Another Orange Guy

You're My LOVE


                  From one company to another, but the answer that she get was still the same. Most of the employer wants an experienced worker instead of a fresh graduate. She had let out thousands of sighs. But I won’t give up! FIGHTING!

                  Halmeoni? Naeun still remembered when she went back to her old house yesterday. Her grandmother was clearly shocked, and Naeun said that her company did not want to send their workers outside from the town anymore. Luckily, her grandma did not ask any further.

                   Naeun looked at her watch. It just 11am. Suddenly she remembered that she needs to go and visit Mrs Ahn every Saturday and Sunday. Before she went out from the villa yesterday, both Naeun and Jaehyo signed a new agreement. The content was still the same as before, the only difference was about she staying in the villa and changed to ‘COMPULSORY TO VISIT JAEHYO’S MOM EVERY WEEKEND a.k.a SATURDAY AND SUNDAY’. I can’t believe it. Next week I’m gonna be someone’s fiancé.

                   Naeun could still remembered the moment when she met Jaehyo. Because of an orange, she get involved in this unreasonable game. She quickly went to the fruit stall by the street. Naeun took five oranges and put it into the plastic bag before went to the payment counter.

“Agasshi, you take two more oranges, I’ll give it for free.” said the stall’s owner.

“Eh, jjinja? Oh, kamsahamnida ahjusshi. Wow, you’re so kind-hearted,” said Naeun while lightly ran towards the oranges to take two more of them.

“It’s not a big deal. I see your sad face, smile a bit. You’ll look more beautiful when you smile,” teased the stall’s owner after Naeun came back to the counter.

                Naeun’s heart was touched when she heard what the stall’s owner said before. Is it that obvious on my face? Quickly, Naeun gave a plain smile to the stall’s owner.

“People said, a smile is like the flower petals. While laugh is like a perfectly blooming flower,” said the stall’s owner before Naeun went away from the stall.

                Naeun was humming a song to chase away her worries. She wanted to cross the road to catch a bus. The light turned green for the pedestrians. After the light turned green, Naeun started to cross when she heard a loud engine noise. Hurriedly, she turned to left. A big motorcycle was rushing towards her. Oh my god!!

“Watch out!” a voice shouted.

                Naeun felt her hand was pulled backward. The orange-contained plastic was slacken off form her hand. They rolled on the road and few of the oranges was crashing due to that motorcycle. Naeun was so shocked when she saw the oranges. My money… Without Naeun realized, she was into someone’s embraced.

“Miss? Miss are you okay? Miss?”

                Naeun was brought back to reality when that voice asked her. Naeun raised her face. A guy with sunglasses was gazing at her. That guy’s face was milky white and a little bit reddish. Maybe because of the hot weather. He had a black-brownish hair and a sharp fine nose. Oh, is he an idol star or a model?


“Ah, sorry…” said Naeun while instantly get off from that guy’s embraced.

“Miss, are you okay?”

“Yes, gwaen… gwaenchanayo. Kam… kam… kamsahamnida,” replied Naeun, a bit stuttered.

                Naeun could felt that the handsome guy was staring at her face, she looked down. Felt a little bit embarrassed. That guy knelt down, picked a few oranges that were still edible. Naeun just looked without saying any word. Still traumatized with what just happened earlier.

“Kids nowadays… don’t they know rules? Next time, please be careful when you want to cross the road,” said the guy who was wearing a checker shirt and black jeans while he handed the plastic back to Naeun.

                Slowly Naeun accept that plastic from his hand. He carved a smile and made Naeun’s heart felt something weird. A moment ago, she felt she was unable to breath. But at this moment, she felt like jumping over the moon and floating on the clouds. What is wrong with me? “Kamsahamnida.”

“You’re welcome. Next time, please be careful alright,” replied that guy before he left. But he turned back when he heard Naeun called for him.


                That guy just smiled when he saw Naeun gave out an orange to him. He accepted it with a smile that showed his dimples.

“Kamsahamnida,” said that guy and winked at her after he took off his sunglass.

                Naeun went back to the traffic light for pedestrians. She counted the remaining oranges. There’s still four left. Suddenly she smiled. It already been two times she got involved in an incident related to orange. Will she met her prince charming? And the orange be their love cupid?



                Finally, Naeun arrived at Jaehyo’s house safely. The  maid came towards her to open the door.  Naeun gave her a bow of respect. Mrs Ahn Yumi who was knitted something at that time, clearly surprised when she saw her soon-to-be daughter in-law’s figure. She got up from her seat and hugged Naeun.

“Have a sit… why you didn’t tell me you wanna come here. I can ask Jaehyo to pick you up,” said Mrs Ahn Yumi.

“Gwaenchannayeo eomeoni. It is not that far. I already used to go anywhere by bus.”

“Eomeoni, Jaehyo didn’t come home for lunch?” continued Naeun.

“Not today. He said he got an appointment with the client. Eh, what did you bring?” asked Mrs Ahn as soon as she saw a plastic bag beside Naeun.

“Oranges, eomeoni. I wanna give it to Jaehyo. He really loves oranges,” said Naeun.

