
The Only Light I See




Yoona, Jessica, Mr.Jung and Mrs.Jung were in the living room of Jung mansion, while Krystal was taking care of Kyungsan. The air was thick in the living room made Jessica and Yoona felt a bit uncomfortable.

"you two know that no one of us expected this kind of things, but this is real and we should accept this no matter how hurt it is. Life must go on, we still have to face the future.." Mr.Jung said in a very serious tone and the rest nodded

"so, to make it clear i wanna ask both of you first. Do you really love each other?" Mr.Jung added

"we do.." Yoona and Jessica said at the same time

"good, next question, are you willing to take Kyungsan? Raise him, and love him like your own child?" Mr.Jung looked straight at Jessica's eyes

"i do, i'm willing to take him, and i'll try my best to raise him.." Jessica said sincerely

"you sure?"

"yes.." Jessica said firmly, made Mr.Jung and Mrs.Jung smiled in relief

"what about you, Yoona?" Mr.Jung turned to Yoona

"i do, whatever might happen in the future, i'll protect him and take care of him in every way i can.." Yoona said, squeezing her lover's hand gently

"good to hear that, and don't worry you two are not alone. We'll help you to take care of him.." Mrs.Jung said in motherly tone

"and the last question is, will you two agree if i arrange your wedding that will be held in few weeks ahead?"

"what?" Jessica's eyes widen

"wedding?" Yoona asked in surprise

"yes, you better get married as soon as possible.." Mr.Jung said with no jokes


"why Sica? Don't you want to marry her? Both of you said that you love each other, right?"

"it's true, but it was too sudden.." Jessica complained

"Yoona, what do you think?"

Yoona frowned deeply and took a very deep breath, "please, give us a little time to think about it.."



"okay, 3 days. I'll talk to your parents, Yoona.." Mr.Jung said, and Yoona nodded




Tiffany was on the bed when Yuri had just finished cleaning herself. She joined her girlfriend on the bed and they began to cuddle. Tiffany was playing with Yuri's hair, and Yuri caressed Tiffany's head.



"sing for me?"

"huh?" Yuri frowned

"i want you to sing for me.." Tiffany whined cutely

"but you know i can't sing, Tiff. My voice isn't like yours.." Yuri protested

"i don't care, i want you to sing for me.."

"alright, alright.." Yuri said in defeat

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.."
Yuri began to sing and Tiffany giggled softly

"When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.."

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.."
Tiffany closed her eyes and snuggled closer to her lover

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
How I wonder what you are.."

"stop giggling, i told you i can't sing!!" Yuri pouted

"i like your voice, baby. It's just....of all songs, why you choose that song?" Tiffany giggled (again)

"i don't know, this song is suddenly popped in my head.." Yuri said, felt embarassed


"you're so cute, honey.." Tiffany pinched Yuri's cheek

"don't tease me.." Yuri pouted even more

"i don't! I like your voice, really. And you're cute, i'm not lying.."

"yeah yeah, anything you like, baby.."

Tiffany chuckled, "love you so much, honey.."

Yuri sighed but then smiled, "love you too, sugar.."




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Chapter 67: YulTi nd YoonSic is sooooo sweet😍 love this story so much❤
r_sky418 #2
Chapter 67: YoonSic and YulTi happy ending
yoonsicForevertrue #3
Chapter 67: Chapter 67: A new reader here. I really like your story.
No, actually I love it.
allayjadhule #4
Chapter 67: Yoonsic :)
Chapter 67: This was perfect thank you for doing it!
Chapter 67: Have i told you that i love read your YulTi storys over and over again?? If not im saying now... I LOVEE READ YOUR YULTI STORYS OVER AND OVER AGAIN *o*
You Rock!!!!!!
YulTi its so perfect *-*
Chapter 67: So perfect!!!!!! You rock, you know that?!
YulTi <3
LightBlueBunny #8
Chapter 67: Seriously I love this story ^^
Thx for ur writing :)
Chapter 67: Amazing story! *standing ovation and claps and cheers* I love this story and I will keep reading it over and over!
imzara #10
Chapter 67: yess , its happy ending . even i love your sad ending story so much , lol~ it's a great story indeed . honestly , i lost interest at between this story . i dont know why , maybe a lots of drama happend....but i'm relieve that i'm not stop read this fic . well , you're one my favourite author . good job *claps-2*