Cold Like Machines



Music: The Veldt

Artist: deadmau5 ft. Chris James

Audio link:

Original MV:

Original Story:



MVP – short for Music Video Plot. It’s a guideline to making a Music Video for a song. SHOULD BE READ WHILE LISTENING TO A SPECIFIC SONG. It doesn’t contain many details because the reader must be able to read a certain passage in a specific amount of time. It’s a good opportunity for the reader to have a plot, but be creative in his/her own way.


Example: Not specifying if the protagonist had long or short hair doesn’t change the plot, so the reader uses his/her own preferences to “design” that aspect. The same goes for clothing styles, but trying to go “with the flow” (If you’re in a future-like world, I don’t believe you’ll be wearing a Potato sack, right?)



There are various ways of reading this MVP, but after spending 2 days writing and editing, I think this will be the best way to understand and enjoy the story.

  1. Read the story, WITHOUT music. Read it at your own pace, and try to imagine the story as you read.
  2. Listen to the song, at least to the chorus. Get the groove of the melody, and try to make sense of the short lyrics.
  3. Read the story WITH music. Follow the times written across the story. Times and lyrics written in italic are NOT part of the story. They are just guidelines to let you know what you should read in between what time lapses.
  4. If you think this plot is scary, weird, gory, or plain psycho, I invite you to read the ORIGINAL STORY… (It had me traumatized for a week).

Remember! This is only a recommendation. If you’re a fast reader and a quick thinker, I’m sure you can hear the music and read at the same time the first try.


Special Thank to:

dio0407 for reviewing this fic! Thank you for your time chingu! I very love you! ;)


Also, Thanks to Mochi from Matos Empire Graphic Shop for this amazing Poster!! Go chek them out! Awesome people to work with! -^-^-





The wellers – population that lives out in the wilderness, yet still have a good developed society based on ancient cultures. However, they do not know anything about technology. Some of them even doubt that such technologies even exist. They are very spiritual and superstitious. Even though they are used to living in the outside, there is one creature they fear, for it is unstoppable. The few people that have seen it say it’s a horrible sight, and so they named the creature “the beast”. No one knows how they appeared or where they come from. The only way to escape such a thing is to run… and pray.


The machines – the most developed technology. They do everything for their master, from bathing to cooking, and all the rest. They obey every command. Their appearance is that of humans, but their eye color gives away their true origin. They don’t talk, but they facially express certain emotions just to satisfy their owner. They must live inside their automated house, which contains various rooms for the enjoyment of the master. They cannot leave this building due to energy/battery issues.


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Sincere_TAO #1
authornim~ you really like bloodshed stories and , you know, killing someone. hehehe
it's my first time reading story like this and.... asdfghjkl I love it ;A;
the music really sends the athmosphere ;A; I can feel the cold machines kjsdhalkdhask ;A;
GREAT JOB!! >A< really love it xD if only she didn't escape kkk
Chapter 1: What happen ..
GG_Sone #4
i want a sequel for this T.T
Chapter 1: Uwaah ~ this is so awesome :3
Chapter 1: That was the best horrific story i've ever read!! Best fiction ever!!! ^^