World Three- The Date

Another World

It was the second week of my vacation here in Korea... wednesday, I think. Let me fill you in on what happened. So, I went back to the hotel after my day of shopping and sight-seeing and happily skip to my parents hotel room. I knocked on the door for about 10 minutes without getting a response, and called them several times without an answer, so I went back to the main desk. Apparently, they had checked themselves out of the hotel. So, betrayed, and alone, I went back to my own room, to find a letter on my wardrobe. You want to know what it said?!

"Megan, you are now old enough to be independent. Your father and I can't always be by your side, especially now as you're about to enter college. Don't think of this as some punishment, but as a chance to rediscover yourself and make peace." - Mom.


What's that supposed to mean?! Last time I checked, I was already pretty damn independent! Well... maybe not. I tend to squish in between my mom and dad when we're in large groups of people... but that's only because people are germy! I mean, seriously, who knows where they've been!

Anywho, back to the point! Some people might be glad that their parents had entrusted them to living in a city all by themselves... I just wasn't one of them. Thankfully, I had credit cards, and emergency cash to spend on whatever I wanted.

So, that was wednesday. You remember those weird guys I met because of Whatever? Well, they kept their promise! Daily, one of them would arrive at my hotel room's door (only God knows how they received that information), and demanded I'd spend the afternoon with them playing sports, or listening to music, even dancing, and the best, shopping.

Actually, I lied. It wasn't all of them visiting me. It was Jonghyun, Minho, Key, and Taemin. Whatever still hasn't come to visit me. If it sounds like I've started to like him... well, you'd be correct. I don't know, but to me, he seems like the guy you could easily fall in love with.

There I was, standing outside my hotel, due to a phone call saying one of them were on their way over. I looked up into the sky, it was gray- meaning it was bound to rain. I regretted not taking an umbrella, because I knew I'd end up soaked by the rain. I turned around and began to walk back to my room so I could get an umbrella.

"Megan!" Whatever called from behind. I could feel the smile on my face, but I quickly wiped it off as I turned around. He was panting, no doubt after running to find me; "Where are you going?"

"To get an umbrella." I answered simply.

"Don't worry!" he smiled; "Where we're going, we won't need umbrellas."

"Where are we going?" I asked in curiousity.

He wouldn't answer, and I rolled my eyes. This guy was so weird, almost bi-polar. You know where he took me to? A cafe! A really small, cute, cafe.

"I used to go here before SHINee's debut, I wanted to show it to you." Whatever smiled as he led me to a corner booth where no one would see us.

"Isn't this dangerous?" I asked him, scared.

"Definitely, but it's worth it." he grinned, raising his hand to call over the waitress. He ordered food for us, according to what we'd both like, when I realized something.

"Is this a date?" I asked suspiciously.

"Well certainly, if you want it to be." he smiled brightly.

"Are you stupid? Crazy? Or are you trying to prank me or something?" I demanded in a hiss, raising from my seat; "We hardly even know each other, plus you're... you! Why me?!"

His hand quickly reached out and he pulled me back down before he leaned forward; "I might be stupid, and I might be crazy, but I'd never prank anyone like this. I might not know you very well, but I know you well enough to know I haven't made a mistake."

"A mistake with what?" I couldn't help but stutter. His grip was firm, yet held so much warmth.

We didn't get to continue as our food came, and I somehow managed to forget what we were talking about. When we stepped out of the cafe, I mentally cursed at myself. It was raining. Actually, it was pouring!

"Oh, it's really bad! You'll get wet!" I said to him. I was worried, as he was an idol and all.

He did something unthinkable then. He glanced down at me, grinned, and then pulled me into a hug, resting his chin atop my head, shielding me from the rain.

"My manager will be here soon. We'll drop you off at the hotel." he said first; "And Megan? Thank you, for coming out with me today.

Maybe, joining his world won't be so bad after all.

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Chapter 2: Hi! ^^

It's me again doing my task of checking and stuff :)
i see that you emphasize about the prompt better in this chapter ^^

Good luck!
Have a nice day, by the way keke
Chapter 1: hey! ^^ I see that you use the prompt and ONEW as your character! :)

I wanted to know how will you turn such a cliche plot into something interesting ;)
So far, you've impressed me ^^