Teasing and Buns

Changed (Under the longest hiatus of my life)

Sungyeol's perspective

I stared around for any familar faces, or better yet, Ji Young. She has mentioned that she goes to SSA. Maybe it was her that my Umma was talking about. I stared into the clouds for a brief moment .

I head for the giant oak tree and squint. Is that someone behind the tree? I thought. As I walked closer, only the hair was exposed. But I could tell it was definitely a girl.

I stealthily walked up behind the girl, careful as to not to making a sound. I hoped she was the one my mother was talking about, otherwise I'd be in for an awkward situation. Awkward situations will never be enjoyable. Never.

"Excuse me?" I tapped her shoulder.

She turned around and in total shock, created a perfect 'o' shape, a bun slowly dropping to the ground. My hand was still on her shoulder, the corners of my mouth slowly turning up as she realized who I am. 

"W-what..." Ji Young stuttered, her hands fiddling with a crumpled piece of paper containing messy writing. "What is this? Are you the person..."

I breathed out a chuckle and shrugged my shoulders. "I was told to come here, to this tree," I answered.

"So was I..." she muttered, hitting her face with the palm of her hand. I presume that was for not knowing it was going to be me she was going to "meet," if you could even call it that any more. I stood there, hand remaining on her shoulder. She slowly looked over at my hand, and shot me a look. I backed away, with my hands in the air. After a few moments of complete silence, just standing next to each other, the bell sounded. The dinging of dongs rang throughout the entire school.

"Well, I'd better get going," Ji Young mumbled, starting walking the opposite way. Surprisingly, I held on to her hand before she did. Why did I grab her hand instead of her bag? I thought, only to quickly brush the thought away. 

"Well, you can't. My mother said you were to guide me around the school." 

"You can figure it out yourself. Go Sungyeol!" she said, with mock encouragement, pumping a fist in the air. I obnoxiously sighed and stared at her. Before she could even think about turning away again, I faced her and pinned her to the tree.

"What are you doing!?" she quietly snarled, afraid we were going to make a scene. Heads were already turning, to her dismay.

"Look, I'm new here. I just moved into this town and I need your help. I can't do it without you," I confessed monotonously.

She blushed and tried to hide it with her hair, but it was so painfully obvious.

"I g-guess I can help..." she began, then she raising her head. "But we need to find Hana first. If we're late to class, I'll tell her to let the principal that I was helping you get around school, so we won't get in trouble. They do know you're new here, right?"

"Yeah, of course," I assured her. Honestly, I wasn't even sure if my mom called the school. They'll find out eventually, though. I unpinned her from the tree and we searched around for Hana. We still had 10 minutes until the official bell sounded, when classes actually began.

"Oh, that's her," Ji Young said, pointing to a tall girl leaning against a wall. Prettier than most girls here, I thought. She had long black hair and wore a dark red blazer and a black chiffon skirt with a pair of leggings. She had quite a lot of rings and earrings. From her style, she didn't seem like a person who would read a large book just for the fun of it, but she was. "HANA!" Ji Young screamed beside me.

My eardrums felt like they had exploded. Hana looked up and dropped her book and ran over to Ji Young who did the same. "JI YOUNG-AH!" They hugged each other tight, as if they were reunited lovers. If they were in one of Shakespeare's works, I bet one of them would die before the meeting, I laughed to myself at the thought.

"Wow! How have you been? Did you do anything over the summer?" Hana beamed, asking questions nonstop.

Ji Young giggled and sighed. "Not at all, I didn't have anyone to come over my house to hang out. Adding onto that, you were busy!" she replied, pouting. I rolled my eyes.

"Ah, sorry! I was on vacation," she apologized, ending with a wink. Just as she was about to describe her oh so exciting adventures, she looked over Ji Young's shoulder, and saw me. 

"Eh? Who's this?" she asked, giving me a questioning look. She put her hands on her hips, resembling a protective parent.

