Chapter 6 - I love you

Unsually Quiet

The holidays would last for 4 days. Some members went back home but Baekhyun didn’t. Neither did Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and the Chinese members. Most of the time, they stayed home, went shopping doing heavy camouflage, played games and in the case of Baekhyun, working on a new song. He and Chanyeol weren’t getting any better, only worse. Chanyeol seemed to spend half of his every waking second sticking to Kris like glue. Baekhyun’s jealousy almost seemed to get the better of him because he couldn’t help but pout, slam, kick and frown whenever that happened. He was glad that Kyungsoo hadn’t told anybody, not even to Jongin because that mischievous kid was back at his own house. The other people seemed oblivious to all his little tantrums, even Chanyeol himself. Baekhyun wished by the time all their member were back, he would have enough willpower to stop himself from getting all worked up whenever he saw Chanyeol hanging out with anybody else. He had stopped denying himself that he wasn’t jealous but he hadn’t admitted the other way round.

“I’ll take one baby step at a time. It’s not like I’m confessing anyway.” He thought.

It wasn’t until that one evening that Baekhyun unconsciously decided to lose all of his self control. It was their last evening of holidays. Everyone was back at the dom except Suho. Kyungsoo was cooking dinner for just the few of them because a lot of them were going out, including Chanyeol.

“I’m going to the movies tonight. ___ is on. Then, we’re going to get ice-cream. I saw a new ice-cream flavor on display at that little shop this morning while I was exercising with Kris hyung.” Chanyeol announced his plans to all the not-listening members.

“We?” Baekhyun couldn’t help but ask although he already knew the answer. He his heart was at it again. He had wanted to watch that movie ever since the trailer was released. Chanyeol very well knew that fact. And the new ice-cream was out? He and Chanyeol always used to go to that shop together, debating on the way on which flavor to choose. Chanyeol had always given in with a very adorable disappointed look on his face.

His face was turning red, this time not out of embarrassment but of fury. He hated his best friend ignoring him. He hated his best friend was replacing him with somebody else. He hated that stupid little voice mocking him all the time. He hated the jealousy he had to feel when he saw Chanyeol with somebody else. Most of all, he hated that….. he loves Chanyeol.

“There, you finally admitted,” that annoying little voice in his head said.

Before he could even try to stop himself, he blurted out.

“What about me? How come you never ask me to go out with you anymore? Chanyeol, you..” His voice went louder than ever. Everybody was looking at him surprised but in Kyungsoo’s case, satisfied.

Chanyeol looked up with widened eyes and Kris with a knowing smirk. Baekhyun could feel his cheeks flaming. He wished for the solid ground to swallow him or even an early apocalypse but due to his sheer dumb luck, none happened. He just facepalmed and headed for the bedroom door where he could actually finally break down. He regretted. “No, I don’t regret. It’s now or never. Yes, I’m glad I said it.” He comforted himself but tears started to fall, for a lot of reason, frustration, embarrassment, neglection, jealousy and he felt his heart break into a thousand shards like glass when he heard the front door close. Chanyeol didn’t give him a damn even when he burst out. He sobbed into the pillow, allowing all his feelings to break free. He cried for what seemed like a couple of hours which was only 15 minutes then the bedroom door opened. Baekhyun expected it to be Kyungsoo or JongIn to tease the hell out of him and he didn’t want any of that right now. “Go away,” he said, trying to suppress a sob which escaped anyway.

“This is my bedroom too, you know.” Baekhyun heard a deep, mellow, unmistakable voice of Chanyeol. He quickly turned to look at him to confirm his ears without even bothering to fix his tear-soaked face.

Chanyeol’s expression turned to a worried one when he saw Baekhyun’s face.

“What’s wrong, Baek?”

“Nothing. Aren’t you supposed to be out?” Baekhyun asked, hiccupping due to his muffled sobbing earlier.

“I could go to the movies any other day. I know I have to talk to you.” Then Chanyeol cracked his most wonderful twitchy smile that sent Baekhyun’s heart to race 100 miles per hour.

He continued. “I’m sorry, Baek. I really shouldn’t be avoiding you. But you were rejecting me and you said you hated me sticking around. I din’t want to be a burden to you. You don’t know how hard it is for me too.”


“Am I still your favourite person, Yeollie?” Baekhyun childishly asked, out of the blue. He mentally slapped himself for the stupid question but he couldn’t help.

Chanyeol smiled again. “Yes, you are, Baek. You know I can’t replace you with anybody, not even Kris hyung. I was just hanging out with him more because..”

