
Epic Dare


[I kept running and running as fast as I can I had to get away from him or I would be screwed. As I kept running I was forced to stop due to the pain that I was feeling in my legs because of all the running, so I decided to quickly hide in a nearby ally, but the was the biggest mistake I ever made in my whole entire life, because the man was there "Silly kid you think you can outrun me?" '!' I thought while trying to make a run for it but he instantly grabbed me by my wrist and pinned me to the hard cold wall "W-what are you gonna do?!" I asked through tears "shhh its okay" he whispered with his husky voice in my ears, I tried to push him away but he was to strong, then suddenly I felt a piercing pain on my neck causing me to scream in agony.]


-Yoseob POV-


I jolted up from my bed, panting from sweat, I looked around me and found the book still in hand "It was just a dream..." I said to my self feeling my neck 'yep it was' I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly someone busted my door open "YAH! Hyung are you okay??? I heard yelling!" Zelo asked holding a baseball bat "yah! Zelo you scared me!" I yelled holding my chest "and I'm fine I just had a weird nightmare" I continued on "was is about someone biting ur neck?" He asked "idk why???" I asked then he pointed at the book next to me "ohhhh maybe that's why" I said laughing awkwardly "hyung stop reading before you go to bed" he said placing the baseball bat by my computer "well excuse you I like reading books~" I said rolling my eyes "whatever" he said walking away 'did he just whatever me??' I asked my self "OH HELL NO!" I yelled jumping out of my bed and started chasing him around and when I caught him I started tickling him "WAHHHH HYUNG IM SORRY!!! HAHAHA" Zelo yelled under my mercy "say it louder~" I said tickling him more "HYUNG!!" He yelled near tears due to laughter "aigoo fine I accept ur apology!" I said getting up. 


After me n Zelo got ready we headed to school, when we passed the old house by the cemetery I saw Junhyung come out "Hey Hyung is that ur boyfriend?" Zelo whispered in my ear, apparently Junhyung heard "Yes Yes I am" he said warping his arm around my waist making me blush "kyaaaa I knew it" Zelo said giggling like a Fanboy "yahh!!!" I said pouting and they Just giggled at me. When we arrived at the front gate I saw Yongguk approaching us "sup shortie hyung??" He said rubbing my hair "hey!! Stop it" I yelled "A-N-I-Y-A" he said pinching my cheeks "Wahhh Zelo help!!!" I yelled trying to escape Yongguk's Grip on my cheeks "H-hey leave my hyung alone!" Zelo said trying to sound threatening "aigoo!! Hyung you never told me ur dongsaeng was cute!!" Yongguk said attacking Zelo's cheek this time, then it hit me 'if I hook them up together Yongguk will leave me alone! I'm a Genius kekeke' "hyung help!!" Zelo yelled "don't worry the school bell rang!" I chirped as the bell rang and Yongguk let go "come on ill bring you to class cutie~" Yongguk said and pulled Zelo with him "YAH DONT HURT MY DONGSAENG!!" I yelled "NEH HYUNG!" Yongguk yelled with his deep voice "Come on Junnie let's go to class~" I said doing aegyo "neh seobie~" he replied blushing 'aigoo cute~' 


-During The Assembly- 


-Junhyung's POV- 


As the teacher talked about the school festival I thought about going with seobie I didn't even realized I was smiling like an idiot till Doojun pointed it out "what you so happy about?" He asked "uhhh nothing" I said looking down "Going to the school festival with seobie eh?" He said chuckling "How do you know?? DO YOU READ MINDS???" I yelled "No! But I'm not deaf you were saying ur thoughts out loud pabo!" He said laughing his off "!" I said looking at a sleeping seobie beside me 'oh good he is asleep' "Luckily he is asleep" Doojun said "yea.." "I'm going with seungie~" Doojun said while texting "saw that coming" I mumbled "yo! Look at this pic with you and Yoseob at the cemetery~" Doojun said handing me the phone, I looked at the pic and frowned "awww I'm not in it!!" I pouted "what??" Doojun yelled grabbing the phone "Holy u aren't how???" He asked I leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear "remember I'm a vampire??" Then he looked at me with an "oh yea" face "well since im in my human form might as well take a pic with seobie~" I said to my self so I took out my phone and took a pic with a sleeping seobie, after I took a pic I put it as my wallpaper and smiled "we look like a lovely couple"


. After the assembly I decided to wake up the sleeping Yoseob beside me but then I saw tears coming out of his closed eyes and sweat from his forehead "Yah!! Yoseob wake up are you okay???" I said shaking him to wake him up, I was really getting worried "H-hyung??" He said getting up tears still dripping down his cheeks "what the matter seob?" I asked getting more worried "I keep getting the same nightmares hyung!! With the guy chasing me and biting my neck!!" He said clinging to me then I patted his head and hugged him tightly "shhh its okay" I said trying to calm him down but he flinched when I said that "what's the matter?" I asked looking at him "the guy said that in my dream to right before he hurt me" he said looking up at me with his cute brown puppy eyes "its okay seob I will never hurt you" I said calming him down.


