Back in the B.A.P. dorm.

Another Day Comes

The next day at the B.A.P dorm HimChan drops down in the couch next to YongGuk “Are you sure you don’t wanna come. You hardly gone out the last week except for training” He sends YongGuk a worried looks. YongGuk nods and smiles reassuringly “I’m just beat”

“You have been training a lot as well. It shook you up huh?” HimChan pats him on the back. YongGuk tenses for a sec and feels blood leave his face.

“The whole seeing Alex getting beat up and getting a bit yourself” HimChan continues. YongGuk huffs nervously and nods slowly.

“Is he coming?” JongUp comes in with his jacket on. HimChan looks at YongGuk again hoping he has changed his mind. YongGuk shakes his head “I’m too tired”

“The manager won’t be too pleased” Youngjae comes in and mumbles. YongGuk ignores him and leans back looking at the table indifferently. He doesn’t really care about the manager.

“I’m ready!” Zelo grins and comes in wearing a neon green jacket

“I’m going nowhere with you if you are wearing that” HimChan points at the jacket. “Seriously it is almost blinding JongUp grins.

Zelo pouts and looks down himself “I like it”

“It’s not appropriate for a low key dinner with the manager” HimChan sends him a serious look.

“Hyung what do you think?” Zelo walks over to YongGuk who shrugs “I think you should listen to HimChan”

HimChan smirks and crosses earning a pout from Zelo “Okay” Zelo sighs and leaves the room.

“Why does he have to hear it from you? I don’t get it” HimChan exclaims looking after Zelo. YongGuk just shrugs again. His spirit has been low ever since… He shakes his head and sighs “Please give my apologize to the manager” YongGuk looks at HimChan who nods “Its fine I just tell him you been working so hard on getting in perfect shape that you can’t walk”

YongGuk gets a horrible flashback to not being able to walk for another more modifying reason and once again he tenses.

Zelo comes back in wearing a black jacket “Is this better?”

“Yes” YoungJae looks him up and down” If you lose the pink shoes”

“Whaaaat! I can’t wear them either?” Zelo whines.

“Just let him” HimChan smirks and gets up patting YongGuk on the back “Get some sleep then” He heads towards the door “Don’t wait up it is gonna be late” HimChan smirks. JongUp and Daehyun waves at YongGuk. Youngjae highfives him and smirks. Zelo jumps on his lap “You sure you won’t come? I promise I’ll be nice”

YongGuk pats him on the head “I know you will. You wouldn’t want HimChan to have to come give me a bad report in the morning”

Zelo sighs “No. Sleep tight” He grins and jumps up running over to the others. YongGuk watch them leave all yelling bye in the process. Once the door slams he leans back and hides his face in his hands with a grunt. Every time he walks out the door he feels eyes watching his every move. He knows he is paranoid but he just can’t help it. Every time he sees a big guy he flinches fearing seeing them again and worst is every time he hears a moan he feels like throwing up. It’s driving him insane, especially because the ert to HimChan has a habit of in his sleep. He never noticed before he started being woken by it so he is bloody tired all the time. Attempting to boost his self-esteem he has been working out a lot.

With a sigh YongGuk stands up from the couch and looks around the now very quite and empty dorm. It is actually kind of dirty so he decides he might as well clean up a bit. He picks up some movies and some games left out by himself and the others.

It only takes him about 20 minutes and then he just stands in the doorway looking into the living-room. He thinks back on Alex’s place, that awful small little excuse for an apartment. He hasn’t had any contact with her since that day. She left so abruptly and he never got her or Seungho’s number. He has been thinking a lot about whether or not she has found a new place, whether or not she is still getting in trouble, whether or not she has thought about how he was doing.

He scratches his neck and turns of the lights in the living-room as he heads to the bedroom he shares with HimChan. He opens the door turning on the light and looks in. He wonders if that bet with Alex will stick. In fact he just thinks too much lately, especially about Alex.

He pulls of his shirt letting it drop randomly on the floor. Next goes the pants. With HimChan out he might get a few hours of undisturbed sleep. He puts on a muscle shirt and loose night pants thinking about how much that event really affected him. But then who wouldn’t be? He lifts the cover from his bed and sighs yet again.

Alex would probably handle it better. How can anything top coming back from death with no recollection of their own life?

He drops down on the bed and looks around. The dorm is so silent without the others. He has gotten so used to the nosy sleeping habits of the others that it’s almost scary. He huffs Scary? He never used to ever use that damn word. He swings his legs onto the bed and places his head on the pillow pulling the blanket over himself and turns of the light. He feels his eyelids getting heavy almost immediately and drifts off.

