
Here I Am, Too [Sequel to "HERE I AM"]

*Author's Note: for chapter 18, Its suppose to be "Our favorite place" -- not "My favorite place"

Also ~ Listen to this when your reading ~ It matches ~~ xD ---------------------> (If you want to)


Natsumi's POV:

We walked out of JYP . Once we walked out -- we saw Taeyang with 3 other people behind him .

"Oppa ~" i ran to him & hugged him . While hugging him, i asked, "Did you find them yet ?"

He sighed then said, "Ani ~~"

"Did you at least tell Taemin oppa whats happening ?"

He shooked his head . "I'm worried on how his gonna take it."

I pulled away then looked at him . "We have to tell him ~"

He smile a little as i take out my phone & dialed Taemin's number .

"Yeoboseyo ?" he said.

"Taemin Oppa ~"

"Ohh Natsumi ~~ Why did you call ?"

"Its about Jenny unnie ."

"What about her ? Whats wrong with her ?" his tone changed. I then heard in the background "What's wrong ?" & "where are you going?", said on the same time .

"Ohh ~ are you with someone one ? or some people ?" i asked, making sure he wont get into trouble .

"Ani ~ This is more important ~ So whats wrong with noona ?"

"Ummm ~" was all i could say first . i then sighed & said, "Jenny unnie ~ she -- s-she ran away ~ to who knows where ?" i started to tear up . Taeyang then looked at the guys behind him & said, "Stay here -- & TRY to call JiYong ~" he then pull me & WooYoung away to a bench not far away from the others .

"MWOO ?" he yelled . I then could hear a rush of wind through the phone . "Do you know where ?"

I then heard a ding . "Ani oppa ~ No one knows where she is -- even JiYong oppa ran away ~ well thats what Taeyang oppa said ."

"Where did they-- " he then stopped talking .

"Oppa ~ are you there ??" i asked...... kinda getting worried .

"I'll call you back ~" he said, before i could say anything -- he hung up . I hung up as well then felt a couple or arms around my waist. I looked at Taeyang who rested his head on my shoulder .

"What did Taemin say yeobo ?"

i rested my head on his head . "He panic then he was suppose to say something but he didnt finish his damn sentence because i think he got in trouble . He said, he'll call me later ~"

I then pouted & looked down on the ground. Taeyang then let go of me . WooYoung stood put then kneeled down my level . He made me look at him. "Natsumi dongsaeng ~ Dont worry to much arrasseo?"

Tears then rolled down my cheeks. WooYoung & Taeyang oppa wiped my tears away .

"Its hard not to ~" i said, wiping my own tears . "Its not like her to suddenly run away ~ Even JiYong Oppa ~" i sniffed. "Its like they're rebels ~"

Taeyang chuckled helping me wipe my tears . "I know yeobo -- i'm worried too -- but i also think that JiYong & Jenny are already together right now ~"

"Ugggh ~" i said, covering my eyes. "I hate her for making me worry about her ~ I'm not emotionally ready for this ~"

WooYoung & Taeyang chuckled then hugged me.

Taemin's POV:

I was in the practice with my hyungs when Natsumi told me that Jenny noona & JiYong hyung ran away .

"I'll call you back ~" i said to Natsumi . I hung up not waiting for her response . I already know where they are right now ~ i thought to myself . As i got out of SME. building i catched a cab. "To Kim steet please ?"

JiYong's POV:

I got up from the bench & catched a cab. I told the driver to go to the playground -- on Kim street .. Not to far away from where me, Jenny & Taemin live . We always go there when we we're young . We also promised each other . When we were 12 .


"Hyung ~~" Taemin yelled while sliding down the slide . Then ran to us .

"Taemin-ah ~ Why do you calling me hyung ? Your older than me by 2 months ~" i said, while pushing Jenny on the swing , "I'm supose to be calling you hyung ~"

"Noo ~" he protested . "I want to call you hyung ~ It makes me feel young ~"

"Ya ~" i said aloud "Are you calling me old ??"

"Ani ~~" he said, trying to not laugh . Jenny stop swinging .

Jenny chuckled, then looked at me, "You dont call me Noona because it's only two months ~~ & i told you not to call me that ~"

"Exacly ~ Thats why i dont call you that ~" i looked at Taemin, "So your gonna call me Hyung from here on out ?"

He nodded then sat on Jennys lap. She put her arms around his waist . "Ahhh ~ My dongsaeng is so cuute " She said, sqeezing him hard. "Aiish ~ Noona ~ I cant breathe ~"

She lets go of him then he stood up . She looked at me then at Taemin. Then at the ground . "Promise me this ?" she said, with a little smile on her face.

"Promise you what Noona ?" Taemin said.

