
You're My LOVE


“You look pretty today,” said Jaehyo.

                Naeun shyly smiled. She wore a pink dress and just let her hair untied.

“Is it a praise or a joke?” asked Naeun.

“It’s up to you. Okay, now I want to tell you about my family. Starting from tomorrow, you’ll be living with my family as my fake fiancé.”

              Naeun nodded her head. Last night she had agreed to get involved in Jaehyo’s plan.

“My family consist of four. Appa, eomma, hyung and me. In my house there’s a maid named Miseon and a driver for my appa plus gardener named Baekhwan. Just call them ahjumma and ahjusshi.

                Wow, I knew it! That this Jaehyo is a rich guy. No wonder he can easily gave me that money.

“My appa is a simple man. Hyung? He just live in his own world. In his head, there’s only one thing – WORK! So, he doesn’t really bothered others. The one that you need to handle is my eomma,” continued Jaehyo.

“Oh, wae?”

“My mom is a little bit fussy. She’s a perfectionist. Even my hyung and I wife candidate also she wants it to be overall perfect.

“Then, why do you chose me? If your mom ask me about my job, then how I can answer her?” asked Naeun who was a little bit worried.

“Okay, you just said that you open a book store. Your mom and dad are staying abroad because they have their business there. Can you?”

                Naeun slowly nodded her head.

“By the way, what are your parents real job actually?”

                Naeun’s face started to turn gloomy. Her eyes started to turn teary.

“They had passed away since I was seven,” told Naeun with a slow tone.

“Emmm… sorry. I don’t know about it.”

“It’s okay, I’m already used to it. So, when can I moved to your house?”

“Right now.”

               Naeun and Jaehyo walked towards his car. Naeun opened the door and sat at the back. Jaehyo creased his forehead when he saw that. Then, he knocked the car’s window.

“What is it?” asked her clueless.

“Miss Son Naeun… why don’t you sit at the front. If people see us, they would thought I’m a driver. This handsome face is not suitable to be a driver. You know right?”

                Naeun face started to turn to tomato red. She quickly went out from the car and sat at the front.

“Satisfied?” asked Naeun to Jaehyo the moment he went inside the car.

                Jaehyo just grinned. He started the engine and drove off to the destination.

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 25: Wow!!! It's so good and exciting read. I really appreciate the author who wrote this❤️❤️❤️
Son naeun ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
chocolakay #2
Chapter 27: aww son najaehyo... so sweet!
Chapter 27: I can't believe it ended :(
Chapter 26: Aww so sweet >.<
Chapter 25: <3 <3 Love never dies <3 *tear tear*
Chapter 24: yea jaehyo, way to go baby~ go tell naeun~ (≧▽≦)/
Chapter 24: Finally!! Jaehyo go, find her!!!
Chapter 24: update soon :D
Chapter 24: Naeun....please come back <3