He is woken up by a hammering on a door. He grunts annoyed that someone is being noisy and moves to his side putting the pillow over his head to muffle the sound. After a minute or so it is silent. He tries to fall asleep again but his curiosity gets the best of him and he gets up grunting, even more annoyed than he was before. With quick steps he moves through the dorm but then stops. The noise stopped so now he is annoyed that he got up. The person has left already.

YongGuk hits the wall in frustration and turns to go back to his room but after 3 steps he grunts, turns and walks towards the entrance door. He knows he won’t get any sleep until he has checked.

He drags his feet to the door and looks out the window next to it wondering 

There is someone moving around outside the window and when he sees a motorcycle parked outside he already knows who it is. He hurries to the door and yanks it open.

Alex turns and looks at the door being forced open. She removes the cigarette from her lips letting out some smoke.

YongGuk stares at her. She is completely soaked from the rain with her brows slightly furrowed as the smoke seeps through her lips, her wet hair sticking to her face under the beanie and those blue eyes looking calmly at him. Her lips curl up into a small smile as she leans her weight on one leg.

He looks down seeing a tightly wrapped bag.

“Your clothes” She gestures with the cigarette at it.

“Thanks” YongGuk mumbles and looks back up “You dropped by just for that?”

“Maybe” She takes another drag and smirks.

He crosses his arms leaning against the doorframe, his eyes moves up and down her body and a small smile tugs on his lips. She looks like something from another world like that, wet from the rain and with a smoke in her right hand. Every time she moves her hand to her lips the end of her tattoo is shown. She smirks as she lets another round of smoke leave her lips, drops of rain leaves her jaw falling to the collar of the jacket which is open at the neck. Her shoulders are relaxed, she isn’t even trying to keep the water from soaking her.

“Sorry I woke you” She tilts her head

“How did you know?” He frowns

Alex gestures at him with her hand and he is suddenly aware of his appearance and hugs himself a bit tighter felling his cheeks burning a tad. He looks away “Why did you come now?”

“I got a call from my baby brother saying he saw B.A.P with their manager but that there were only 5 blondes” She flicks the cigarette “I got worried”

Yong Guk hesitates for a moment before looking back towards her “Why?”

She smirks “Forgetting who you are talking to?”

He shakes his head a little “No...” It sounds more like a mumble than anything else “I’m fine”

“Then why aren’t you out with the others?” Alex sighs and looks away

“I… I was tired from a working out” YongGuk rubs his neck

Alex turns her head and looks straight at Yong Guk narrowing her eyes and smirks deviously “Bull”

Yong Guk looks back at her as well and frowns “Say what?”

“B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T!” Alex flicks the cigarette at him just barely missing him “You are full of YongGuk”

He presses out his jaw feeling a bit annoyed “Why would you say that?”

Alex crosses her arms “Because it is the goddamn truth” She walks towards him till she is standing right in front of him “You are bloody scared that you might run into them”

YongGuk doesn’t move and just stares at her. She smirks “Isn’t it true?”.

Her smirk is really starting to annoy him but he just breaths out and looks away. She looks down a sec and then looks back up without the smirks “Sorry” She rubs her neck and steps back “I’m glad you look better” She walks back to her bike.

“Come in for a sec” YongGuk calls out.

She turns and looks a bit uneasy “You don’t have to be polite. I… was in the middle of something anyway”

“Please” He turns and opens an arm towards the dorm. She looks at him for a bit and then nods walking towards the door.

YongGuk steps back in and Alex closes the door behind herself quietly. YongGuk scratches his neck not sure what to say or do but the her wet clothes catches his eye “L-let me get you something dry to wear” he turns and walks away.

Alex frowns and looks down at herself like she hadn’t realized that she was soaked to the skin “Sorry”

Yong Guk stops on his path to his room “Why are you apologizing now?”

Alex shrugs “Felt like I should”

YongGuk looks at her for a bit and then nods once before walking to his room finding the clothes Alex had borrowed him that day. When he comes back she is still standing at the door “Come in already” he gestures a hand towards the bathroom.

He hands her the clothes as she passes him and looks at her closing the door behind her. Then he walks into the living-room and drops down on the couch. He gathers his hands in front of him and frowns “She was worried?”

A few minutes later Alex comes back out and walks over taking a seat in a chair “You really okay?”