"Promise me -- that whenever we plan on running away ~~ we meet here . At this very place . So whenever one of us does run away -- we automatically know where that person is ~"

I smiled a little i held out my pinky, she looked at me, her eyes widened . "Your actually gonna promise ?" she smirked.

"Ya ~" i said, smiling "Why are you smirking ~?"

She stood up then said, "knowing you ~~ You would forget this promise ~"

"I wont ~~ i promise you ~" i smiled which made her & Taemin smile as well .

"Asseo ~" she said, holding out her pinky as well as Taemin .

"We promise ?~" Taemin yelled out .

"Ne ~" me & Jenny yelled as well .

We then laughed as we hugged eachother.

*End of flashback.

Since there's no children on our neighborhood now -- its kinda been abandon . We still go there -- but as the years have gone by -- we got busier & we barely visit the place . Once the cab stopped at the playground, i paid him then excited the car .

She was facing the slide, Taemin used to slide down . Her bag was on the floor . She swinged back & forth slowly . Her hands were holding on to the rails . & her head was resting on the railing .

I smiled alittle then made my way behind her . Once i was behind her, i pushed her a little. She looked back smiled, "Yeobo ~ Your here ~"

I smiled then kissed her on the cheek. I sat on the emty swing next to her . She held out her hand. I smiled then took her hand & kissed it . i looked at her blush . i smiled then said, "You know -- you should answer your phone more often ~" i said, jokingly.

She chuckled, she then looked at me, bitting her lip.

I bit my lip playful which made her laugh a little .

"Yeobo ~" i said, "What did YoSeob do or say ?"

She sighed then said, "Everything ~"

I looked at her confusingly. She chuckled then said, "He says he loves me -- he never stopped --"

Jenny's POV:

I looked at him, he looked sad once i said that .

"Do you still love him ?" he asked quietly .

I stood up & Walked to him. I pulled him up & hugged him, "Ani ~ because -- i have you ~"

He hugged me back. He let out a sigh . "I thought you were gonna leave me ."

"I wont leave you ~ I promised you remember ~" i said.

"Of course i remembered ." he said, then looked at me. There was still sadness in his eyes .

Seeing JiYong sad, makes me feel sad, makes me feel like a bad girlfriend for making him feel this way. i started to tear up . I put my head down .

"Ohh ~ Why are you crying ?" he asked, suprised .

"Because, i feel bad for making you worry ~" i said, wiping my tears away . "I feel like a bad girlfriend because i could feel you being sad, worried, & terrified ."

He then lifted my head & kissed me gently on my lips . It then turned passionate . A slight breeze of wind then blew . As we pulled away, he wiped my tears then said, "Your not a bad girlfriend -- Your a wonderful girlfriend ~" he said, smiling . "I am terrified, worried, & sad . Sad because i cant see you more then i want to . Worried because we dont go to the same company & i dont know what your feeling when your there ~ & i'm terrified because i'm scared that you'll leave me for YoSeob ~" he started to tear up alittle . More tears run down my cheeks. He kissed my forehead then said, "Your a wonderful girlfriend because you try & make time to see me, your the only person who gets me & who i can be my self around, Your the only one who makes me have butterflies . Your a wonderful girlfriend -- because I love you ~ & i dont care about your flaws ."

I started to wipe my tears, but he puts my hands down & he wipes my tears away himself. After he was done, he kissed my forehead again.

"You leave me speechless, " i said while looking at him .

"Then dont speak, & continue being mine" he pinched my nose alittle.

"I love you JiYong." i said, looking at him deep in the eyes. "So much"

He smiled alittle then said, "I love you too Jenny ~"

We then kissed passionatly . We then heard a car door closed . We looked to find Taemin, looking relived. He jogged to where we were standing . & hugged me .

"Noona ~" he said, "Dont ever do that again ~~ You got me worried sick."

i hugged him back . "Mianhae ~" i smiled a little then said, "Jeong Mal mianhae."


Long Upfate ~ Today's the beginning of SAT 10 D':

I hope i dont get a wack teacher xD Anyways ~ i MIGHT not update as much ~ xD But dont worry ~ I'll update once its over :D

Shampoo by After school really fits the chapter huh ?? xD

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Chapter 20: The song does go really well! :)
ItzJaeKay #2
Ahhhh. I love your story<br />
So goooooood
Omo I read ur fanfics in two days so cute and I cried when Jenny went into coma and then they swapped bodies and the. She woke up :'( but it was all good in the end :)
I loved this fanfic♥<br />
Truely amazing~ :D
onewaytwosay #5
Yoseob-ah~ XD
lovis89 #6
@Jiyoung88: Really ?? You did ?? xD Well i have the next chapter already ready ~ I'm just thinking of a title ~
!!<br />