Part 6

Always There

“…losing him!” a voice cried in the distance, the sound urgent but very far away.  “Sir!  Can you hear me?!” it cried again, closer this time.  “Sir?!”

Jonghyun cracked his eyes open, the glaring bright lights of the hospital hallway blurring together above him.  Unfamiliar faces crowded close on either side of him as they moved swiftly but he just floated with them, feeling the pain nestled in his body yet separated from it.  He blinked slowly, looking at the nurse beside him as she called to get his attention, the breathing mask over his nose making all of them hard to discern.

“It’s going to be alright,” another nurse on the other side told him, prepping a needle to inject him with…something.

“We need another shot of epinephrine!” the doctor nearby called, running along the gurney with the other two, white coat flashing in Jonghyun’s peripheral vision irritatingly.

Slowly, his vision started to go hazy and he felt himself floating away again, his senses brought back to focus when he felt the prick of a needle in his arm, but it was little more than a temporary reprieve.  He was dying…that had to be it.  “Jin…ki…” he mumbled between blood tinged lips, the name lost under the mask that tried to force him to breathe in and out.

The lights above him grew brighter and even as he continued to feel the labored beating of his heart…the forced breathing of his lungs…everything grew distant as a vague figure appeared above him, floating in place.  Vainly, he tried to pick his arm up, the motion brief and restricted as he could do little more than raise his hand off the gurney, but he felt something else respond.  Oh so slowly, the figure above him became clearer, more defined and his throat constricted further to see Jinki’s face floating above his, attached to an equally opaque body, but he was whole and unharmed…and smiling at him.  “I’m…scared…” he murmured, not sure if the words were spoken out loud or just in his head.

Jinki reached out his hand towards the dying man and his eyes crinkled with warmth.  It’s alright, Jong.  I’m here.  Come on then.  It’s time to go, he urged, patiently waiting.

Everything seemed to slow down as the pain and even his awareness began to recede again.  “I’m sorry…” he cried, eyes growing warm and blurry with tears.

I know, but I’m still here.  I told you I’d always be there for you, he smiled reassuringly, tilting his head to the side in a familiar and warm gesture.

Jonghyun raised his arm up again and this time, while his physical body failed to respond, he saw his arm rise up anyway, pale and ghostly like Jinki’s.  Desperately, he reached up for the extended hand, feeling himself rise up out of his physical being.  Thank you, he responded, the sound a mixture of tears and laughter.

Come on, Jonghyun.  Let’s go home, Jinki urged, grabbing his hand and pulling the shorter male up with him, leaving the dying body behind.


Kibum sat on a barstool in the newly reopened Fortune’s Haven, swirling his glass idly as he watched the contents shift with the cup, ice clinking softly within.  He despised this place and it was in fact, the first time he’d been there himself.  Since Jinki’s death, he’d been by it often but hadn’t actually gathered the fortitude to step foot indoors.  Patently ignoring the sociable enough Donghae and Hyukjae, he kept his thoughts to himself while he rested his chin in his free palm and went over the events of the past several months in his mind.

Of course the loss of Jinki and Jonghyun both had been devastating; either alone would have been bad enough.  It had been a blow he had not been ready for and to find his lover’s body that way…  He’d called the police and they’d started an investigation which had kept him out of their house for days, not that he had wanted to be there anyway.  Not for weeks after it had happened in fact.

He still remembered meeting with Minho and Taemin, Jonghyun’s roommates who had been just as devastated by his death; all the more so because they had been gone when everything happened.  He wanted to hate Jonghyun for Jinki’s death…had wanted to blame him for what had happened, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.  Not after he saw how his loss affected those closest to him; not after how much he knew Jinki cared about him…and vice versa.

There had been more than one drunken night he’d spent together with Minho and Taemin sharing fond stories of the ones they loved; recalling better times and spilling more tears than they could count.  The funeral services had been heartfelt but depressing, with the underlying tone that neither had deserved to die so young.  Jinki’s had been nicer, since Kibum made sure he would be sent off well, but that didn’t mean any fewer people felt the loss of both just as keenly.  And because he was Jinki’s best friend, he’d made sure that Jonghyun’s was at least comparable.