Baekhyun flailed his arms around startled Chanyeol who hesitated for a couple of seconds before returning the hug tightly. “I’ve missed you so much, Yeol.” He breathed in the crook of the taller’s neck. “Me too.”

And the door bursted open,all the members poured in led by a proud-looking Kyungsoo with the biggest smirk anyone had ever seen on his face. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were caught off guard who were still in each other’s arms. They broke apart awkwardly, blush creeping up to their faces.

“It took you two long enough, huh?” Kris smirked.

Some members were jeering and making faces at them.

“I knew this ‘poke the jealousy out of Baekyun’ would work. He’s too easy to be a prey.” Kris added.

“Wait, what do you mean?” Both of them looking confused.

“Oh, my dearie brother, do you think I was dragging you and only you everywhere because I love you so much?” Duizhang mocked in sarcasm, his gorgeous face as amused as ever. “I have other 11 dongsaengs to hang out with, you know.”

“Now, now, kids, let’s give them some privacy. It has been long before they realized they had been totally madly in love with each other. Let’s go. Shoo shoo.” Xiumin spoke up, with a teasing smile on his baozi face.

“Kids, Dad’s home.” And there came the singing voice of angelic leader, who seemingly just got back to the dorm.

“What’s going on? Why are you all packed in their room? Are you two fighting again? I told…”

“No. It’s the other way round, bro.” Yixing said dreamily.

“Huh? What do you mean? Oh….” Suho finally understood the situation when he saw the two of them sitting together with heads lowered.

Neither of them had yet to speak any word.

After much chaos, Baekyeol was finally left alone, sharing an awkward silence.

“You know, I got confused for a while there when Minseok hyung said something about..ummn.. madly in love with each other. Did they mean us?” Chanyeol questioned, with a confused look.

Baekhyun’s face fell. He never expected such a question from Chanyeol and he had always wished he didn’t have to answer to that. Maybe Chanyeol really didn’t like him that way. Baekhyun’s mood went down immediately.

“Ummn, I don’t know, what did he mean?” Baekhyun wanted to sound as calm as possible.

“He said each other. That’s not true because I’m the only one crazy about you, you don’t even feel the same way.” Chanyeol said, fidgeting.

“Huh?” Now it’s time for Baekhyun to be confused.

Chanyeol sighed, his smiley grin wiped out.

“I can’t believe I’m telling you this. But here it is, I’m not gonna say it again. I’ve loved you for so long, Baek, I think even longer than I know it myself. I really didn’t want to tell you because you know, I don’t want you to hate me. Please don’t.” Chanyeol was almost pleading, his brown eyes glistening with tears, ready to pour out anytime soon.

“No, Yeol. I’m sorry I’ve been a little bit too late. Forgive me for being ignorant all the time. I love you too.” Baekhyun was speaking through his happy tears, his heart pounding harder than ever.

Chanyeol wiped his tears on smaller boy’s face tenderly and lovingly and kissed them away.

“We were just afraid of admitting ourselves. You can’t possibly how over the moon I’m right now. It’s okay, Baek. We will make this work. Plus, you could always make it up to me for your absence, starting from today.” Then he pulled him closer, enveloping in a tight embrace.

“I love you, Yeol.” Baekhyun whispered. “Love you too, Baek.”

Tonight is unusually quiet again but in a very good way.


I know it's crappy. I'm thinking about writing a sequel. would anyone like it? Thank you to all my subscribers for staying with me till the end. Please comment and subscribe to my new stories as well. :)


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Chapter 6: Oh! Sequel please! I love your story!
Chapter 6: Hahaha ~ the jealousy tactic always works!
And in their case, I'm so glad that it did!
God I loved this...this cute baekyeol fluffyness!
Thanks :D
Awww this is toooo cute!
I spent 20mins reading this whole fic and i love it oh soo much!
I really like Baekhyun's outburst at the end. It showed how jello he was. Too adorable.
And also slow chanyeol who didnt know that baekhyun likes him too.
I'd like a sequel! Adjlajd
Hehe thanks for writing this.
Its really good for a first time and youe english is veryy good too!
Chapter 6: i want seeeqqueeel.. this is so cute i love it
SasamElf-shi #5
Chapter 6: So cute and fluffy....
Yesyes yes sequel pleaseeeeeeeee......
Kamsahamnida thank-you ~
Chapter 5: hahaha so cute haha i want kaisoo too.. author-nim <3 love love
Channie-chan-chan #7
Cute :) update soon!
adrina #8
Chapter 4: kyungsooo...well u r right... listen to him baekhyun-ah..looking forward to ur update..:)
Chapter 3: plz update soon.................i love u <3