He looks up at her. She isn’t smirking but is looking like the Alex who told him about her accident. “Which you is the real you?” He bluntly asks. The many changes in her personality are making him very confused.

Alex looks down “I’m not sure” She rubs her neck “I’m… uhm.. I” She frowns and sighs looking up at him “I don’t know you will have to ask Seungho or one of the others”

“They know you better than you do?” YongGuk frowns

She nods “It feels like it. I’m still trying to figure that out” she smiles apologetic and lets her eyes drift towards the floor.

YongGuk nods and leans his elbows on his knees. “I… have gotten a bit paranoid” He looks back at her “Every time I walk out that door…” the words gets stuck in his throat and he looks away. He hasn’t talked about it since that day and when he didn’t hear anything from her he thought that she didn’t really give a crap and he still has a bit of doubt if she really does.

Alex nods “I see” She leans back in the couch crossing her arms “Just give it time”

He frowns “You aren’t gonna ask me to just it up?”

“Weird chose of words” She raises a brow. YongGuk chuckles and shakes his head “You got a filthy mind”

“Blame G.O.” She nods and grins almost looking embarrassed. She pulls the beanie off and runs a hand through her hair. With her hair loose like that she looks a lot more like a girl. She rubs her neck with an expression on her face showing that what she is saying is something she really thought about “And no I won’t say that. It takes time to get past something like that and you are the only one who knows how much time it will take” She looks at him and smiles sweetly.

YongGuk lets his head hang “It isn’t the only thing”

She can hardly hear the words and leans towards him “What do you mean?”

“You know how people have habits in their sleeps?” YongGuk mumbles looking a bit ashamed.


“Well HimChan does this thing and every time I hear… I just feel sick. I keep hearing… them” Yong Guk scratches his head with both hands while shaking it from side to side “I just can’t…” His voice cracks and he leans forward hiding his face in his arms. Alex gets up and walks over taking a seat next to him. She soothingly his back “I’m sorry”

“It’s not your fault” He mumbles. He is actually really glad she is there. It feels like she is the only one he can talk to about it.

Alex breathes deeply looking at YongGuk “I’m still sorry”

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 105: holycow, this is undoubtly piece of art. Duh im in love with alex, everyone love her in the girl or boy form its save to say that she is such a sweetheart, it really broke me down when yongguk duh ya know. I cant even say the word. Yongguk is a needy bf, he took a girl's part in their relationship. And himchan, duh i told you so. And i met my breakdown when you mentioned hara girl
Riaurika #2
Chapter 105: Wow this is really a supersupergood story!! It took me forever to read all the 105 chapters but it was defenitly worth it!!
Milielitre #3
Chapter 105: I don't know how the sequel will turn out, but I spent a whole day just reading this one (it's 1 AM... I started around 11 AM yesterday... I'm so tired now!) so I'll check vol2 later for sure!
Chapter 105: I WAS CURSING AT MY LAPTOP! (I don't curse usually!) at the chapter where you "killed" Alex! How cruel man! XDD
Glad I happened to came across this story~^^
I really liked Alex character [are you much alike with her in reality? I just hope you don't fight THAT often lol but actually it could be even more fun... I'm kinda weird, am I?]
...And I just read the intro to the sequel... YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEONE FOR REAL THERE??? Noooo~
I just really hope it won't be my favourite characters (*speaking in a whining voice*)
Chapter 67: Awww~ it's such an adorable chapter! \(♡.♡)/
Smiling from ear to ear :D
But why I have the feeling there'll be some drama next? *sending a suspicious look*
Chapter 44: Hahahah That is seriously so entertaining! :D
Thanks for this chapter, all the interactions and dialogs have really brought my mood back~^^
...and now I have an urge to watch some BAP's shows! Are Dae & Jae really that creepy in reality??? Lmao
Chapter 18: The links are dead, fix pls :(
The first one is not my sort of music...kinda. I liked some parts but the whole screaming makes my throat hurt...
Though the second one is a truly beautiful piece~^^

[I feel I kinda spamming with comments -__- Sorry for that]
Chapter 3: I'm seriously loving it!!!
The whole thing with unabling to tell apart blond BAP members made me grin all the way :D
LMAO! Jinjja it's the most original way of introducing the fic I've ever came across on ASF! *big grin*
Hmmmm... *thinks...*
*subscribes even without reading the 1st chapter (which I've never done before)* Thus warning to the author: It's better be good! ...or I'll stalk you! MWAHAHAHAH~ :P