Cat Naps

Changed (Under the longest hiatus of my life)

Ji Young's perspective


"Well look who it is!" Sora laughed like a hyena. "If it ain't the know-it-all, Ji Young."

She looked down at me, with her hands on her hips. Mi Jin and Mi Kyung (the twins and half of Sora's group) stood by her sides. Yoon-Ji stood with her head tilted, arms folded across her chest followed by lazy eyes. I frown at all of them but Yoon-Ji, who seemed indifferent towards me.

Mi Jin and Mi Kyung both had longer, light brown hair. They looked so much alike, that I couldn't even tell them apart. The only way you can actually tell them apart is by their actions, hair style, and their nametags. Sora on the other hand, had platinum blonde hair that reached all the way to her back. She flipped it once and I swear my eyes were blinded by how shiny looking it was. 

"What do you want, Sora?" I snarled. We hadn't always been on the good terms. Ever since that middle school incident where I accidently tripped her, and she fell into the watery mud pit, she was always been trying to get me. Personally, I thought she looked better with the mud.

"I didn't think I was going to be having all of my classes with you, never mind another two years!" she huffed, a schedule inbetween her french tipped nails. I sighed and grabbed it from her. I could hear the people around us begin to whisper.

"Ah, I wouldn't want to be in their class. The drama would be enough to cancel all the upcoming plays," one girl said quietly, shaking her head.

"I bet five bucks that Ji Young will rip Sora's weave out before the end of the day tomorrow," a boy snickered, bumping fists with his friend.

"I wonder who I have in my class..." most students muttered to themselves.

My eyes skimmed through the papers as I matched my classes with hers, and she was right. We did have every single class together. I gave the papers back to Sora, which she snatched from my hands. 

"Whatever, Sora. If you dislike it this much, then just don't talk to me in class." I said, and started to walk past her. Sungyeol quickly caught up to me. I felt bad. I got caught up in the moment and forgot about him. 

"What was that about?" Sungyeol asked curiously. 

"Nothing." I said, quickly dismissing the idea of even talking about her. 


After wandering aimlessly in the hallways to find my new locker number, I wished for nothing more than for classes to be over. After this class, it would be a free period. I figured I could go visit the library to pick up some books to read when I don't have any work to finish. I doodled a sketch of a tree on my line piece of paper. Ironic, I thought. I'm drawing a tree on what once used to be a tree. 

I grinned to myself as the bell finally rang. Packing up my papers, I head out of class quickly and to the library. 

The hallways were packed with students, rushing to get to their classes. Everywhere I turned, there were more and more students dressed in red and black.  Almost there. I thought, motivating myself to continue on. I reach out for the door that lead to the lib-- OOF!

Papers flew everywhere as I bumped into someone's hard shoulders, falling onto the floor. "Ugh, ah. Sorry.." I apologized, not bothering to look up at his face. I scattered around for the papers, and I heard feet shuffling from beside me, hands reaching out for the papers also. 

"No, my apologies," he replied. He was calm and his voice was soft, unlike Sungyeol's arrogant tone. Our hands touched as we both reached for the last paper, with the sketch of the tree. I looked up and hid my face, embarrassed. 

"Thank you," I muttered, taking the paper from him and glancing up once again. He had full pink lips and messy, faded, light purple hair that covered his forehead. His eyes were drowsy and tired looking, like Yoon-Ji's. He smiles and opens the door for me. I blush and nod at him, quickly entering the quiet library and sitting down onto a chair. My heart fluttered as I slowly look back, but he wasn't there. Was it all just a dream? 

Resting my head into my arms, I slowly lose touch of reality and slip into the state of dreaming.

Well, I was about to.

Someone slips into the chair across from me, and taps my shoulder. I pretend to sleep and close my eyes shut. They tap on my shoulder once again, this time in a rhythm. "Ji-Young..." they sing in my ear, and I shiver from their breath. Still, I pretend to sleep.

"Ji-Young, seriously!" they cried, now irritated, it sounded childish. Ah, this voice sounds familar to me. Sounds like a male. Who? I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering. "I know you're awake, no way you can be sleeping now. It's too quiet," he whispered. It was quiet. So quiet, that his voice echoed across the bookshelves that were placed row by row. Ah, it's Sungyeol, I thought. Who else would've tapped on my shoulder like that? I wave my hand around, showing him I was awake. 

"Oh, you're awake," he says, much happier than before. "Mhm," I hummed. I turn my head so my face is away from him, but still on the table. He placed his head on the table too. 

"How's getting around the school for you?" I asked, hoping to end our silence. 

"It's alright," he shrugged. "I think you're in my English class and a few others. Consider yourself lucky." I could already see the arrogant smirk on his face through that sentence. 

"Oh, is that so?" I said, turning my head so I faced the back of his head. It took me so much effort to resist touching his hair. It's wavy today. I notice. Maybe I'll touch a little bit. I reach out quietly and the ends of his hair. It felt silky and smooth. 