He still recalled their faces as they’d cried on each other’s shoulders, sharing in their combined grief at the loss of their loved ones.  The only comfort that they’d been able to take away was the fact that according to the personnel who had been with Jonghyun when he died, said that he’d been smiling.  In his last moments, he had been happy; as if he could see something that no one else could.  Kibum had to wonder if maybe he’d seen Jinki that day…

Even with him passing, Jinki had always been prepared for just about everything though.  Without Kibum’s knowing about it, he had prepared a will that had bestowed Dream Boats, its operations and their home to his lover unless he desired otherwise.  He’d bequeathed his vehicle and a lump sum of funds to Jonghyun with the remainder of all his belongings going to Kibum to keep or dispense as he saw fit.  With Jonghyun’s death, the funds had simply returned to Kibum since no other plans had been written in.  It was obvious he had not anticipated them both passing at nearly the same time.

The still devastated young man had opted to keep everything for now, freezing the majority of the funds and putting the rest in savings or storage until he had a clear head.  Only then, weeks later, did he have the Dubu and the Bling crafted in honor of Jinki and Jonghyun.  They had been his final gift and his final goodbye and both had made him bawl.  The latter ended up being a popular sporty yacht, perfect for the younger crowd looking for a swift ride and a good time.  As for the Dubu…that one Kibum kept for himself.

And for Jungsu and his band…  The Angel had been fined but was released since Jonghyun’s death was put down as in self-defense and there had been nothing to link him directly to Jinki’s murder.  His trial had dragged on considerably with the prosecutor trying desperately to pin something on the Angel, but the evidence there was circumstantial at best and he had a really good defense lawyer.  The blame of Jinki’s death, though, had gone to Heechul specifically while Youngbae and Jaejoong had been written off as accomplices to murder, considering they’d essentially thrown him under the bus for a lesser punishment.

Enough forensic evidence had been found on the three to link them to Jinki’s death when they determined there was a possible connection between the incident at Fortune’s Haven and his home.  For Kibum, there was a erse sort of satisfaction in knowing that before they’d killed his lover, he’d given them hell, all three had required some sort of first aide treatment, and still they had not gotten what they’d intended to; partial prints found on the safe had been linked back to Heechul and Jaejoong in particular.  They were all still serving time, but the Angel had walked free, unscathed by anything more than the assault injuries Jonghyun had managed to inflict before he’d been shot.

In the meantime, Kibum had followed the proceedings and listened to the announcement that Jungsu would be returning to his position as overseer of the gambling den with new employment since his old ones were no longer accessible.  Today was a bit of a welcome back gathering and early birthday celebration at the beginning of July, which was why the drinks at the bar were half off, not that Kibum cared.  He’d ordered one and had been nursing it for some time now.  He didn’t really even remember what the name was when he’d ordered it; only that it didn’t taste like liquor.

Occasionally, the bartenders would try to ply him with conversation or the offer of something else, since he was apparently not really enjoying his drink, but he waved them off and simply looked at his watch again.  Almost time.

He let his eyes drift up to the bartenders and over to the bouncer watching over things.  He was tall and handsome enough, with dimples that made him think of Jungsu, automatically reducing any vague sense of attraction he might have had, but Siwon was professional, if nothing else.  The taller male simply observed and made sure things didn’t get too rowdy at any time, and while he did notice Kibum, who wouldn’t after all, he made no overtures towards him.

Kyuhyun, Jongwoon and Ryeowook had reprised their roles as entertainers and were just starting their shift at around four in the afternoon.  They were pleasant enough to listen to and Kibum finished his drink just as they finished their first round of songs.  “Thanks for the drink,” he smiled finally, sliding a twenty across the top and waving the bartenders off.  He didn’t care for change anyway and was pleased by the smiles he got in return.

