
Imagine me here, my Crazy girl

"Nyssa!" your mom called from downstairs.

It was already Sunday and your parents were setting up a big meal for the church. It was the last Sunday of the month so that meant you were going to eat lunch at church. 

You rolled over your bed groggily and glanced at your clock. 7 am. Your service was at 9 am and you still had to practice the music the congregation was going to sing. You hazily sat up on your bed and rubbed your eyes.

"Nyssa! Wake up, dear!" your mom called out again.

"Yeah, ma. I'm awake." you called back and walked to your bathroom.

At 8 o'clock, you were ready for church and you went down to the kitchen.

Jen was fixing up Min's hair on the couch and your mom and dad were still cooking.

"So. How was your first baby-sitting experience yesterday?" Jen asked, glancing at you while braiding Min's hair. She had arrived late last night and you and Min were already asleep by then.

"hehh. We had fun, right, Min?" you said, sitting opposite them and brushing your hair.

"Oh yeah. Kai oppa and Nyssa eonni were great parents. Except when they made me eat veggies. bbblweeeccckkk." Min said, sticking her tongue out.

Jen laughed a bit and then propped up Min to the kitchen.

You ate with your whole family and since they were still far from ready, you asked if you could ask Miro ajusshi, your driver, to drive you there. Your parents said yes and by 8:30, you were already at church but you weren't alone.

There was a lone guy sitting at the 3rd bench and his hair looked decent enough so you made your way to the front. 

Your heels clacked along the marble floors as you made your way to him and he turned his head to see you.

It was Sehun.

"Hey." he smiled and glanced at his watch. "You're early." he said.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" you asked, stopping by his bench and looking at him. Really looking at him.

He chuckled lightly and his lips. "It's as much of a compliment as me telling you you look beautiful." he said.

Your hyperness started to pick up so you took in a deep breath and decided that his eye-smiles and lip- habit was, to say the least, cute. "Then it's a nonexistent compliment since you didn't actually tell me that."

He smiled brightly and for a moment, you wanted to smile back but then you reminded yourself that he was scary. Not looks-scary, but connection-scary. You didn't want him to get the chance to know you anymore because right now, the hyperness you were feeling, the giddiness, it was the worst feeling ever for you, considering your tummy was doing minor backflips over and over again and you seemed fidgety.

"You look beautiful, Nyssa." he said softly.

That did it. Your tummy was officially out of control. Your head throbbed as you tried to think the feeling away then you cleared your throat and looked around.

"Where's your family?" you asked.

He slapped his thighs and smiled back at you. "I went first." he said and looked around too. "Where's your family?"

You shrugged. "I went first too." you said and made your way to the piano. 

Sehun watched you move gracefully behind the piano. You started to clean the top of the piano and in a few seconds, you were done. You looked at him and what you said shocked him.

"Do you wanna play?" you asked.

He blinked and smiled, slapping his thighs lightly again. "With you?" he asked a bit teasingly.

You blushed a bit and shook it away. "I meant the piano."

"Of course you did." he smiled wider and gestured at the piano. "I meant, did you want to play together?" he said.

"It's okay if you don't want--"

"Of course i'd love to." he gripped the railings of the bench in front of him and stood up.

You had to admit. He was pretty tall. Even a 5-inch heel wouldn't make your height match his eyebrow.

He made his way towards where you were and you felt a pang of regret asking him to play because that meant he'd be near. So near. He was already too near even 5 feet away. Then he had to close it to a few inches because you had to sit together at the stool.

"So.. what're we gonna play?" he asked, glancing at you.

You sat beside him, your halfbutt not touching the chair. You would do anything to not be so near him. "Uh.. anything." you said.

"Hmm... how about we play a classic?" he said and took your classic pieces book. "May i?" he said and you nodded, not daring to even breathe too much beside him.

You watched him flip through the pages then he looked at you just as you exhaled a bit of the breath you were holding. 

"Why're you holding your breath?" he asked, clearly amused as he his lips again.

"Why do you notice everything?" you snapped, turning the other way to hide your flushed face.

"Why are you blushing?" he said, now laughing soundlessly.

"Why do you care?" you said.

"Why aren't you answering me directly?" he countered, lightly touching your shoulder blades. 

You bolted up. "Why are you touching me?!" you said, facing him and glaring.

"What have I done to make you so... defensive?"

"I'm not!" you said and then caught yourself.

"Am I like your repellant or something?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Well, clearly not because you're just beside me." you said, almost hyperventilating.

"Then why do I feel like you're too stiff around me?"

"I don't know you." you said.

"And I, you, but we can." he said and held both your shoulders now. "Hey. breathe." he instructed and you followed him. 

When you were breathing almost normally again, he looked at you closely and still held your shoulders. "I want to know you, Nyssa." he said. "If you'll let me."

"That's not exactly my choice." you said.