-Yoseob POV- 


I'm kind of scared of the fact that Junhyung might be the guy in my dream I'm not really sure, I hope he isn't and I hope it will never happen either as the day went by I saw him waiting for me by the school gate giggling at his phone "hey what ya looking at??" I asked while looking at his phone then I saw a pic of him and me sleeping during the assembly "aren't we adorable??" He asked smiling widely "yea...sure?" I replied with my cheeks turning pink "oh yea yoseob want to go to the school festival with me??" He asked "sure I would love to hyung!! But I warn you I eat a lot of foodddddd~" I said rubbing my belly "no big deal as long as I get to be with you" he said poking my cheek. "Hey seob" "yes junnie??" I asked "let's get ice cream and hangout so we can forget about that silly little weird Nightmare you had!" He said putting his arm around me shoulders "hmmm sounds good but who is paying??" I asked "me of course!" He said smiling "YAY HYUNG UR THE BEST!!" I said kissing his cheek. As we arrived the Ice Cream parlor I ran to the counter and ordered all my favorite flavors and Junnie ordered Chocolate, after the lady gave us the ice cream she winked at Junhyung while caused a pang of jealousy in my heart but luckily he ignored her "why so quiet all of a sudden?" Junhyung asked looking at me "n-nothing" I stuttered "Seob! Ur jealous well don't be she is ugly anyway" he said making me giggle "neh hyung!" I chirped while happily shoving the delicious ice cream in my mouth "you really love ice cream don't you?" Junhyung asked me while chuckling "yewp I whabs iwt swoo mwuch!" (yep I luv it so much!) I said with my mouthful "silly seob" he said while wiping of the ice cream on the corner of my mouth while his thumb "mmm vanilla!" He said making me blush by his sudden actions.


After the ice cream we decided to go to the park by a river, scenery was soo beautiful that I forgot about my weird Nightmare, we sat by a nearby bench and enjoyed our surroundings "Junnie don't you just love it here? Cuz I do" I said while laying my head on his shoulder "yep! Let's take a pic yeobo!" He said taking out his phone "I'm not ur yeobo!!" I said pouting but he ignored me and took a pic of us "wahhh hyung it looks nice!! Send it to me!!!!" I whined "only if you let me call you yeobo!" He teased "ughhhh fine~" I replied then he sent me the pic, and I decided to put it as my wallpaper. As we kept walking we saw a cute stand and I immediately ran to it, I was looking around till I saw a cute pikachu "HYUNG BUY ME DAT!!!!" I yelled pointing at the cute pikachu "u finished all my money :(" Junhyung said frowning after we purchased the cute pikachu "but you love me anyway" I said giggling "no I don't" he said "WAE???" I asked shock "calm down I'm joking" he said laughing "NOT FUNNY ><" I yelled stomping my foot "your just like a kid so adorable~" he said ruffling my hair. 


-Junhyung POV- 


On the way home this guy who was supposedly a 'hobo' tried stealing money from us but I ended up beating him up making him look like a real hobo! 'Gahh!! Ppl nowadays -,-"' but thing is Yoseob couldn't stop laughing when the man tried standing up but ended up slipping on while he cursed out '' I admit it I found it funny too, as we got to my house Yoseob suddenly remembered something "HYUNG I FORGOT ZELO!!!" He said while grabbing his phone "don't worry I'm sure he is with that guy with the huge lips" I said trying to calm him down but he kept calling till Zelo answered "saeng! Where r you??" He said through the phone "ohhh really?? Okay then" he said ending the phone call "hyung he is with Yongguk!! thank god I was worried there" he said wiping of imaginary sweat from his forehead "told ya!" I replied "well see ya hyung I got to go now~" he said hugging me then waving his hand goodbye "neh see ya yeobo~". 


As I thought about the weird nightmare Yoseob had I thought about what my mom said about how a vampire's soul mate can see the future with them, and by the looks of it he seems to be my soul mate but I don't understand why I would hurt him I stopped hurting ppl by the time I finished puberty since I was able to control my self more, I kept thinking and thinking about that I almost forgot to do my essay, in the middle of me writing me essay I suddenly remembered something "The Red Moon" I mumbled to my self......




Annyeong!! >< srry for the late update but i had to re-write this chapter cuz the other one !! 

hope this chapter wasnt boring thoTT____TT i will be updating soon neh? i also have an idea for another junseob fic kekeke~ XD

i would like to thank this subscribers~




luv ya guys~~ :D





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lenchan25 #1
Chapter 1: Kyyya so exciting
Chapter 9: Aww~ JunSeob so cute~^^ I hope u make a sequel~~
Chapter 9: Lol love the ending ^^
Syelisha #4
Hey ~ im done reading this fanfics . I like it so much >.<
Chapter 9: wah! I've finally finished it!
aww unconditional love of Junseob <3