World One- Jinki and Megan's Encounter

Another World

Seoul... it certainly was another world, and a world I was not familiar with. I was born and raised in a Korean family, yes, but, to be here in this city with passerbys staring at me like I'm sort of freak... was something I had never asked for.

Vacation, such a bizarre word. When my parents had told me that we were going on vacation to Seoul, I never imagined myself to be lost within such a large city.

It's not like I didn't know the language. I did... I just couldn't speak it as amazingly as a local Korean. I guess that for me, huh? Gloomy was how I felt. The mood didn't improve as I kept asking around for directions, without getting any in return. C'mon! Why is it no one wants to tell a girl how to get to her hotel?!

Then, I bumped into him. It was a complete accident, and it was... his fault. He was running, with a cup of expensive looking coffee in his hand. He fell on top of me, his cup off to the side as the two of us were toppled onto the floor, his eyes looking into mine. No, not his eyes- his sunglasses. He was wearing sunglasses, and a hat, and a scarf, and a hoodie, and... it wasn't because he was cold.

"I'm so sorry." his voice was bold and musical, his tone free and light. He hurriedly got to his feet, and held a hand out for me.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine." I said, stuttering. It wasn't because he was cute... which I figured he was... it was because it was cold. REALLY cold.

"You're a foreigner." he smiled. It wasn't a mocking smile, finally. He was genuinely interested in me.

"Yeah, I'm from New York." I answered; "Actually, can you help me? I'm a bit lost, and I'm looking for my hotel..."

He looked down at his IPhone, which I hadn't realized he had, and then he smiled up at me; "Sure, I have an extra half hour before work."

"Oh, you work?" I was surprised; "As what?"

"Uh, I just sing a bit." he seemed to want to keep that to himself. His face twitched, suddenly; "Oh, so what's your name? I'm... Jinki."

"Jinki? Oh, I like your name." I smiled. It was cute, and seemed to fit him; "My name is Megan."

"Okay, so where's your hotel?" He asked, looking around VERY carefully. I was starting to think he was a bit suspicious, looking around like that.

"Actually, it's fine. I'll just take a cab, thank you, though." I said to Jinki, quickly turning away.

Screams filled the air, and panicked, I looked around to see what was going on. Fangirls, with many... many posters.

"They followed me!" Jinki grumbled, frustratedly; "Let's go!"

"What?" I was suddenly grabbed as he and I speedily ran off in a random direction; "What's going on?"

"I lied to you." Jinki said in a loud whisper; "I'm in an Idol group called SHINee, and I bumped into you because I was running from fans."

"You're a celebrity?" I gasped. I tried pulling my arm away. I didn't need to be seen with him and have all of my privacy trashed.

"Look, I'm sorry. Just keep running!" he said harshly. His tone really surprised me. He was so jolly a few moments back, but when I treated him like a celebrity... he suddenly became cold.

He stopped after nearly 10 minutes of running, me panting behind him. I looked around to see where we reached, and a familiar name stuck out to me. It was the name of the hotel! I found it! Well... Jinki found it.

"Let's make this the last time we ever meet, okay?" I asked him bitterly.

"But... I thought we could be friends." he said sadly.

"There's no point of being friends." I said; "I leave in 3 weeks, and I'm sure you'll forget me by tomorrow."

"That's not true!" he argued;" I'll prove it!"

"Oh really? How?!" I practically shouted.

He shoved his IPhone into my hand and then backed away; "I'll call you tonight. There are 4 numbers on there that you are ONLY allowed to answer calls from. Jonghyun, Key, Minho, and Taemin. DO NOT pick up anyone else's calls, alright?"

"What are you doing? I don't want your phone!" I shouted, walking toward him to give him his phone.

"Forget it, I have to go buy a new coffee." he snapped before walking away all together.

"Wierdo." I called after him, even long after he walked away.

Suddenly, my name was called, and I turned to see my frantic mother calling me. I smiled and ran to the hotel.

Interesting vacation, this is turning out to be.

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Chapter 2: Hi! ^^

It's me again doing my task of checking and stuff :)
i see that you emphasize about the prompt better in this chapter ^^

Good luck!
Have a nice day, by the way keke
Chapter 1: hey! ^^ I see that you use the prompt and ONEW as your character! :)

I wanted to know how will you turn such a cliche plot into something interesting ;)
So far, you've impressed me ^^