The slender male brushed his blonde bangs back out of his face and adjusted his denim vest so that it rested more comfortably.  He was dressed low key enough today with a plain pair of skinny jeans, a regular designer t-shirt and stylish sneakers, but he pulled a pair of shades out of his pocket and tapped them in his palm as he headed for the entrance.  Surreptitiously, he glanced at his watch again and smiled as it showed four fourteen.  His appreciative gaze traveled upwards to see the window at the top of the entrance glowing, letting additional sun in directly across from the glass box Jungsu sat in.

Just in front of the entrance, he paused and looked around, seeing the bustle of people lost in the thrill of gambling; some merely entertained and others ensnared by the lure of the unlikely but always possible win.  He quirked his mouth to the side and looked up out of the corner of his eye to see that the Angel had left the windows clear today; allowing all those poor fools to see him in his triumphant and celebratory return.  …

With a fashionable hair flip, he started walking as he caught the time flip to four fifteen.  He hadn’t made it more than three steps before the observation box cracked, the front glass pane shattering as the window across from it exploded in a rain of glittering shards, falling directly in front of Kibum and on top of a handful of occupants entering or exiting the establishment.  A chorus of cries and screams erupted around him as patrons and employees both ducked or fled quickly.  As for Kibum, he shied away from the shards but ran outside with the crowd, following the general flow of persons as he slipped his shades on and made his way down the street.

It didn’t take long for sirens to sound off in the distance but he was already in his car, the same one that Jinki had used to drive, restored and repainted to a shiny black color.  In this, he was just one more patron that had run off in fear, lost in the general chaos of the unexpected gun shot.  He took the long way home, taking his time and sitting in his car when he parked in the drive way, taking slow measured breaths.  It would have been foolish to stay and confirm and he had not wanted to cast any possible suspicion upon himself but it was probable that he’d succeeded.

“Alright Kibum.  Time to move,” he murmured, removing his shades and stepping out of his car before he locked it behind him and made his way inside the restored home he still called his own.  The blood had taken forever to get out, as had the haunting memories, but the good had outweighed the bad and he found he couldn’t leave the place.  There were too many things there that still reminded him of Jinki and made him smile, even if the study and their bedroom were always closed now.

Uncertainly, he looked around when he stepped inside, as if looking for someone.  He set his keys down on the table beside the door and locked it behind him, a habit he’d gotten into almost religiously.  With a quickly beating heart, he leaned against the barrier and placed his fingers against his lips, listening intently.  He should be here by now, shouldn’t he?

At last, he pushed himself off and headed into the kitchen where he jumped when he saw a tall figure standing next to the kitchen table, a cup of coffee in his hands.  Kibum gasped and placed his hand over his chest, laughing nervously, “Don’t do that!”

When he’d finally come to his senses and realized that Jungsu was going to get away with the death of his lover, Kibum had started looking around.  He had more than enough funds to his name now and few qualms about looking for a hired hand since no one else was going to be able to do anything.  While he’d initially had no idea where to begin looking, he was nothing if not determined and had eventually tracked down a highly recommended individual who specialized in what he was looking for.  The system had failed him again, putting only part of the wrong parties behind bars; so he’d commissioned the individual who rested across from him now.  He was a man who had few concerns with getting into and out of places without being noticed and had a penchant for slipping into Kibum’s house without him knowing.

“What?” the other asked with an amused smile over the top of the cup, his dark brown hair pulled back into a short ponytail, though he had tendrils that escaped to frame his face attractively.  His lean frame rested partially on the kitchen table, one long leg swinging in the air and the other planted on the floor, dressed in dark but casual enough attire.  There was nothing on him or around him to indicate what his profession actually was but there was a stillness and confidence that made one think twice when in his presence.

“Just…appear,” Kibum gestured ineffectively.  “You’re too good at that, Changmin,” he couldn’t help but smile, approaching the taller male somewhat cautiously.  He pursed his lips nervously as he drew closer, still not entirely sure of himself around the taller male.  He’d known him for a couple months now and Changmin had made no effort to hide his own interest in the slender young man.

