Violent Tree-Made Items

Changed (Under the longest hiatus of my life)

Sungyeol's Perspective

Walking into the first Art class was like walking into a battle field. All eyes stare at me for a few seconds, judging me up and down before going back into whatever their attention was towards to. How dare they! I know I'm beautiful, but they don't have to stare. I walked to the back of class before sitting in the back corner, beside the window sill. I have a thing for school windows and their beautiful views. This one time I saw a dog drag its owner on the ground. It was awesome.

Ten boring minutes passed before the rest of the students came in, looking rushed and relieved that they weren't late. I look around for any acquaintances or friends of mine. All I saw were rows and rows of heads, but no faces. I sighed loudly, my vision was not as great as others. If I were to forget to wear contacts, this would be a nuisance. Of course I'd have my glasses, I just wouldn't want to wear them. 

The teacher walks inside the classroom. He had jet black hair, swept to the side, his large glasses taking up most of his face. His apron was dirtied with paints of multiple colours, a few finger print marks here and there. His hands were also marked with faded, brightly coloured paint. He must really know what he’s doing. 

He immediately greeted us with a warm smile and stood in front of his desk. 

“Hello, and welcome to class,” the man grinned. “Some of you may be new here, so let me introduce myself. My name is Cho Woosung. You may call me Mr. Cho or Woosung, whatever floats your boat or sinks your ship. Either way, I’d like for all of us to treat each other with respect and kindness.”  The class murmurs with approval and nod their heads, glad that the teacher seemed laid back instead of uptight. Mr.Cho whipped out a folder with a large smiley face on the cover from his desk. On it had the label "Attendance."
Laying my head down on the desk again, paying no attention to other names, I heard a familiar name and my ears perked up.
"Jang Jiyoung," Mr. Cho called out, waiting for a response. I shot up and scanned the room until I saw her, sitting somewhere in the middle. I stared at her. 
"Here," she replied, raising her hand up. As she put it down, she fidgited in her seat uncomfortably, causing her to turn around and meet me right in the eyes. We glared at eachother and she raised her eyebrows, as if she were saying 'What the heck are you doing here?' I smirked and shrugged my shoulders. 
"Lee Sungyeol," the teacher said, his voice breaking our staring contest. "Here." I responded, raising my hand up.
A few names later, Mr. Cho put the folder back on the desk and leaned againest the blackboard. He picked up a piece of chalk and began writing. He finishes up and I read the messy script.
"Art Assignment: Emotion, Affection, & Importance." it said.
"Now, class, can you tell me what these three things have in common?" Mr. Cho asked.
I thought hard, furrowing my eyebrows.
And suddenly, it came to me. 
Slowly, I stood up and raised my hand.
"Yes Sungyeol?" Mr. Cho asked, in confusion, furrowing his eyebrows.
"I understand now."
"Wait Sungyeol what the fuc-" Jiyoung said to me, but I hushed her down before I cut her off. 
"I finally get it. I finally have the answer. I understand," I said confidently. Everyone leaned in towards me as I took a deep breath.
"They all have letters," I said sitting back down.
"Sungyeol, leave the class." I got up on my feet slowly. As I walk, I heard Jiyoung snickering to herself.
"Mr. Cho, ple-" 
"Sungyeol. Leave. Seriously," he said, opening the door for me. I step out and there it awaits me. An empty, dusty looking seat. I took a seat and waited. A few minutes later, Mr. Cho burst open the door and looked around. He stared at me before speaking.
"Sungyeol, are you ready to come back in?"
I nodded my head.
"Good. What kind of impression would I make on the staff if one of my students were to be in trouble on one of the first day of class? Never speak of this again," he coughed,  pointing at my seat, inviting me to sit.
"Okay, so again, what do they all have in common?"
I shot up my hand. Mr. Cho grabbed a meter stick and pointed it at me angrily.
"PUT. YOUR. HAND. DOWN. SUNGYEOL." Students in the class giggled and I slowly lowered it, glancing at Jiyoung. She rolled her eyes. 
