Over it or into it

Another Day Comes

A couple of days later YongGuk sits tapping his foot and looks around in the dressing room while they get ready for shooting their new music-video. It’s been two days since he met Kei and found out about him and Alex actually living together.

He refuses to admit that he is falling so badly for Alex that it is driving him insane to think about the fit and cocky guy, who is still in love with her by the way, being around her all the time. He grunts and ruffles his hair getting hit by the makeup artist who complains that she now has to do it over. He bows his head and apologizes. She just sighs and shakes her head fixing his hair. He sits silently and considers what the two might be doing which makes him even more annoyed because he really don’t want to think about that.

He sighs and fakes a smiles when the lady tells him to keep his hands away from his hair. DaeHyun comes over dropping on the chair on his right. YoungJae drops on the one on his left.

“Dae” YoungJae says sweetly

“Yes Jae?” DaeHyun says just as sweetly

YongGuk frowns immediately knowing them well enough to know they are up to something

“You know how you can tell when someone is having a crush?” YoungJae says

YongGuk looks out the corner of his eye at him

“No please do tell me” DaeHyun frowns and sounds very interested. YongGuk glares at him

“Well first of all there is the smiling big every time the girl is around” YoungJae says. His tone as normal as he can

“I see” DaeHyun nods.

“Second there is the blushing off course” YoungJae nods.

DaeHyun nods as well “Off course”

YongGuk looks straight ahead feeling his temper slowly but steady rising as he hears the mocking tone the two are trying to hide.

“What else?” DaeHyun says. He won’t be able to keep his grin away much longer

“Well” YoungJae makes a very brainy expression tilting his head and raising his brows “Acting like a when her ex comes around and then spending days worrying whether or not she is back with that ex”

YongGuk lashes out at him “SHUT IT!” He growls and then pushes Daehyun “Both of you get lost” The two laughs and runs away. YongGuk grunts and frowns kicking the table in front of him.

HimChan walks towards him looking at the two singers who are laughing loudly looking back at YongGuk as they move away.

“What was that?” HimChan points his thump back towards them. YongGuk crosses his arms “Nothing” He looks down.

“Really?” HimChan crosses his arms “I’m not stupid”

“No?” YongGuk smirks a little “Could have fooled me”

HimChan pushes him “Yah idiot” he mumbles and looks to the side. YongGuk turns his head towards him “Sorry”

HimChan smiles a little and pats him on the shoulder “It’s fine. You been a bit moody the last couple of days so it’s nice to hear you joke”

“I have?” YongGuk frowns

HimChan huffs “Are you kidding me? Haven’t you noticed that Zelo is sending you scared looks? You two used to be inseparable and now he is either alone or with JongUp” He looks at DaeHyun and YoungJae “Those two freaks are mumbling stuff among themselves like crazy. I think you should keep an eye on that”

YongGuk looks back at DaeHyun and YoungJae who are grinning to each other “How did they know?” he mumbles without HimChan hearing it.

He sighs and gets up “Thanks for telling me” YongGuk pats HimChan on the arm.

“Where are you going?” HimChan frowns

“To patch things up with Zelo” YongGuk says casually and walks away. HimChan runs his hand over his neck and looks from YongGuk to Daehyun and YoungJae “And I’m left alone… Again” He throws his hands in the air

“I miss Kiseop” He pouts and crosses his arms. One of the makeup artists walks past him and sends him a strange look

“Not like that!” He corrects himself but knows it is too late “Aish damn” he shakes his head and walks away “Now I really miss Kiseop” he mumbles and kicks a box. They really bonded after almost getting beat up with a bat together.

JongUp and Zelo are commenting on the outfits the other are wearing and dances a bit trying to get comfortable with it on. YongGuk smiles looking at them and digs his hands in his pockets.

JongUp sees him first and waves “Hyung” He grins. Zelo looks at him first a bit skeptic but then he smiles “You look awesome” he says

YongGuk grins and looks down himself “I do don’t I?” He chuckles and pats the boy on the shoulder “You two do as well though.

“Thanks” JongUp scratches his neck

Zelo looks at YongGuk who turns so he is only facing him “Have I wronged you?” YongGuk tilts his head and looks at the boy.

“No” Zelo shakes his head. He then looks at JongUp with telling expression. YongGuk sighs “What did I do?”