"Actually, it is." he said and let go of you, facing the piano again. He touched the keys. "People like you... cannot just be observed from the outside, I know that much." 

"Why do you want to know me?" you asked.

"Because you seem like a great person to be liked by." he said and pressed the keys lightly, playing a beautiful song. "You're intriguing." he mumbled.

"You too." you mumbled back and played an octave higher.

"What do we have here? A beautiful piece that is, my dear. 4 hands, huh?" Mr. Lee said, a senior member of your church. He was always early.

You and Sehun both stopped. "Yes.Thank you, Mr. Lee." you smiled and glanced at Sehun, who smiled too.

"You kids are getting better by the minute." he smiled and loosened his tie. "Well, i'll leave you off then. I need fresh air." he said and walked away.

"He's a nice old man." you said, after Mr. Lee was gone.

Sehun nodded. "I know. He was my sunday school teacher."

"Really?" you said, raising your eyebrows a bit. "You're from here?"

"I was." he said and smiled a signature smile. "See? I can make people curious too." he said.

"Whoever said you couldn't?" you said and turned back to the piano.

"So.. is it a deal, then?" he asked.

"What is?" you asked, looking at him again.

"We'll know each other." he said.

"Sure." you said. "Maybe you'll get to understand me better than I understand myself."

Sehun laughed.

A few minutes later, people started to fill out the empty chairs and when Sehun's family was there, he excused himself and sat with his family. The service started and after a few hours, it was lunch time.

The other musicians called you to join their table so you did. You weren't really close with all of them but they tried to be really nice to you and you smiled and talked to them a bit. The only problem was, you kinda seemed to get bored after a few minutes of listening to them talk about how to play this song or that song or simply if they've read this manga.

You subtly glanced around, trying to look for a reason to get away.

Then Sehun was there. Waving at you and gesturing for you to come to him.

"umm, i'm just gonna go there if you guys don't mind." you said, pushing your chair back.

"Oh, um, okay, Nyssa." they said a bit awkwardly.

You really didn't care so you made your way to the playground to where Sehun was. "What're you doing here?" you asked him.

"Well. Kids make me happy and i'd hate to see them fall." he said, helping a kid get to the swing.

"Oh." you said, smiling.

"Yeah." he said and caught a kid from sliding on the slide.

"Are you, by chance, doing this to--"

"Impress you?" he asked, glancing up at you with twinkling eyes. 

You shrugged. "I just thought maybe--"

He stood up and glanced at you again. "Maybe."

"Right. Cut me off again, why don't you?" you said, rolling your eyes.

He nudged you softly. "See? We're pretty close already."

You laughed as he his lips again.

"How 'bout you? You like kids?" he asked casually.

"Yeah. Love 'em." you said.

He his lips again. "So is that your weird manerism?" you asked, gesturing at his lip- thing.

He scoffed. "Excuse me, but I happen to think it's cute. And i've got a dozen girls to prove it."

"Just a dozen?" you teased.

"Well, i'll have 13 if you admit that what you're really thinking is it's cute." he said.

"You're pretty confident, aren't you?"

"Not really." he said, ruffling a kid's hair. "But i'd like you to see this teasy me."

"You've got a serious you?" you teased again.

"Well are you usually this teasy too?" he asked.

"No." you realized even as you said it. "I'm not."

He nodded and smiled you an eyesmile. 

"Nyssa, dear, time to go." your parents called out to you from your car.

Sehun cleared his throat and gestured to the direction of your parent's car. "See you when I see you." he winked.

"Yeah." you laughed and made your way to the car.

"Well that guy from the playground looked nice." Jen said once you were inside the car.

"Yeah." you said.

"But Kai oppa looks nicer." Min laughed innocently.

You looked back at the playground but Sehun wasn't there anymore and another guy took his place. You tried to look for him in the crowd but the car started to move and you didn't get to spot him anymore.



Hope you guys like this chapter. ^^ <3

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Chapter 5: this is really intriguing me~sehun disappears easiiiiiiiiiiily, i wonder why,,
Chapter 4: Waaa~more sehun plssssssssss hahaa
exotic02 #3
Chapter 3: UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE !! Lawlzzz xd
greenlove #4
Chapter 3: update soon!
exotic02 #5
Chapter 2: i agree - rookieninja's comment

di boring ha. INfairness xd icontinue mo nga bukas.. please... ang cute cTe nng story xd
rookieninja #6
Chapter 2: haha. omg. so many unfamiliar words xDD
I know Kai is too cool to ask someone out xD
Girls would be the one doing it for him xD
exotic02 #7
Chapter 1: ommmagooooooddangggganda
exotic02 #8
who's kai?
shaleen or janne? XD
rookieninja #9
Chapter 1: uiikawahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhinlvretoayxdddddddddyouaresooooocaughthalasiyahalatansmannasiyumipyuroposestdivabhdufnyahahahagags spazzzzzzzzzz