The End

You're My LOVE

               The cherry blossom leaves started to fall on the ground. Those petals looked like snows but have some sort of pinkish colour to its. Few petals fell on Jaehyo’s head and Naeun brushed them away with her hand. A smile was plastered  on Jaehyo’s lips and swiftly he pulled that girl into his embrace.

                A year had already passed and now they are already a husband and a wife. Besides, Naeun was pregnant their first child! She was thankful to God. All the hardship that they had to go through, finally brought them back togather.

“Ouch…!” Naeun suddenly touched her stomach.

“Why? What’s wrong?” asked Jaehyo, worried.

“He kicked me a while ago,” said Naeun with a smile.

“Hmm… excited to get out maybe.”

“Hey, there’s still two months left.” Naeun reminded her husband.

“Or maybe the baby jealous because his father hugged his mom?” teased Jaehyo while he rubbed Naeun’s stomach slowly.

                Naeun just laughed.

“What do you want to name this baby later?” asked Jaehyo.

“I didn’t really care. As long as the name brings a good meaning to him.”

“If you say so, then I’ve already planned for the baby’s name. I would like him to be named as Ahn Daehyun.”

“Ahn Daehyun… Huh? What was that supposed to mean?”

“Daehyun means great and honor. When he grow up, I want him to be the best man out of the best,” explained Jaehyo.

“Orange! Oranges!”

                Jaehyo and Naeun were flustered. They looked from where was the voice came. Finally, their eyes were set on a little girl with a basket on her left arm.

“Wait!!!” called Jaehyo, and attracted the girls attention.

“Ahjusshi, do you want to buy these oranges? They are sweet!” said that little girl wore a floral yellow skirt.

“May I know, how old are you right now?” asked Jaehyo.

“I am nine years old.”

“Where do you get all those oranges?”

“My mom opened a fruit stall and I am only helping her,” answered that little girl.

“Then, pack all these oranges for me please,” said Jaehyo.

“Eh? Ahjusshi, are you serious?”

                Naeun carved a smile while she nodded at her husband. My husband and his craziness towards the orange. An undeniable love!

                Jaehyo opened his wallet. He gave that girl a $50.

“But I don’t have any change to give back to you.”

“No, it’s okay. Just take this money for your pocket money.”

                That little girl thanks Jaehyo with a big smile plastered on her face. She walked away with a happy heart.

“May our future son will bring happiness to other people too,” said Naeun.

“Do you want these oranges?” asked Jaehyo while he handed an orange to Naeun from the plastic bag.

“But before that do you know what does orange means to me?” asked Jaehyo again.

“Hmm… let me think first. Maybe… our symbol of love?” said Naeun and made Jaehyo chuckled. He gave a hug to his beloved wife.



                The announcement for flight to Spain could be heard throughout the speaker. Krystal hurriedly stood up and grabbed her luggage. Myungsoo, who sat beside her also got up. He carved a smile.

“Is the wound in your heart still not cure?” teased Myungsoo.

                Krystal chuckled a bit. What Jaehyo said to her was a fact after all. Love is totally complicated. Only a true love will has a happy ending. But, her heart is still not fully recovered. Besides, she missed Spain badly. Calm and peaceful. Who knows, maybe I will find someone at there to heal this wound heart.

“Take care of yourself. Don’t stay too long in Spain. There’s someone here who is always missing you,” teased Myungsoo again.

“Stop teasing me, okay. Who else going to miss me except from you, right? Okay, don’t forget to inform me anything about Jaehyo. I pray for his happiness,” replied Krystal.

“Okay. No worries! Oh, yes… if you find any interesting girl in Spain, please do recommend her to me.”

“Ehem, have your taste changing? What? Is there no other any Korean girl that could steal your heart away?”

“There is one, but she’s already got stolen by someone else. Maybe a Spanish girl could open my heart. Or maybe the girl in front of me has already opened my heart, but she’s still in love with someone else,” said Myungsoo in a playful tone.

“Yeah, right….” Replied Krystal in a sarcastic way. “Oh, I have to go now. Till we meet again! Send my regards to everyone else!”

                Before Krystal walked away, Myungsoo brought her into his embrace. Krystal who seemed shocked with his action, then slowly gave him a hug.

“Don’t fall in love with the wrong person again. And I wanna tell you a secret. If you ever want a shoulder to cry, there’s always someone here who would like to be your shoulder.” He gave her a wink.

                Myungsoo let Krystal go when he heard the second announcement been made. Krystal waved a goodbye before she passed the immigration. Myungsoo looked at Krystal who seemed to fade away from his sight. After that, he let out a sigh.

“I guess I really have no luck in a love relationship."


                A happy ending. Who knows, because of an orange, a girl had found her love and her soul mate. Although they faced a lot of hardship, but with patience and endurance, all the mess are already being cleaned up. The shatter pieces are back together again. But the most important is, love does not mean we have to own him or her. Never let the second chance slip away because it doesn’t come often in our life.

                May this love story had left something like sweet and sour in my readers’ heart. Just like how sweet and sour the orange is! Who knows, maybe one of you will find your true love because of a fruit?



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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 25: Wow!!! It's so good and exciting read. I really appreciate the author who wrote this❤️❤️❤️
Son naeun ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
chocolakay #2
Chapter 27: aww son najaehyo... so sweet!
Chapter 27: I can't believe it ended :(
Chapter 26: Aww so sweet >.<
Chapter 25: <3 <3 Love never dies <3 *tear tear*
Chapter 24: yea jaehyo, way to go baby~ go tell naeun~ (≧▽≦)/
Chapter 24: Finally!! Jaehyo go, find her!!!
Chapter 24: update soon :D
Chapter 24: Naeun....please come back <3