Zelo pouts and looks down. JongUp scratches his neck “Uhm the day Alex and her boyfriend came by…”

“Ex boyfriend” YongGuk mumbles feeling himself getting annoyed again. He frowns and looks towards HimChan “Maybe I do have some mood swings…” he mumbles and looks back at the others

“When uhm her and her uhm ex boyfriend came by” JongUp corrects himself “I may uhm have heard you call Zelo a uhm traitor and uhm I may possibly have uhm…”

“Stop saying Uhm” YongGuk growls and frowns

“Uhm” JongUp frowns and rubs his neck looking uncomfortable.

“You called me a traitor!” Zelo pouts and gives YongGuk a shove “I don’t know why!” He pushes him again “I was just being nice!”

YongGuk nods remembering. He didn’t want Zelo to be nice to Kei. He looks down “Sorry”

“You know another sign is that you become very moody and defensive” YoungJae says to DaeHyun as they walk behind YongGuk who lashes out and gets hold of the neck of YoungJae’s jacket

“Got you now” YongGuk smirks at him. He quickly looks at Zelo “I’m sorry about that. I’ll make it up to you I promise. I just have to… deal with these” He looks back at YoungJae with a cruel smirk and pulls the guy with him. YoungJae turns pale and DaeHyun rubs his neck not sure if he should help or run away. Zelo and JongUp frowns having no clue what is going on.

“Dae you better be right behind me” YongGuk growls. His low voice makes it sound scarier than it had to. DaeHyun swallows and looks at Zelo and JongUp “Nice knowing you” He mumbles and follows YongGuk.

HimChan comes over to Zelo “What is going on?”

Zelo shrugs. JongUp scratches his neck “Uhm” He quickly move his hands in front of his mouth. Zelo looks at him and chuckles. Then the two youngest hears their names called up and they leave. HimChan places his hands in his sides “Again!” He looks around “I’m fine here” he calls out but get no response “I’m just gonna run away and… Oh what the hell” He sighs and sits down sulking and pouting.

YongGuk drags YoungJae out the dressing-room and to a small part of the set they are gonna be filming in. He roughly places him against the wall and crosses his arms “Dae…” He says looking at the ground. DaeHyun hurries to YoungJae’s side and they both look down gathering their hands in front of them, ready to be shot and killed. YongGuk smirks feeling proud that he has this effect on them.

He takes a deep breath and looks from one to the other “You two idiots are really pushing my nerves” he crosses his arms and talks in his deep husky voice growling just a little to make them sweat.

“S-sorry” DaeHyun mumbles “W-we were just uhm.. messing around” the words are hardly audible.

“What was that?” YongGuk says moving his ear closer “I didn’t get that” he smirks a little finding this very entertaining.

“We just thought…” YoungJae scratches his neck and looks towards DaeHyun “We didn’t think this through”

“It was your stupid idea” DaeHyun mumbles and glares at him.

YongGuk frowns and pushes their shoulders “Yah! Focus here”

They both nod and look at their feet.

YongGuk takes a deep breath and looks around. No one is in earshot so he crosses his arms and looks down “Help me” he says shortly. Both look up at him and then at each other. They frown and look back at YongGuk who looks at them with calm eyes.

“W-what?” DaeHyun asks softening his face.

“Help me” YongGuk says again softer “I don’t wanna be a mess. I don’t want to be moody” he makes an unhappy expression and looks down

“S-seriously?” YoungJae stammers

YongGuk nods “Yeah”

“What do you want help with?”

“I wanna get over it” he mumbles and sniffs looking to the side.

“Over it?” YoungJae frowns “Why over it?”

DaeHyun looks at YoungJae and then YongGuk “Why not… into it?”

YoungJae frowns and looks at DaeHyun “Into it? What the hell is that?”

DaeHyun shrugs “I didn’t know what to call it”

YoungJae rolls his eyes.

“She doesn’t go for idols” YongGuk mumbles feeling so pathetic for having to consult guys younger than himself “You saw that Kei” He throws a hand “They lived together!” He crosses his arms again and looks down.

“They did?” YoungJae frowns

“For two ing months” YongGuk sticks out his lower lip and kicks the ground acting like a big child

“” DaeHyun rubs his neck

YongGuk nods “Exactly” his eyes are fixed on the ground

“Why did they break up?” DaeHyun frowns

“He cheated” YongGuk mumbles

“What?! Is he stupid!” YoungJae almost yells

“That’s what I said!” YongGuk looks up

“But they looked so close” DaeHyun scratches his neck. YongGuk raises a brow and looks at him “I know” he grumbles and sniffs.

YoungJae gives DaeHyun a push “He knows idiot”

DaeHyun frowns and crosses his arms “I heard”

“She forgave him” YongGuk huffs “ing idiot doesn’t deserve her” He looks to the side

“She forgave him?” YoungJae frowns “Is she stupid?”