Changmin set his cup down on the table and reached behind him, presenting another for Kibum which he handed off carefully, smiling when the shorter male accepted without complaint.  “Black.  Just as you like it,” he nodded, gently caressing the flawless cheek with the backs of his fingers and pulling away when the other flinched.  “Sorry.”

Kibum shook his head and took a sip of the still steaming liquid to buy himself time.  He was attracted to Changmin, he wouldn’t deny that, but it still felt…not quite right.  Not yet.  “It’s alright.”  He held the cup closer to his chest and met the other’s dark chocolate eyes, searching them intently.

“It is done,” Changmin promised softly, slender hands resting comfortably on his thigh, his young and disarming appearance completely at odds with his profession.

For just a moment, Kibum felt light-headed with the news as a strange sense of relief and satisfaction overtook him.  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling his chest constrict briefly as tears threatened.  “Thank you,” he whispered in a shaky voice, the words almost too soft to hear.

“It was my pleasure,” Changmin chuckled, wiping away the single tear that escaped, trailing slowly down Kibum’s cheek.

He opened his eyes and blinked rapidly, taking a hesitant step back with the coffee still pressed close to him, the only barrier he could manage just then.  “I should probably get you the rest of your money then,” he explained, his dry lips.

“Kibum,” Changmin called before the other had a chance to step away again.  Feline eyes looked up to meet his and he offered another disarming smile, “What would you say if I asked you out for coffee tomorrow?  This notwithstanding,” he added in amusement, picking up his cup and raising it in toast to the shorter male.

Awkward all of the sudden, Kibum shifted from foot to foot and blinked at the other man, sifting through his jumbled emotions; it was…odd to acknowledge he was attracted to a contract killer.  “I’ll think about it,” he responded at last with a hesitant smile, regaining a measure of his poise.

“Okay,” Changmin smiled in satisfaction, taking a sip of his coffee and letting his eyes linger on Kibum’s, gratified when he saw a faint flush in those defined cheeks.


 “Have you been waiting long?” Changmin asked as he set today’s newspaper down in front of Kibum while he took a seat across from the delicate male in the coffee shop.

“No.  Only a moment,” Kibum offered a tentative smile as he turned the paper towards him and read the front page breathlessly.  “I never thought it would be this big,” he smiled sadly.  The Angel Gunned Down by Mysterious Assassin was the main story in their paper that day and it had been the buzz of the town.  He could still hear people talking about it and it kept cropping up on the news.  As glad as he was for it to be over with, he just wished it would quiet down now.

“You alright?” Changmin asked, fingers interlaced over his crossed knee elegantly, completely at ease.

“Neh,” Kibum nodded, gripping his shirt lightly and taking another deep breath.  “It’s just…” he trailed off, folding the paper up and pushing it away carefully with both hands.

“Just what?” the other prompted softly, resting his hands on the table and leaning forward attentively.

Kibum chewed his lip and picked at his thumbnail distractedly.  “Now that he’s gone…  I don’t really know what I should feel,” he admitted uncertainly, daring to look up to meet Changmin’s eyes.

“One would think you’d be happy over such news,” the taller offered suggestively.

“I am…I think,” Kibum responded, brow furrowed as he mulled it over.  “I’m relieved.  And sad,” he sighed, laying his palms flat on the table to stare at the backs of his hands.  “It’s over, but it doesn’t change anything.  It won’t bring them back,” he smiled sadly, turning his palm over to trace it with the fingers of his other hand where another’s used to fit perfectly.

“True,” Changmin nodded in agreement, keeping his hands where they were.  “But from everything you’ve told me about him, I would imagine he’d want you to be happy.”