"Ah, let me introduce you two. This is... This is my family's friend's son. He's new here and I'm going to help him around the school," she stepped aside for me to shake hands with Hana. 

"Hello, I'm Sungyeol. Nice to meet you." I introduced myself, shaking her hand.

"Hi, my name is Hana, I'm a junior here. I'm guessing you are too?" she inquired.

"Yeah, I am. But enough of me, she..." I trailed off, pointing to Ji Young, "needs to talk to you." I pushed her forward and leaned against the wall. 

"What is it, Ji Young?" Hana asked, waiting for the question.

"Okay, can you tell Principal Kim at lunch that I'm helping Sungyeol around the school, so we won't get in trouble if we end up late at class?" Hana tilted her head, wondering about her decision. "Well, if we even show up, that is."

"Sure, no problem. But since we have the assembly during the whole morning, you can just give him a quick tour at lunch. You'd be okay with that, right Sungyeol?" She turned to face me, smiling. I nodded, quickly looking away. 

"Alright, that's great. Thanks Hana!" Ji Young smiled and nudged my waist. I whined in pain. She shot me another look and sending me a hint.

"Thanks, Hana. For doing this, I mean," I said, but not sounding so meaningful. I didn't mean it to sound sarcastic, but it did.

"Uh, yeah." We all headed towards the auditorium, finally hearing the bell ring. 


"Everybody, please take a seat," the principal instructed. I sat next to Ji Young who sat next to Hana and a whole bunch of other people they both knew. No one else was beside me, I was on the outer edge of the row. Everyone in the auditorium were squished together. It was uncomfortable.

"Good morning, everyone. How was summer?" Principal Kim started, and everyone muttered their answers, coming out as a bunch of greats and horribles. Nonetheless, Principal Kim replied cheerfully.

"That's great, everyone. I hope you had a good one, because school will be starting today. Let's give the new students a warm SSA welcome!" We all gave a round of applause for the new freshman students. "Haha, yes... and with that being said, I shall go over the daily routine and rules."

Principal Kim discussed our uniform; the top will be any shade of red, the bottoms will be any black. (skirts for girls and pants for guys), and we have a school tie or bow to wear. We also need to have our school id. It was a long speech about the basics of being on time, always wearing the uniform unless it's a special occasion, this school is not a playground and etc. He continued on with the school's courses and teaching system.

"Also, remember that this is an art school. Of course you will still need to learn about the obvious basics... which are Math, Language Arts, Science, and History. English class is something you also need to attend. As for the Arts, you will have the choice of learning Dance, Visual Arts, Theatre and Drama, and Music." We all nodded our heads. "You will be getting your schedule after lunch. As for today, it will simply be a day of getting to know where your classes are. Tomorrow will be the offical day we begin class. For those who are not in uniform, please do come in it tomorrow. You are dismissed." 

The bell rang for lunch. 


"So, do you have lunch?" Ji Young asked as she reached into her giant leather bag for the packed boxed lunch she's made. Her hand brushed past a cat charm strapped to a pocket button. 

"Uh, wow. All I have is a bun and some water I bought near the convenience store," I said, awkwardly taking out my lunch out of my bag. "But don't get any ideas, I'm fine with this. Just eat your lunch and give me a tour." 

"Alright, but let's eat first," she replied, walking towards what seemed like the lunch room; it was already full of students. It was absolutely packed and there was no way we were going to get some seats. Some girls walked past us, complaining that they were going to go sit outside.

"Well, do you want to sit outside instead?" she suggested. "It's still quite warm. When winter comes, I guess we can try again." She gave me a weak smile, I could tell she was trying her best to show me this school was great. "Oh, no, wait. I've got it! We can eat in the corner of the school. There are empty lockers and it's an small empty hallway." 

"And why would you want to eat there?!" I exclaimed, shivering at the thought of any wandering spirits lurking in the empty hallways that lead to no where.

