the company he would have gladly wanted to chat.

"And before you think that this is a personal issue," Jaejoong spoke as if he read his mind, "it's definitely not." He continued. "Shim Changmin's lover... his name is Lee Dongwook. Do you remember this guy Junsu?"

That name brought Junsu's ears cirnging.

"That can't happen!" Junsu yelled out abruptly. Of course he knew who Lee Dongwook was. "That man almost cracked us and brought us down last year. He almost took out the whole Kim Enterprise in a matter of two hours with those little leaks from some employee that you hired." Junsu smashed his fist on the tree.

"I'm in red alert right now because rumour has it that Lee Dongwook has combined forces with he Choi family. These men hate you Junsu," Jaejoong said in a deathly serious tone. "I can't predict anything yet but one thing I know for sure is that they will be using your new business partner in many ways more than one."

"That fool!" Junsu became furious. "Does he know how much of a threat Lee Dongwook is to us?"

"I talked to him yesterday and --"

He was cut off.

"Does Shim Changmin know who he's dealing with?"

"It's probably kept a secret from him. Judging from his reaction yesterday, he doesn't have a clue."

"Alright," Junsu sighed in annoyance. "An unscheduled private meeting, same time, same place, today. You need to finish up everything you need to do, get there on time and I'll personally invite Shim Changmin myself."

"One more thing, Junsu. I don't think I'll come to classes today," Jaejoong answered. "I'm researching and preparing for the worst case scenario that I think might happen. I need to catch these very unfaithful employees that has been breaking into our mainframes to access our files. Early this morning, two billion dollars worth of money has been pulled out. We have an unnoticed leak under our noses and I'm trying to track it down. And let me tell you, it's been covered up very good."

"Alright Jaejoong," Junsu said trying to keep his cool. He rubbed his index finger and his thumb together trying to think of where these unnoticed leaks are comign from. There are too much employees to check up on.

He's been in charge of this area for the longest time and there's no way he can mess up now.

"I trust that you can handle this," he continued on.

"Be careful," Jaejoong warned him. "I'm not there to keep Xiah Junsu safe."

He hanged up.

There was too much troubles today and he couldn't let his guard own anymore. Junsu bit the side of his index finger in deep thought.

There's danger roaming around and it was too close for comfort.

"Junsu?" a voice from somewhere called out.

With great reflex, Junsu looked at every direction possible. Someone could've been listening.

And that someoe was Yunho. He stood at the other side of the tree.

"Oh hello!" Junsu geekily greeted. He was scared. What if that guy heard something?

"That was some pretty intense conversation," Yunho spoke as he faced the loser.

So he did hear it.

"Well..." Junsu looked down. He should at least pretend that it was nothing. "I was getting mad at Jaejoong because he wouldn't come to school today."

"Stop the act. You're not who I think you are. You're friends with Jaejoong way before you came to this school am I right?" Yunho questioned. "So wouldn't that mean that you're one of those higher class men?"

"Of course not," Junsu waved out his hands in disagreement. "Jaejoong is completely different than me. He's good looking. cool... very athletic--"

"You're lying aren't you?" Yunho pressed on the issue some more. He walked towards Junsu until he was only about half a ruler apart from him. "I remember that incident with that soccer ball two days ago. The way you kicked it-- I know well built bodies when I see one." He stared at Junsu's form up and down.

He was dominating this conversation. He's a natural and Junsu kept note of it.

In response, Junsu laughed awkwardly loud. "I was was my adrenaline. It usually gets to me whenever I feel like I'm going to get hurt."

"You're hiding something," Yunho's face grew closer and closer to his own. Junsu tried to look away but it was hard not to look. "Tell you what, Xiah Junsu," he paused as he smirked slyly. "I'll stop questioning you about this...only if you join soccer team!" Yunho laughed.

A threat! How dare he use it to his advantage.

"I don't have time to deal with you. Whatever you heard," Junsu's voice turned very serious and sharp. "I need you to keep your mouth shut. If you know Jaejoong's personality, and you knowing that we're the same, I suggest you stay quiet or else your father will find your rotting corpse outside of your own mansion."

Yunho backed off. This "geek" could surely pack a great blow of punch without moving anything but his mouth.

With this threat, Junsu turned around and walked to the bench where Yoochun slept. "Remember what I said Yunho. Speak about me to anyone and die."

"Bye Junsu!" Yunho waved. "But since I'm doing you a favor just come to our practice during lunch time. It's at field A. I want to play with you so I'll be waiting!"

Junsu scoffed.

There was no time to be worried about other things and so these worries just had to shut themselves up.

Taking his bag from his back, he took his umbrella that his maid has packed for him. They told him it was supposed to rain today.

Yoochun was still sleeping at the bench at the same position he left him at. Not wanting to wake up the man, Junsu just hooked the umbrella at the edge and rested it on Yoochun's shoulder, shading him. Then, taking off his long sleeved jacket, he placed it on Yoochun.

He then left abruptly.

Class had begun.


Junsu had just walked in his first block class only to be bombarded by this really evil aura that's staring him down. Choi Siwon is here and for some reason was very pissed at him. He didn't know why but he never really cared. That man was mad at everyone.

He avoided crossing his ways and so headed towards Changmin's desk. He needed to have a talk with that man anyways.

"Hey Changmin," he quietly called out as he stood in front of his desk.

"Do you need anything?" the tall yet lean man quickly responded. He looked behind him as he said this. "I don't see Kim Jaejoong around with you."

"Yeah!" Yunho butted in. The sound of Jaejoong's name just got him up and going. "Where is he? You said something about you getting mad at him?"

"No..." Junsu replied. "He says he's stuck at work. Emergency situation I heard. He called me to tell you something." He looked at the taller man.

