V. Bittersweet

Typically Weird


Monday (December 10,2012)

"Yah! Myungsoo-ah!" Sulli called out in the alley.

*There goes my heart again. Better act natural.* Myungsoo thought then turned around to face Sulli. "What now?"

"Let's go together!....Uh, omma said." Sulli said while rubbing the back of her neck.

*Omo! Is she acting weird now?* 

"Yah!" He shouted.

"What?What?" Sulli asked annoyed.

"Let's go. I don't want to be sent in detention for being late, again. Not again in this generation." Myungsoo stated so honestly.

"Wahhhh! Was that my fault? Tsk,tsk,tsk. Myungsoo-ah! We're in college and you're still being sent to detention. Hahahaha-HA." She said with a poker face.

"Forget it! I'll take the bus alone." He turned around and started to walk.

"Yah! Kim Myungsoo, wait for me!" Sulli ran to him.

While at the bus stop, Myungsoo kept stealing glances at Sulli without her noticing. *Can't I control my feelings around you? HEART! Calm down!*

Sulli then called out, "Myungsoo-ah! The bus is here. Don't you want to go to class?"

Myungsoo then snapped out to reality. They proceeded to the bus with a lot people. It's rush hour.


When they got up in the bus, it was full. Then Sulli found a seat. 

When she was about to sit, Myungsoo stole it. "Yah!" She shouted causing people to look at them strangely. 

"What? It doesn't even have your name on this seat." He protested.

"Don't worry. That's just what I'm going to do next time." She smiled then kept her poker face with a pair of glaring eyes. Her lips twitched, annoyed of the situation. She then turned her back away from his face.

The bus kept speeding up causing Sulli to hold a tighter grip on the bars. But then the bus turned to the right suddenly causing Sulli to sit on Myungsoo.

Myungsoo hugged her, worried if she got hurt or something.

"Sulli-ah! You okay?" Myungsoo whispered to her. 

Sulli lifted her head up that means their faces are just a few inches away. They blushed with widened eyes.

She then stood up and made sure she gripped the bars tight, very tight. *Omo! What's this feeling? What? Why is it so hot in here?*

*Why is she so clumsy?.....Is that why I fell for her? Her crazy antics?* Myungsoo just smiled.



It was dead silent until they got to the academy. Awkward molecules filled the air. When they entered the halls, Sulli went to her locker. "See you whenever." She said with monotone. Myungsoo felt awkward then said, "Okay, bye. Study hard. Hwaiting!" *Why did it sounded so greasy?*

When Sulli opened her locker, she found a little white card. "What's this?"

She opened the card that says,

"Hello there Sulli,

I just want say, will you go out me?

I've been watching you for awhile now and my heart skips a beat when I see you.

So, will you go out with me? Just answer me, I'm at your back."

Sulli turned then saw Hoya. Her senior. *Omo! What do I do?*

Hoya held a bouquet of roses and gave it to her. "Sulli-shii, will you go out with me?"

It was awkward at first but she decided to give him a reply.

"Hoya sunbae, I am very sorry to say but.......I can't go out with you. I really appreciate your effort and sacrifice for me but I.....just really can't......I'm so sorry." She said with a sad face then bowed to him.

Hoya is very popular at the campus, so he decided to keep his cool. He doesn't want to look pathetic in front of everyone.

"No, don't apologize. I understand you, maybe I was a little bit to rush. But can I ask you something?"

"I'm really thankful though. What? You can ask me anything!" She beamed, regaining her Happy Virus.

"Is it him?"


"Your bestfriend, Kim Myungsoo. Is it him that you like?"

Sulli blushed, remembering of what happened a while ago at the bus. But she still gave her best to answer Hoya's question.

"I don't know. I'm not quite sure of my feelings now." Just at time, the bell rang.

"Be sure to sort your feelings out, okay? But to what I see now, Myungsoo is a very lucky guy. Bye." Hoya played it coolly. His fangirls sending death glares to Sulli's rejection.

"Tch, should've accepeted it. What a stupid girl!" Some girl said.

Sulli just stood there frozen, trying to understand what Hoya really meant. *Why does he have to play around the bush, aish!*

Sulli may not notice but Myungsoo was behind them when it happened but he didn't hear the conversation because of the fangirls squealing. *Tch!...Seems like he's been rejected.* He exited the scene.



Myungsoo kept thinking while walking to the cafeteria. *So, if the most popular guy in our campus got rejected by my Sulli, then does that mean I don't stand a chance? Do I confess to her or what? Maybe Woohyun hyung can solve this. But if I tell him, he'll assume that he was right from the beginning. Then, he'll tell this to Sunggyu hyung and the whole neighborhood. But I can't tell this to my best friend either, she might not talk to me anymore! And besides, she's the one causing all the ruckus in my mind! I should make a plan but I need hyung too, to help me. Aish! Really heart? really? I don't-* Then someone swung his hands on Myungsoo's neck.

"Yah! Who the hell did-" Then he saw Sulli.

"What? Are you cursing me now?" Sulli pretended to be hurt.

"Don't assume that! You're the one who attacked me first." He defended.

"Okay. So what were you thinking that caused you to be so surprised? Hmmm...you seem to be thinking so deep." She tapped her chin.

"It's about a girl." He blurted out. 

"Aigoo! Our little guitar master has been growing up. So that's why you were so surprised! Who's the lucky girl? Hmm, hmm?" She insisted.

"I'll tell you sooner or later. Let's go! I wanna eat." He walked fast.

*But why do I feel intimidated? Hmmm...maybe he's my best friend and I also want attention. But it's different! Tch! Gotta tell it to my mom and prove that she's wrong about Myungsoo. But it seems like I'm feeling weird. Am I jealous?......NO!* Sulli tried to caught up.



They were walking together to Sulli's. Myungsoo started to have a conversation.

"It seems like you're not telling me everything..." He was pertaining to Hoya's confession this morning. Of course, he was J-E-A-L-O-U-S.

Sulli widened her eyes. *Am I being obvious with my feelings?*

"What? Do I have to tell you about every move I make?" She walked first to sneak out the awkward talk.

"Choi Sulli. You've just been caught red-handed." He said.

Sulli froze. *Did he discovered my feelings?!*

"You better tell me your little secret or else..." He trailed off then walked to her.

"Or else what?" Sulli then turned her head, surprised of what Myungsoo did.

Myungsoo kissed her! Right in the lips. 

She then pushed Myungsoo. "Yah! What are you doing?!" Sulli was about to burst in tears.

"Sulli-ah, it was not my intention!" Myungsoo voiced out, surprised of what he also did. *WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST DO?*

Sulli glared for the last time then ran, crying.



Since that unforgettable moment happened, Sulli tried to avoid Myungsoo. She was uncertain of her feelings. She was not sure whether she really liked Myungsoo more than just being a best friend or she was just really feeling very attached to him that's why she was shocked, receiving a kiss from him.


Myungsoo really regretted of what happened. He noticed her, avoiding him. He thought, maybe she needed some space and a time off between them. He told the whole story his mother. Besides, his mom was still the best choice for telling something  confidential like this and not his brother.

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Coolcutiedj #1
Chapter 1: I heard your working on a new story :) Alala mo ko? Si Lyllan Pango?
Chapter 7: Lol Sungjong XDDDD

I love it really huhu sequeeeel or another story I beg of youuuu u___u
Chapter 7: you should do a sequel !! oh my myungli feels <3
kimzea #4
Chapter 7: sequel pleaseeeeeee ^^
chooseme #5

leejinris #6
Chapter 4: Hahah they are in love !
leejinris #7
Chapter 3: Awwhh so cute hahha myunglli <3