World two- Megan Meets SHINee

Another World


The room my parents had booked for me wasn't too big, or too small. It was just right, and had a single bed in the middle of the room. The walls were boring- a plain beige color, and the bathroom had a certain smell in it that made me wonder how well they cleaned it.

My parents and I had eaten dinner at the hotel's restaurant, and then the two of them decided to go sight seeing. I would have gone... but I never liked tourists, so I wouldn't like to be one.

At night, around... say 10 PM, the IPhone I had received from that Jinki character began to vibrate. I jumped up from my position laying on the bed watching random dramas, and practically leapt across the room to get the IPhone... but when it was in my hand, I didn't know what to do with it.

Hesitantly, I opened it. Okay- a call from Key... WHATTHEHELL?! Am I supposed to pick it up or something? I slid the little arrow to pick up the call and placed it by my ear.

"Megan, is that you?" It was Jinki's voice. Well, isn't this creepy?

"Yeah..." I said slowly; "Uh, what am I supposed to do with your phone?"

"Just hold it." he laughed; "My members and I have a free day tomorrow, so we'll drop by to get it."

"Oh...kay?" I was still greatly confused by all of this.

"Is that her?" I heard a voice from the background. Huh?! Don't tell me his friends are around! Suddenly, slapping, and other grunts were heard and a new voice was chatting to me happily; "Hello there! You're talking to the Almighty Key! Is this Onew's girlfriend?"

"Er, who's Onew? And why would I be his girlfriend. Wait... is Onew that Jinki kid? Who the hell do you think you are, calling me his girlfriend?" I was on full on mode. I didn't even know these people and suddenly I became one of them's girlfriend.

"Oh, you're an angry little girl, aren't you?" Key continued talking to me without letting my comments faze him. One moment later- more grunts and slaps.

"Sorry about that, Key's a bit on the Diva side." ... Jinki?...Onew?... whatever said.

"No problem." I scoffed, more than tired of this nonsense; "I'm going to sleep now, goodnight."

"Okay, we'll come by noon tomorrow." and then, I was left with the dial tone. Oh, how annoying. Now I'll have to wake up before noon to go and meet these fools.


It was morning, and I was more than stubborn to get out of the warm bed, but I did get out. When I got out, I checked the time on the alarm clock given to me by the hotel. 11:45?!?!?!

"Oh damn!" I shouted to myself. In a flurry of movement, I went to the bathroom, changed, brushed my teeth, and then called my parents to say I was going shopping on my own. My parents knew by now that I liked to be alone- especially when doing things like shopping. Even if I didn't know this town inside out, I still had my New Yorker knowledge, and can at least get by.

Once I was done with my business, I checked the time and ran out of the building to look for... whateverhisnamewas. I stood there, for maybe 5 minutes, in the sun, looking like a wierdo searching around. I gave up looking and was about to go back inside.

"Megan! Don't go!" Ugh, that voice! Whatever!

"Whatever! There you are!" I said, relieved. I could finally give him his phone and forget him; "Here, take your phone."

I must have been stupid, not to notice the 4 others with him, at first, but when I did, I bowed to them.

"So you're not rude all the time!" I recognized that voice, belonging to the idiot who called himself the Almighty Key. I scrunched my nose as I tried to think of a comeback. This guy was good looking, I can tell, even if he also kept himself covered. He had a sharp voice that practically meant he was constantly blunt and open to how he felt.

"At least I'm not idiotic enough to call myself the Almighty-" I was cut off when whatever's hand slammed onto my mouth. For a moment, I stared at the hand in perplexity, wondering how on earth a hand suddenly attatched itself onto my face, but I quickly glared at whatever, and he retracted his hand.

"Sorry, there are a lot of fans around here." one of the other three, who I didn't know, told me. This one had curly, light brown hair- no doubt he dyed it to become more popular. He had a voice that was naturally a bit higher than most of the men I met, but I could tell he was serious about dancing, his very footsteps were graceful and held rhythm.

"Listen, I don't care about you, or your fans, or anything about... who are you again?" I put myself in my own little world as I thought about who they were. Star? Shape? Shoe? Shin? Shine? OH RIGHT! It was; "SHINee, right. Well, it was nice meeting you." I tossed the phone to whatever, who had no choice but to catch it.

"Hey, where are you going?" the curly head asked.

"Forget her Taemin, she's too mean." the tallest of them scoffed. His hair wasn't covered, and was pretty much a buzz cut. He had a surprisingly deep voice, despite his cute aura. I could tell he loved sports, and that his body was well built.

"Hey, can you stop talking about me?" I glared at him; "I'm here on vacation, which means I get to relax... which also means I DON'T WANT TO HANG OUT WITH LOSERS LIKE YOU."

"That's rude to say." the last of them quipped easily; "Considering thousands of fans would kill you just to stand in this spot talking to us." He was short, the last guy, but he had the loudest voice. The smaller dogs have the bigger barks, huh? Anyway, this guy was short... and he was also one of those singer types.

"Then go find one of them, will you?" I sighed, rather exhaustedly

"I told you I wouldn't forget you." whatever said to me, suddenly. Surprised, I looked directly into his covered eyes; "I promise you, by the end of your vacation, we will be friends."

The others looked at him proudly, and then back to me- almost daring me to argue.

"So be it." I shrugged; "But you are 'oh-so-famous' idols, how are you ever going to find me?" The sarcasm in my voice was obvious. I was still calling him out. He... just wasn't being realistic. How can we be friends, if we never see each other.

"We'll find a way." Almighty Key told me with a bitter sounding laugh.

"Well, we have the phone, let's go." the shortest one of them said; "Come on, Onew hyung, Minho, Key, Taemin."

"Alriight Jonghyun hyung." the one called... Taemin, was it? said.

"Such stupid names." I said as we parted ways and I headed to look for shops around the hotel.

"Bye Megan!" whatever called after me.

"Really, why you have interest in me, I'll never know." I groaned; "People who live in another world than mine should never interfere with my world."

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Chapter 2: Hi! ^^

It's me again doing my task of checking and stuff :)
i see that you emphasize about the prompt better in this chapter ^^

Good luck!
Have a nice day, by the way keke
Chapter 1: hey! ^^ I see that you use the prompt and ONEW as your character! :)

I wanted to know how will you turn such a cliche plot into something interesting ;)
So far, you've impressed me ^^