"Because!" she exclaimed, "It isn't as crowded as the lunch room. Would you rather be squished eating your lunch or have more than enough room?" she said as she slowly walked out of the room and into the hallways. Defeated, I followed Ji Young until she turned into a corner and walked up some stairs. 

"Here we are!" She said, prancing around the hallway. She flopped her bag down and sat on the floor.

"Let's eat," she said, motioning to the empty space in front of her. She was right, this hallway was quite small. There were only a few rows of lockers, and a huge window with a wonderful view of the huge tree standing tall in the middle of the area. I sat down on a chair nearby, not wanting to get any dirt on my new pants.

I glanced up, only to see Ji Young picking out pieces of vegetables out of her lunch box and judging the taste of it. I watched her face as she examined the food. When tasting it, her face went from a confused 'what is this' to a satisfied 'yum'. I mirrored her movements and made faces while finishing up my bun. I laughed. 

"What? Is there something wrong?" she asked, touching her face as if something were on it. I shook my head. 

"I was just mocking you," I replied.

"What? How so?" she asked, chopsticks in the air. I attempted to imitate her faces, as if I ate something bitter and it suddenly turned sweet. I laughed out loud as she got up and stomped letting out a huff. "That is not how I eat!" she exclaimed, but I shook my head again.

"Yes, yes, whatever you say. You eat like a pretty princess. Let's just tour around the school now, your majesty." I felt satisfied with myself. She packed up her lunch box and back into her bag, walking quickly so I wouldn't catch up. But I did. Oh, the perks of having long legs; wallflowers have nothing on me.

"So, where do we go first?" I asked, bumping into her as she stopped in her tracks. "What's wrong?" I asked. 

"Wait. Something doesn't feel right," she froze, talking to herself. I watched her back away while I stood there. Suddenly, there was a gust of wind blowing through the hallways. Everybody who was there with us now stood by the lockers, forming an entrance for whoever was at the end. Four girls in high heels walked down, me and Ji Young still in the middle end. 

"Well, well, well, look who it is," the girl in the front said. She had flawless curled blonde hair, different from the rest. The wind was blowing from the doors. It looked like a high budget fashion shoot, shot in a school hallway.

"Who's that?" I whispered to Ji Young. The two girls glared at each other, eye to eye, and I could hear the crowd whispering. 

"It's Sora. Sora and the Pussycats." 

nekosi: Eh! Hey guys, sorry for the very long chapter. I wasn't sure if we should've kept the chapter this long, or if we should've cut it. Anywho, I hoped you enjoyed this one and there will be more to come. Criticism is welcomed, as long as you're not bashing ^ ^; COMPLIMENT JAYCEE FOR HER DADDY LONG OAK LEGS! 

jaycee: I see we're using colours for author notes now. Since nekobutt-- I mean, nekosi is using peach I'll use this fancy lavendar. WE MATCH, HOHOHOHO. Nekosi deserves cookies and confetti for writing a long chapter ((PROPS TO ME FOR EDITING HOLLA)). I wish I looked like I was in a photoshoot whenever I entered school. Please anticipate the next chapter, give advice, comment, subscribe, etc etc. AND COMPLIMENT NEKO FOR BEING AN OAK TREE.

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Chapter 5: Lol this chapter was pretty fun to read~.I love how Sungyeol really pays no attention to girls..;p.
Dongwoo and Kids lol! Mr.Cho and Snsd fanboying lol! It was all funny and nice to read:).Thank you so much for the update and update soon please!~
Chapter 4: Hahaha! I couldn't help but laugh at the part where she touched his hair!
Ooowee Dongwoo is shooo cute!
Thank you for the update and update soon please:D!~
Chapter 3: Aha! I enjoyed reading the chapter:).
I didn't expect you guys to update and edit so quickly;p.
I love it when the two are together (Jiyoung and Sungyeol).
Although they aren't on the romance level yet,they're still pretty cute.
Thanks to the both of you for updating,and update soon please!
Haha I like it so far:)!
Please update soon!~
nekosi #5
Wow look at all the comments