"Oh?" Changmin lifted his brow. He was confused. Jaejoong could have called him directly. His number should be in the company files. Why trust this man with a message?

"Yeah..." Junsu answered meekly. "He wants you to come for a meeting. He said to come at the same time, same place today."

"Today?" Changmin asked.

"He told me that Mr. Kim wants to see you urgently," Junsu told him. "And that's about it! I'm going to... uhh... sit down now."

Junsu turned around and headed for his desk.

"Wait," Changmin called out. Junsu watched as the man scribbled something on a piece of paper and then ripped it out from his book.

"What's this?" Junsu asked as he took the note not opening it yet.

"Don't read it now, read it later," Changmin smirked. "It's a secret."

Junsu gave a slight nervous bow. Deciding to read it later, he placed it in his pocket.

Acting like a geek...he sure got the hang of it pretty quickly.

"He's kinda strange don't you think?" Yunho asked as he nudged Changmin's rib with his elbow.

"Everyone's got their own dark secret," Changmin ignored that comment and answered it inderectly. "Like maybe the secret of liking a person named Jaejoong perhaps?"

"Hey! What are you trying to say?" Yunho looked at him pissed off.

"Apparently nothing important," Changmin replied as he shrugged his shoulders and left.


Yoochun woke up to the sound of a hammer banging. What was he doing here again? He tried to recollect some stuff that happened.

"Sleeping..." he mumbled out as he rubbed his eyes. It was his first time not having a nightmare in a while. It's mind boggling really.

When he sat straight up, his head came upon the top of the umbrella.

Why was that there? He asked himself.

A gigantic piece of cloth now fell on the ground as well. He suddenly felt cold.

Why was that there? He asked himself again.

It took a few minutes to understand where he was at and what was happening. At this time, there was no other choice but to get up from his comfortable nap. He picked up the cloth that fell sitting on top of him.

"It's Junsu's jacket..." he recognized it as he looked. "He left the umbrella and this one too?"

He smiled at the thought. For some reason, his heart fluttered and raced. "What a weird feeling..." he mumbled out. Weird...He remembered saying that word before as well.


"My feelings towards you," Junsu scoffed. "Love isn't all just about warmth. If you're looking for warmth then look for a family. If you ask what I feel for you, it's more than just warmth. Sometimes, frustration and anger. Sometimes happiness and serene. Sometimes disappointment and regret. It's not for everyone. One needs to have patience to really look and see. Love takes time. If it's not cultivated right, it's not going to happen."

End of Flashback

"My heart is racing 100 miles per hour probably..." Yoochun wondered as he held Junsu's jacket close to his chest. "This isn't love though right? He's definitely having weird reactions."

Not wanting to think about it some more, he quickly brushed it off. He loved Changmin and that was that.

He was late for class as it is. And later, he should thank Junsu for the umbrella and the jacket. It was very nice of him to do so.


Six hours have passed, and it was past lunch time already, Jaejoong had been snapping for the nth time.

"Damn it all!" Jaejoong yelled as he smashed his keyboard to death. "Every single time it's a ing dead end!"

Frustrated, he got up and kicked his rolling computer chair with great force. It clashed with his filing cabinet with a big crash.

"Have you finally met your match Mr. Kim Jaejoong?" an employer joked around with him. He's been working with Jaejoong the whole day trying to isolate employees from where this leak came from but he would always meet a wall.

How the hell did they manage to get through without a trace and without getting caught by their security?

"I need a ing break," Jaejoong turned around from his computer and inhaled a large amount of oxygen. "It has been five ing hours!"

"Six actually." The man who sat on the other side of the room at a desk just smiled at him in reply because of the frustration burning up.

"I'm going out for five mins," Jaejoong stated. "Kibum you continue on."

"Yes, yes," he obediently followed. "I'll keep working while the boss takes a break."

"Shut up," Jaejoong hissed as he grabbed his coat and headed out the door.

With haste, Kibum got down to his own business. He needed to finish his work very swiftly before the frustrated boss came back.

"So oblivious..." Kibum laughed. "The plan's working perfectly just like what he said."

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Chapter 26: I just found your fic n Oh.My.God why!!!!!!!!! Deeeemmmm... After all those tough incident....I can not.. oTL
But I have a feeling that actually Yoochun will still be alive later, it's just Junsu's dad will ing it n will never let Junsu know so he can be his puppet again.. hahahahahh Well it's my own imagination anw, lol Update soon please.. You can't just make it cliffhanger like this.. It's cruel you know? Pleeeeaaaaasssseeeeeeee... TT_______TT
Chapter 26: write dammit! write the goddamn chapters!!!
didoucassie #3
Chapter 26: i am crying here why did he dieeeee !
i love ur fix one of the best fanfics i have ever read ; no it is the best yoosu fanfic EVERRRR
huge fan of urs , plz keep writing !!
although he is dead but i see another ver of this : like the father says that yoochun is dead , but he isn't , and then junsu and everyone else are fooled , that father , he has to do everything to keep junsu huh !!!!!
chap , waiting for the next one ^^
happydays4ever #4
Chapter 26: Yay!! you should continue.
I am so angry though!! I can't believe yoochun actually indirectly saved that bastard XO
So happy you updated after such along time :)
Author fighting!!
bluedbutterfly #5
Chapter 26: yaaaa,bring him the way,i love your story..nice work
Chapter 26: noooooooooooooooooooooooooo why my hubby is deadTT^TT bring him back>.<
Chapter 26: oook so he dies in the story and last chapters will be the aftermath......u r.
Chapter 25: why can u update soon man? i really am dying here!
happydays4ever #9
Chapter 25: you updated!!you never fail to make this story so cool~ :-)
I'm so excited to see what happens next and I'm so happy that jong-il is dead :-)
thanks for the update:-)