"God damn it, Sungyeol," Jiyoung muttered.
"Class, these three words all come from the heart. From within," Mr. Cho said, patting his chest dramatically, with feeling. EXPRESSION. EMOTION. If I recall, he was also the drama teacher. "Emotion comes when you're happy, when you're sad, or even annoyed."
As he said the word 'annoyed', he glanced at me. I smiled cheekly.
"Affection is when you feel devoted to somebody, like a tender feeling. Fondness. It doesn't necessarily have to be romantic either," he says, nodding his head. "And last, is importance. This one is self explainatory. Something or someone who is important to you." He walked around the classroom.
"The whole point of discussing about this assignment is so you could understand it. For this, I want you to draw, paint, sculpt; whatever you want, something that has all three of these in it. If you cannot do all three, then please do two. The minimum is two of the words, but if you do the full three, then you will score a higher mark. The goal of this assignment is for you to express yourself without words. I will also be able to get to know you more." Mr. Cho walked back towards his desk. "I have not decided on a due date yet. Please get started. If you need any help, feel free to ask me."
That being said, students began pulling out sketchbooks, plotting out ideas. A girl with blonde hair walked towards me, sliding her fingers across my desk and prancing around until she sat on my desk. I looked up in annoyance, all while she touched my shirt. And I had just bought this too, I thought, rolling my eyes. What was this girl's name? Bora? Lora? Nora? I flick her hand off, showing no interest. Someone snickers from the side and I ignore it. 
"Excuse me," I say, moving her legs off my desk.
"I have a name, y'know." she says, winking at me. I shove her off of my desk and begin drawing sketches.
"It's Sora," she says, a bit louder in my ear than normal.
I look up at the teacher. Sadly, Mr. Cho was in his own world, listening to... SNSD? "I got a boy, handsome boy," he sang, all too vigorously. I rolled my eyes and exchanged looks with Jiyoung. She was staring directly at Sora, and she had a paperball in her hand. She was gripping it so tightly that her knuckles turned white. 
"JESSICA I LOVE YOU," I heard Mr. Cho shout, earphones still in.
"So," Sora said as she played with her hair. "What're you going to make?" I roll my eyes once again and Jiyoung threw the paperball.  It bounced perfectly off of Sora's platinum blonde hair. She gasps as it hits her and turns around, putting her attention on Jiyoung.
"What was that for?!" she shouts, and they argue a bit. I decided to take advantage of this and continue on my rough sketches. I was drawing Dongwoo and I as kids. 
After Jiyoung finished and put Sora into a silence people were grateful for, she walked over to me and glanced over my shoulder. "What are you drawing for the project?" she asked. It takes me a while to answer.
I pressed my finger to my lips."A cherished memory," I replied smiling to myself.

nekosi: First of all, #tina.
Secondly, Hello everyone. I'm sorry this chapter is very late. I've been busy with assignments and the arts projects. :-( I'll update as soon as I can. Maybe as soon as the March Break hits. Maybe after. Either way, I hope you've enjoyed it. The sassiness in this story is all thanks to Jaycee. :) 


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Chapter 5: Lol this chapter was pretty fun to read~.I love how Sungyeol really pays no attention to girls..;p.
Dongwoo and Kids lol! Mr.Cho and Snsd fanboying lol! It was all funny and nice to read:).Thank you so much for the update and update soon please!~
Chapter 4: Hahaha! I couldn't help but laugh at the part where she touched his hair!
Ooowee Dongwoo is shooo cute!
Thank you for the update and update soon please:D!~
Chapter 3: Aha! I enjoyed reading the chapter:).
I didn't expect you guys to update and edit so quickly;p.
I love it when the two are together (Jiyoung and Sungyeol).
Although they aren't on the romance level yet,they're still pretty cute.
Thanks to the both of you for updating,and update soon please!
Haha I like it so far:)!
Please update soon!~
nekosi #5
Wow look at all the comments