                Ah, I don’t know whether it is true or not if he really likes orange. Her actual reason is because she wanted to pay back for the  damaged oranges when they first met. Both of the ladies talked for a while and sharing stories.

                Mrs Ahn was no longer as stern as before. Maybe she could already Naeun in their lives. Now, she treated Naeun as her real daughter in law.

                The engine sound entering the garage caugh Naeun and Mrs Ahn attention. Later, the maid came to Mrs Ahn with a bitter face. She whispered something into her ear. Suddenly, Mrs Ahn face turned bright. She quickly got up and make way to the front door.

“Miseon ahjumma, what’s wrong?” asked Naeun curiously.

“Someone is coming,” said the maid briefly.

                Naeun wondered who is coming. Naeun wanted to ask more to the maid but Mrs Ahn already came to the living room with a girl in a pink blouse. She looked so elegant.

“Naeun, I introduce to you. This is Krystal Jung who just came back from the States,” said Mrs Ahn warmly.

                Krystal? Hah! Jaehyo’s cousin! Naeun quickly covered as soon as she realized that this girl in front of her is the one that Jaehyo should marry.

“What’s wrong Naeun? Shock?” asked Mrs Ahn.

                Naeun became a bit embarrassed.

“Hai, I’m Krystal Jung. You can call me Krystal. And you?” greeted the lady.

“This is Naeun, Jaehyo soon-to-be fiancé,” said Mrs Ahn when she realized that Naeun did not reply Krystal’s greeting.

“Ah, so… sorry. I’m Naeun.” Said Naeun after she came back into the reality.

“Nauen, have a nice conversation with Krystal. Eomeoni wants to go the kitchen for a while,” said Mrs Ahn.

                After Mrs Ahn disappeared, Naeun felt uncomfortable. Not used to confront with the people that she is not used to.

“I heard from aunty about your engagement. Congrats!” uttered Krystal first.

“Hah? Err… thanks,” said Naeun.

“How lucky Jaehyo is to get a beautiful girlfriend like you.”

“Err…no. I don’t think I’m that pretty, Miss Jung.”

“Eh, you don’t have to call me Miss, Krystal would be fine. You’re four years apart from Jaehyo right?” said Krystal.

                Naeun nodded. This girl in front of me that should take my position. Jaehyo refused to marry Krystal. I don’t see anything wrong with her. Or is it because they are cousins, so he don’t want to stay above the line? Ah, that guy is too hard to guess his heart.

“Oh, then we are the same age. I’m just worried that you’re older than him.”

                Naeun just smiled. Yah! Do I seem that old to be called a noona?

“Sorry for asking, how long have you known Jaehyo? How did you know him?”

“Errr… actually it is not that long. We knew each other in university. He’s my senior,” replied Naeun. Still remembered the answer that Jaehyo told his mom.

“Oh, I see… since I went to abroad three years ago, I rarely heard any news about Jaehyo. Although before this we were quite close. But started to drift apart when I wanted to pursue my study in law while he was in human resource. By the way, Naeun what are you doing right now?”

“I open a book store,” answered Naeun, short.

“Jeongmal? Wow, so you’re a business woman. Later, I can come over to your place. Where is the area?”

                Ah, I’m a dead meat. What to answer to her Son Naeun……

“Actually, I just planned to open it. Before this I work with my father in a tourism company. Eh, before this you said that you’re close with Jaehyo. Don’t you tell him that you are back?” Naeun tried to change the topic.

                Krystal shook her head. And then, she let out a small sigh. Suddenly, she burst into laugh. Naeun was confused.

“Sorry, sorry… your question just now really funny. Jaehyo doesn’t even care if I told him that I’m back or not. He doesn’t want to hurt me.”

                Naeun creased her eyebrows. She totally had no idea what was Krystal talking about.

“It is just an old story, Naeun. Before I went to United States, I had confessed my feelings to him. I gave him a week and finally my feelings got rejected. Jaehyo said that we’re not compatible to be together and I am just like his sister towards him. It was a heartbreak when someone that we really like rejected our feeling. Actually, if he accepted my feeling that time, maybe I wouldn’t go to States. But when I got rejected, it can be considered that I just took away my pain with me so that I can forgot him.” Krystal’s long explanation made Naeun speechless.

“So, now you have completely forgotten about him?” Naeun did not know why that question suddenly came out from .

                Krystal just carved a smile. A smile that could not be interpret by Naeun.

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 25: Wow!!! It's so good and exciting read. I really appreciate the author who wrote this❤️❤️❤️
Son naeun ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
chocolakay #2
Chapter 27: aww son najaehyo... so sweet!
Chapter 27: I can't believe it ended :(
Chapter 26: Aww so sweet >.<
Chapter 25: <3 <3 Love never dies <3 *tear tear*
Chapter 24: yea jaehyo, way to go baby~ go tell naeun~ (≧▽≦)/
Chapter 24: Finally!! Jaehyo go, find her!!!
Chapter 24: update soon :D
Chapter 24: Naeun....please come back <3