What Lies Behind Those Lies...


Fate works in mysterious ways. There are really no coincidence in life…




Kwangmin was standing right in front of his porch without any attempt to enter the house.  He knew that even if he knocks the door, no one will come to open it since his parents are still at their working place and Youngmin is still rocking out of the world that only god-knows-where. He just stood up there like a chinesse doll, doing nothing other than staring at the door while holding the knob even though he actually have the key. He just don’t feel like entering his house yet.

Not knowing what to do, he let out a long sigh before walking away from the porch, headed to the gate. He then lock the it and walk through the sidewalk.


“If you’re here, I will never be this bored. Yoojin-ah. What are you doing now? Are you really that happy with Minwoo until you didn’t even want to call me at all?” He whispered to himself.


He know the fact that Yoojin leaves him for his own bestfriend, Minwoo and that fact ripped his heart into small pieces. But even so, he still refused to move on and forget about him. It is because there’s still a part of his heart that said, Yoojin is actually still love him more than anything in this world. It is crazy. Yes it is. Especially with the stake that she herself admitted that she loves Minwoo more. But he still refused to believe her words.

‘Ice cream..’ he said as he passed through an Ice-cream shop that they used to go together.




“Oppa! Look at you! So dirty!” Yoojin laughs while pointing to the corner of Kwangmin’s lips.

“Oppa is dirty simply because Yoojin forced him to eat this Ice-cream with her!” Kwangmin sulked playfully.

“Aigoo. So childish.” She chuckles.

“Yoojin-ah. You ate too fast. Don’t you get brainfreezed?” Kwangmin asked.

“Nay~ Because my brain strong.” She winked.

“Yahh!” Kwangmin pouted.


End of Flashback…


“You know.. If I am you, I would’ve find the answer while I still have a chance.” The same voice from his dream yesterday was heard once again.

“Wait! W-WhaT?!” He looked around.


There’s a man in black clothing who’s leaning his back against the tree while crossing his arms said to him. He looks like a mafia. Especially when he tapped his feet to the ground and smirked like that. Kwangmin stared at him with a somewhat annoyed looks.


“Who are you?” He asked in an annoyed tone.

“Me? Don’t you know that I’m just a stranger..” The man answered sarcastically.

“Ahh… so funny.” He glared half-heartedly.

“Kid, I really don’t understand you. You said you believe that she still love you, but you never tried to find out that it is real or not. You said you want to know the real reason on why she chose your friend over you, but you never tried to find the answer. Just what kind of human are you?” He asked mockingly.

“I don’t know myself either.” Kwangmin’s eyes glued to the ground. Signing that he don’t know what to say.

“This isn’t the play of truth or dare, kid. This is life.  Real life. Wanting her to tell without even asking her is totally stupid.” The man shot a look into his eyes.

“But I don’t even know where she is!” Kwangmin fight back.

“Yes, you don’t. And that is simply because you never tried to find out. You don’t know anything about her. What a good boyfriend you are.” The man smirked.

“I don’t know anything…?” Kwangmin repeat the word.

“Come on, kid. Grow some balls and be a man. Use your brain. Ask your heart.” The man said. With that, he disappeared.

“Stop calling me ki---!!!” He looked around but the man is no longer in sight.


“What the hell!” Kwangmin groaned.


‘He’s creepy and a total freak, but his words are right. Answer… The truth… is that really what I seeks for? Why would I need an answer? Why would I need to know the truth? To break my heart more than it already is? But on top of all, from who should I ask about the real story behinds all this?’


He pondered at the same spot for a quite long time before throwing his looks off the ground and look at the sky. The sun is almost disappeared signing that night will greet Korea in no time. Kwangmin let out a long sigh then slapping his flawless cheek. His motive? Maybe he’s trying to make some sense or something..?


“Okay. That’s it. Before I turn into a total freak just like that creepy guy, I better go back home now. It’s almost dark.” I shakes my head then starts walking.



“Oppa is dirty simply because Yoojin forced him to eat this Ice-cream with her!” Kwangmin sulked playfully.

“Aigoo. So childish.” I chuckled.

“Yoojin-ah. You ate too fast. Don’t you get brain freeze?” Kwangmin asked me in a curious tone.

“Nay~ Because my brain strong.” I winked.

“Yahh!” Kwangmin pouted cutely.


Oppa… I don’t get brain freeze because I have no time to worried about it. I am already dying…  And also, this… will be the very last lie you’ll ever heard from me again….




The end? No. Not yet XD

I just want to tease you guys a bit :P

For some reason, the chapter is getting shorter, eh? But just wait, the last chapter will be the longest chapter in this story 8) Haha!!

Btw, my dongsaeng said this story is like the longer and better version of my previous one-shot. The one titled ‘Memoirs Of A Picture’.

I was like ‘jinja? O.O’ Then I go re-read that one-shot and was like ‘Omg! It’s true XD!’

Just that, the situation is reversed with some changes in the storyline and ending :D

So, I hope you like this one better ^___^v

Do leave a comment, okay? It is my biggest motivation! XD

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Please read my new story ^___^ I'll love you forever ^__^


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JaziMoon #1
Chapter 5: Aww....I cried...
Chapter 5: omg. this. story. is. so. aaaa~wesome! ... i feel pain too... ;____;
thank you for this wonderfull story, author-nim!
Chapter 2: i don't know how it feels to lie to you're boyfriend coz i never had one but this made me feel so hurt and it really broke my little heart... how can kwangmin did not get it for the second time..??

really nice authornim~~
crissue #4
Chapter 5: I'll upvote for you! ^^
crissue #5
Chapter 5: My heart aches when reading this but tears decided not to fall. hohoho! Imma tough cookies! :D
Your language had improved from the last time i read yours. You really a fast learner! Hope you'll made another good one one-shot! but, please don't make angst :(
Chapter 5: aaawwwwhhhhh... i cried....T_T..... it's so beautiful author nim.... i really love it.......
Chapter 5: Waaaa your story is so much awesome i love it and my eyes are filled with stupid tears while i'm writing this and my heart beat can't stop thumping up and down because of this story i feel like all of this is a true story happend to some special people who is chosen by God only to make their life better after they relise it ;)
Oh and i almost forgot your story is so freaking awesome and your writing had touched my heart
Thumps Up For You Author-nim :)
Chapter 5: OMG I cried. How could you??? This is too sad T.T
danidaniouo #9
Chapter 5: ._.b congrats on succeeding on making me cry ;n; </3 such a sad story