I. Strangely Familiar

Typically Weird


In the Classroom (Sophomore Year Class B)

Sulli drew a thick line of mustache under her nose using an eyeliner. Then, she tried imitating their class' Literature teacher, Mr. Yang. *He's a terror! Ugh! I can feel goosebumps.*                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

"So class, did you finish your essays? I say, you all can pass Literature if you at least give your best self in composing essays. Am I right? You there! Answer me! Are you deaf? Oh, I didn't seem clear to you?..." Mr. Yang enters behind her without knowing. Some of her classmates just kept a poker face and some laughed secretly.

She imitated how Mr. Yang walked. "Now, let me open my book of proverbs.  Probably, you're all-" Sulli was cut off.

"So, Ms. Choi. Care to share your story with me?" Mr. Yang talked sarcastically. Sulli froze then turned her head to see if it was really her terror teacher. *Oh no!

"Mr. Yang! You've been growing healthy these past few weeks, your skin is glowing. What's your secret? Tell me!" She beamed hoping to sneak out the situation.                                       

"Ms. Choi, you seem to be changing the subject." He smiled evilly.                                                                                                                                                                                            

"What? NO! Mr. Yang, I really want to know your beauty secret. Perhaps, you use BB cream?" She still persuaded her teacher.                                                                             

"You really want to know that bad?"               

"Of course! Can you tell me?"

"Okay, I'll tell you." He walked way from her a little then turned around while fiddling with his pen. "Would you mind if I tell my secret to you, in detention?! Ms. Choi, you are a very bright student but you have crossed the line! Detention! Now!" *He's really angry.*

"Okay." She hanged her head low but then raised her chin up to hide her embarrassment. "Bye Mr. Yang!" She shouted then ran off.



Myungsoo was late for school, again. "Curse my brother for this!" He just wanted to have a goodnight sleep but his hyung, Woohyun, played the electric guitar all night long. 

"Oh, Mr. Kim. You're late again." Ms. Lee said. "You know, I hate giving detention to my students,, don't you? But you already had 2 tardiness record on my list, and today is your third. You know the school rules. I'm sorry but I have to send you to detention." She said looking at Myungsoo with worry.

"It's okay, Ms. Lee. I deserve it. I hope this will not affect my class standing." Myungsoo said sincerely. He really kept a clean and nice record in middle school, so, he wanted to continue that until his last day in school.

"Don't worry, Myungsoo-shii. It's your first detention class. It's just a warning but be sure to come early in the coming days, okay?"

"Thank you Ms. Lee." He smiled then proceeded to detention class.


At Detention Class

"Oh, Mr. Kim. Why are you here? Do you need anything?" Mr. Yang asked.

"Uhm, the thing is, here." He handed the detention slip to Mr. Yang. "I got to detention because I was late for class 3 times. Sorry, Mr. Yang."

"It's fine. At least, you had a valid reason. Unlike that kid." Mr. Yang pointed at Sulli who was sitting next to the window. 

*She's staring into space. That's weird, she doesn't seem to look like a troublemaker.* Myungsoo thought.

"Anyway, it's just a warning for you, so better wake up early next, okay? You may sit where you want." Mr. Yang smiled.


Sulli's POV

*Well, that's weird. It's like I know this guy from somewhere.He looks strangely familiar.*  I tilted my head and question myself. "Who's this guy?" She whispered to herself still wondering.

After a few minutes of self-interrogation, "OMO!" She mentally slapped her face for shouting. "What's the problem, Ms. Choi?" Mr. Yang raised an eyebrow in question.

"Nothing. Nothing." She just smiled.

*It's him! It's the guitar playing guy I saw the other week in the bar! OMO! Sunggyu-oppa must know this!*


Little did she know that Myungsoo was looking at her, thinking of the same thing. *She's that girl I saw with Woohyun-hyung at the bar! Hyung must know about this.*




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Coolcutiedj #1
Chapter 1: I heard your working on a new story :) Alala mo ko? Si Lyllan Pango?
Chapter 7: Lol Sungjong XDDDD

I love it really huhu sequeeeel or another story I beg of youuuu u___u
Chapter 7: you should do a sequel !! oh my myungli feels <3
kimzea #4
Chapter 7: sequel pleaseeeeeee ^^
chooseme #5

leejinris #6
Chapter 4: Hahah they are in love !
leejinris #7
Chapter 3: Awwhh so cute hahha myunglli <3