Reviewers & Rubric

➜ [`arcadia] || - a review shop catered (but not limited) to arcadians ▸▶► [open]



Bear in mind that you will not always get the reviewer of your choice.



krystal jung  

 i do not accept or yuri. i tend to be a bit harsh but at least I'm honest. i'm not that strict and I prefer one-shots and drabbles. looking forward to all the kaistal love!


kim jongin

 my pet peeves? mary sues, atrocious grammar and improper use of vocabulary. not a fan of bombastic words either. purple prose destroys an otherwise, decent story apart. cliche plots bother me but if it's beautifully written, i suppose i can try reading it. 


choi sulli

 i take great care of grammar and proper use of vocabulary. spelling and paragraphing is important  too and i'm rather strict in my reviews. my comments are so that you would improve, so no hard feelings. bear in mind that i prefer reviewing stories in my otp list. 
im yoona

 although i look for correct grammar and vocabulary, stories that truly stick out to me are those with unique plots and interesting characters. to me, every pairing is beautiful  but of course kaistal is one of my ultimate ships. don't be shy to request for a review!


oh sehun

 i'm pretty strict when it comes to grammar and vocabulary, but the overall development of the story is important as well. I do not review and yuri. other than that, feel free to request!




amber liu

 first off, i'd like to warn everyone that i might not be one of those lenient reviewers you would encounter. i apologize in advance if i would sound a bit harsh in the future, but hey, you're here to improve right? i'm only trying to be honest. c: i focus more on the mechanics, especially grammar; although i do admit, wrongly-spelled words tick me off. overall, though, i'm comfortable with reviewing anything; just no fluff-overload, okay?





 Title [5] - Is it attractive?

Description/Foreword [5] - Any mistakes?

Writing Style [25] - How well have you written the story? How was the flow? Does your writing style suit the genre you're writing? Do you have your 'own' writing style? 

Grammar & Vocabulary [30] - Grammar mistakes? Odd usage of words?

Plot & Character [25] - Is your plot believable? Have you done a good job in character development? 

Insight [10] - Self explanatory.





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▸▶► Calling Kpopxoxo!


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christinax26 #1
Im from Arcadia!
sevenpixels #2
Hi!!! It's been really long but did I make a request? Because I am pretty sure I am subscribed to you guys but I forgot if I made a request...
KrystalHana #3
Chapter 8: Are we still open /.'/ ?
....i sent a request regardless :p
Leggoo #4
Are you guys hiring? :D
Chapter 9: HEY! I'm back for another request! thanks!
Omg, I just realised that I forgot to credit you guys!!! I've been on hiatus for 7-8 months now!! So I basically did not credit you guys for half the year! Oh god...I'm so sorry /face slap. Just found out while I was on a random AFF streak. Going to add you to my credits right now!!! >.<
Chapter 13: Thanks for the review.