"What're you doing?" Sungyeol asked, grabbing the back of his head which of course, had my hand in between the two. Of course this would happen.

He spun his head around and we faced each other, seeing each other's faces in a sideways position. He stared into my eyes and gave me a confused look. I blushed and felt myself getting warmer by the minute. He blushed as well, but didn't change his expression. Instead, he let go of my hand. I wiggled my hand free of his grip. He gently my flushed cheeks, and grinned a cheeky smile. 

"What're you doing?" I asked this time. He doesn't reply and closes his eyes, with his hand still cupping my face. Now that I look at him close up, he is quite handsome. Even if his face isn't right side up.

He had perky lips and flawless, soft-looking skin. His eyelashes fluttered a bit. He even looked like a little puppy when he sleeps.

I shook my head and got up from my seat, leaving him sleeping by himself. An empty hand which had used to hold mine; I stared at both of my hands and cup my own face. Ugh, what's wrong with me today? I thought, shaking my head again.

Sungyeol is obviously flirtatious, so I can't fall for something as ridiculous as this.  

The library was seriously empty, considering the fact that me and Sungyeol were near the back, and no one saw us. Getting up and going to the nearest bookshelf I can find, I skimmed through the book titles. I follow my finger as it passes spine to spine, until it reached the bottom shelf where there was nothing but dust. 

I walked silently around until I reached the 'Teens Romance' section. Skimming through the books once again, I find one that appeals to me. 'Stolen' was the title of the book. I pick it up and notice through the empty space, that there is another person there. I keep staring as they skim through the top books of my shelf. I lower my head, careful not to get caught. 

"Eh? Who's that?" they wonder aloud. I cover my mouth with my hand and stomp in frusturation. NO. Now they're going to think I was following them or something! I clutch onto my book and tippy-toe my way out, but the bell on my phone strap jingles. UGH, Now you've done it, Ji-Young. Good job. A+ for you being so slick, A freaking plus.

I sigh loudly, and look around. No one seemed to be coming towards me. I look up into the empty space on the book shelf. No one there, either. The coast is clear.

Slowly planting my foot down one after the other, left and right, someone from behind me shouts.


I scream in surprise and drop everything I had in my hands. The mystery person picks them up for me and hands them back. "Thank you," I smile at them. Or should I say, him.

It was the same guy that bumped into me in the hallways. He blinks a few times and tilts his head in confusion, making his purple-pinkish fairy hair flop to one side.  "Hey, sorry I scared you. Aren't you the girl from the hallway?" I smiled, slowly nodding my head. 

"If you mean the one with her papers flying everywhere, then yes," we both laughed and shook hands. "I'm Ji-Young. What's your name?" 

"Ji-Young," he says, pronouncing it slowly. "That's a pretty name, Ji-Young," he complimented, smiling. "My name is--" 

Before he could finish his sentence, ignorant Sungyeol showed up. 

"Hey, Ji-Young. Catch," he said, tossing my bag to me. I barely caught it, for it almost hit my face. He scratches his bedhead hair and looks at the guy beside me up and down, before relaxing his face. He tilts his head to the side and scrunches up his face. "Dongwoo?" he asked, as if he half remembers it. 

Purple hair giggles beside me, and nods. "Yeah! What a small world." He turns to face me again. "Well, my name is Dongwoo. I'm in Sungyeol's classes. Most of them." he says, motioning to Sungyeol. 

"Wait, so you know each other?" Sungyeol acts surprised. I give him a look. Pft, as if he has more friends than I do! I thought.

Dongwoo laughs, bringing me at ease. "Well, it's a long story!" 


nekosi: HOOHOO, HO HO! Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me give you some bg information; Dongwoo is Sungyeol's classmate (probably Ji Young's too) and best friend. 'Stolen' s actually my favourite book, so I added it in there. Is Sungyeol starting to like Ji Young? Is Ji Young starting to like Sungyeol?!?!? WHERE DOES DONG WOO STAND IN THIS RELATIONSHIP!!?? LOL

jaycee: i wish i had a weave

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Chapter 5: Lol this chapter was pretty fun to read~.I love how Sungyeol really pays no attention to girls..;p.
Dongwoo and Kids lol! Mr.Cho and Snsd fanboying lol! It was all funny and nice to read:).Thank you so much for the update and update soon please!~
Chapter 4: Hahaha! I couldn't help but laugh at the part where she touched his hair!
Ooowee Dongwoo is shooo cute!
Thank you for the update and update soon please:D!~
Chapter 3: Aha! I enjoyed reading the chapter:).
I didn't expect you guys to update and edit so quickly;p.
I love it when the two are together (Jiyoung and Sungyeol).
Although they aren't on the romance level yet,they're still pretty cute.
Thanks to the both of you for updating,and update soon please!
Haha I like it so far:)!
Please update soon!~
nekosi #5
Wow look at all the comments