“He would,” Kibum couldn’t help but smile.  He didn’t know what it was, but something made him look up and when he peered over Changmin’s shoulder to see outside the glass windows, he blinked dumbly.  It wasn’t even possible but he saw them then, Jinki and Jonghyun standing on the sidewalk, each with an arm slung over the shoulder of the other.  They looked the same as they had the day they died, but they were completely untouched and happy.

Jonghyun gave him one of his goofy dinosaur grins again and waved energetically as he often did, but Jinki…he just smiled at him with that beautiful confident expression.  There was nothing but love in his eyes and Kibum felt his own tear up as the other placed his free hand to his lips, kissed his fingers and then pressed his palm towards his lover, his gaze never once wavering.

“Are you alright?” Changmin asked as he glanced over his shoulder to see what had caught Kibum’s attention.

Startled, the shorter male blinked and took a shuddering breath, wiping at teary eyes hastily.  When he looked up again they were gone, as if they’d never been, but he knew what he’d seen.  “I’m fine,” he sniffed, wiping at the tears that continued to seep out as a genuine smile crossed his face for the first time in what felt like months.  “Sorry,” he apologized, laughing weakly.

Unsure what to say or do, Changmin floundered for a moment and looked around awkwardly, “Did I do something?  Can I get you anything?  Um…” he trailed off, at a loss.

“No, thank you,” Kibum smiled, the expression reaching his eyes as he reached across the table to capture one of Changmin’s hands in his.  “I’m just…happy,” he laughed, tears still sparkling on his lashes.

Vaguely reassured, Changmin laid his other hand on top of Kibum’s and smiled in turn.  “I’m glad.”  He let his gaze linger for a moment longer, seeing some of the shadow lift from Kibum’s features, replaced by a lighter softness that hadn’t been there when he’d met him a couple months ago.  “So.  How about that coffee then?” he asked with a nod towards the ordering counter.

Kibum laughed at the suggestion but nodded in agreement as he stood up with the other and lingered close, hands still lightly holding to the taller male’s.  “I would like that,” he stated simply.  He couldn’t help one final glance over his shoulder and though neither Jonghyun nor Jinki were visible, he was reminded that they weren’t really gone.  In fact, they were always there, if he but looked for them inside.


(a/n: So I've been on a serious Changmin kick lately, which is why he's here but I think they'd honestly make a cute pairing.  <3  Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the ending, character deaths notwithstanding, and that at least some of it was a surprise.  ^_^  Thank you for reading though and have a great day!)

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Chapter 6: Poor kibummie. But atleast he was able to take revenge for his lover.
Chapter 6: Omfg this was really good...this had me crying from the moment Dubu died >.<
Hanna19 #3
Chapter 6: Oh , you make me cry with that final key seeing jong and jinki... Im a selfish person but i didnt want that key wEnt with changmin. I know xD but oh my god, this was amazing, you are the best. Im going to read all your fics if you have more, and if theyre onkey is better haha but with happy ends i dnt think my heart can with other angs.. Thumbs up fr you :)
Chapter 6: hehehehehe.....I love the ending...You made it to the point you made Key a smart, conniving man; a diva, nonetheless. >:D
xoxogossipgoat #5
Chapter 6: Have a feeling that you get a kick out of making me cry rivers of sadness :'(
Okay. I just wna say how upset I got the moment I read that Jinki got killed. The scene of Jonghyun finding his body was so heartbreaking.. I had thought this was going to go on longer so I was really shocked that Jinki died this early, no I mean I was shocked he even died :/

Curious about what's gna happen to Jonghyun now, does he survive or does he also die, and about Kibum's reaction an (possible?) hatred towards Jonghyun at finding his boyfriend dead. Ohmy ):

Excellent story you have here :)
Chapter 5: I knew it...from the beginning, it's always the one caught in the crossfire....
xoxogossipgoat #8
Chapter 5: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JINKI! :'( ugh why u got to kill kibummies dubu hubby ?!? poor hyunnie finding jinki dead :(
Chapter 4: Duuubbuuu!!!!!!! D': :,(
Chapter 3: Looking at the car, myself, lol. Not like I can see anything either.