YongGuk glares at him. DaeHyun gives YoungJae a push “That was stupid”

YoungJae rubs his neck “I know” He looks down.

“Why did she forgive him?” DaeHyun looks at YongGuk who sighs

“Does that even matter? None of it matter because I just need to stop feeling like this” YongGuk throws up his hands and look from one to another. He points at YoungJae “You are so ing smart. How do I stop?”

“Let me get this straight. You are in love with a girl who is currently having her ex boyfriend, whom she forgave for cheating, visiting? You don’t want to be in love with her because she wouldn’t go for an idol but you don’t want her to be with the ex either? Oh and just to add to it she is like the sister of MBLAQ who, by your own words, are extremely overly protective?” YoungJae sums up

“I’m not in love with her” YongGuk frowns “I just… have some… little…. feelings… for… her” He mumbles and looks away running a hand up and down his arm.

“Yeah okay” DaeHyun raises a brow and sends a look to YoungJae who smirks.

“You know I never took you for a quitter” DaeHyun huffs. YoungJae hits him knowing that was a mistake.

“What did you call me?” YongGuk frowns and steps closer tilting his head back and looks very very big and intimidating all of the sudden. DaeHyun swallows “Uhm…” He looks to YoungJae who lifts his hand and looks away not wanting to get involved with this.

YongGuk roughly slams his hand in the wall next to DaeHyun’s face “Repeat that”

DaeHyun smiles uncomfortable trying to ease the guy. He swallows again and frowns “Uhm I just well” He sighs and musters all his courage sending a strong stare back at YongGuk “You are quitting. You aren’t even gonna try to see if she might like you back you just decide it is hopeless. If that isn’t quitting then I don’t know what it is” He looks to YoungJae “What else could you call it?”

“Throwing the towel in the ring, giving up, chicken out….” He is about to continue when YongGuk grasps his collar “You got more to say?”

YoungJae frowns. He didn’t want to say anything but when someone asks him a question he answers and he was thinking the same anyway.

DaeHyun is looking at YongGuk who widens his eyes and moves his head scaring YoungJae who is mentally slapping DaeHyun.

YongGuk shakes his head “Just forget it” He pushes YoungJae back against the wall a bit roughly “Just pretend I never said anything” He waves a hand and walks away hitting his forehead with his palm and cursing.

“I was sure…” DaeHyun frowns

“I thought he was gonna kill me!” He pushes DaeHyun “You set me up!”

“I did no such thing!” DaeHyun frowns and pushes him back “Focus will ya”

YoungJae frowns “On what?”

DaeHyun flicks his forehead “For a smart guy you are pretty stupid” He grins and points after YongGuk “He likes Alex and he…”

“… Isn’t gonna tell her” YoungJae frowns

“Exactly” DaeHyun tilts his head

“But you think she…?” YoungJae crosses his arms

“Maybe” DaeHyun shrugs

“But he said…” YoungJae frowns

“I heard what he said” DaeHyung shakes his head “But why won’t she…”

“Go for an idol” YoungJae finishes.

“You and I…” DaeHyun raises his eyebrows

“Oh for sure” YoungJae smirks “So how?”
DaeHyun crosses his arms “I don’t know…”

“Yet” YoungJae finishes and crosses his arms as well.

“You two gotta stop doing that!” Zelo yells “What the hell are you?” He looks from one to the other.

“You should stop…” YoungJae starts

“Walking in on us when we…” DaeHyun continues

“Talk!” YoungJae finishes.

“YAH!” Zelo yells and points a finger at them “You two are sooooooooo freaky!” He frowns and shakes his head.

The two singers laugh at him. Zelo pouts “You are mean” he puffs his cheeks and walks away.

“You think he heard anything…” DaeHyun frowns

“That made sense to him? No” YoungJae grins.

HimChan comes over “There you are” He smiles “You’ve seen YongGuk?”

“He went that way” YoungJae says while DaeHyun points in the direction. “Zelo went that way” YoungJae says next while DaeHyun points in another direction.

HimCahn frowns looking at them “You two really are freaks” He looks after YongGuk. YoungJae pokes DaeHyun on the arm and nods for them to leave.

“You know I been wondering what you two have been talking about” HimChan turns back to where the two had been. He frowns seeing no one “Come on!” He complains loudly “Do I stink or something?” He yells and just in that second the makeup artist from before walks past him sending him another look.

He frowns and stares at her “Why do you keep showing up!” He shakes his head and throws a hand in the air “YONGGUK!” He yells walking away.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P